Current configuration


General configuration values

This name will identify this device in your network (http://<hostname>.local). For this setting to take effect you should restart the wifi interface clicking the "Reconnect" button.
Here you can define what will be the status of the relay after a reboot.


You can configure up to 3 different WiFi networks. The device will try to connect in order of signal strength.

First network
Second network
Third network


Configure an MQTT broker in your network and you will be able to change the switch status via an MQTT message. Leave the server field empty to disable MQTT.

Send a 0 or a 1 as a payload to the provided topic below to switch it on or off. You can also send a 2 to toggle its current state. The switch will also report its current open/close status to the same topic and its IP address, hertbeat, firmware version and file system version to the topic you define plus "/ip", "/heartbeat", "/version" and "/fsversion" respectively.


Configure your power monitor variables.

This is your house nominal voltage, you probably know this or you wont be playing with this device...
This is the value in amps for a 1V output for your sensor. Some current sensors like the YHDC SCT-013-030 have it written in the enclosure: 30A 1V. If you are using a current sensor that outputs a current (no built in burden resistor) it will depend on the turns ratio between the primary and secondary coils in the sensor and the burden resistor you use. Check about this constant in the post about calibration in the Open Energy Monitor site.