/* WEBSOCKET MODULE Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by Xose PĂ©rez */ #if WEB_SUPPORT #include #include #include #include #include #include "libs/WebSocketIncommingBuffer.h" AsyncWebSocket _ws("/ws"); Ticker _web_defer; std::vector _ws_on_send_callbacks; std::vector _ws_on_action_callbacks; std::vector _ws_on_after_parse_callbacks; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if MQTT_SUPPORT void _wsMQTTCallback(unsigned int type, const char * topic, const char * payload) { if (type == MQTT_CONNECT_EVENT) wsSend_P(PSTR("{\"mqttStatus\": true}")); if (type == MQTT_DISCONNECT_EVENT) wsSend_P(PSTR("{\"mqttStatus\": false}")); } #endif void _wsParse(AsyncWebSocketClient *client, uint8_t * payload, size_t length) { //DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] Parsing: %s\n"), length ? (char*) payload : ""); // Get client ID uint32_t client_id = client->id(); // Parse JSON input DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject((char *) payload); if (!root.success()) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] Error parsing data\n")); wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"message\": 3}")); return; } // Check actions ----------------------------------------------------------- if (root.containsKey("action")) { String action = root["action"]; JsonObject& data = root.containsKey("data") ? root["data"] : jsonBuffer.createObject(); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] Requested action: %s\n"), action.c_str()); // Callbacks for (unsigned char i = 0; i < _ws_on_action_callbacks.size(); i++) { (_ws_on_action_callbacks[i])(action.c_str(), data); } if (action.equals("reboot")) deferredReset(100, CUSTOM_RESET_WEB); if (action.equals("reconnect")) _web_defer.once_ms(100, wifiDisconnect); if (action.equals("restore")) { if (!data.containsKey("app") || (data["app"] != APP_NAME)) { wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"message\": 4}")); return; } for (unsigned int i = EEPROM_DATA_END; i < SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE; i++) { EEPROM.write(i, 0xFF); } for (auto element : data) { if (strcmp(element.key, "app") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(element.key, "version") == 0) continue; setSetting(element.key, element.value.as()); } saveSettings(); wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"message\": 5}")); } }; // Check configuration ----------------------------------------------------- if (root.containsKey("config") && root["config"].is()) { JsonArray& config = root["config"]; DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] Parsing configuration data\n")); unsigned char webMode = WEB_MODE_NORMAL; bool save = false; bool changed = false; #if MQTT_SUPPORT bool changedMQTT = false; #endif unsigned int wifiIdx = 0; unsigned int dczRelayIdx = 0; unsigned int mqttGroupIdx = 0; String adminPass; for (unsigned int i=0; i= relayCount()) continue; key = key + String(dczRelayIdx); ++dczRelayIdx; } #else if (key.startsWith("dcz")) continue; #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // MQTT GROUP TOPICS // ----------------------------------------------------------------- #if MQTT_SUPPORT if (key == "mqttGroup") { key = key + String(mqttGroupIdx); } if (key == "mqttGroupInv") { key = key + String(mqttGroupIdx); ++mqttGroupIdx; } #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // WIFI // ----------------------------------------------------------------- if (key == "ssid") { key = key + String(wifiIdx); } if (key == "pass") { key = key + String(wifiIdx); } if (key == "ip") { key = key + String(wifiIdx); } if (key == "gw") { key = key + String(wifiIdx); } if (key == "mask") { key = key + String(wifiIdx); } if (key == "dns") { key = key + String(wifiIdx); ++wifiIdx; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- if (value != getSetting(key)) { setSetting(key, value); save = changed = true; #if MQTT_SUPPORT if (key.startsWith("mqtt")) changedMQTT = true; #endif } } if (webMode == WEB_MODE_NORMAL) { if (wifiClean(wifiIdx)) save = changed = true; } // Save settings if (save) { // Callbacks for (unsigned char i = 0; i < _ws_on_after_parse_callbacks.size(); i++) { (_ws_on_after_parse_callbacks[i])(); } // This should got to callback as well // but first change management has to be in place #if MQTT_SUPPORT if (changedMQTT) { mqttConfigure(); mqttDisconnect(); } #endif // Persist settings saveSettings(); } if (changed) { wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"message\": 8}")); } else { wsSend_P(client_id, PSTR("{\"message\": 9}")); } } } void _wsOnStart(JsonObject& root) { bool changePassword = false; #if WEB_FORCE_PASS_CHANGE String adminPass = getSetting("adminPass", ADMIN_PASS); if (adminPass.equals(ADMIN_PASS)) changePassword = true; #endif if (changePassword) { root["webMode"] = WEB_MODE_PASSWORD; } else { char chipid[7]; snprintf_P(chipid, sizeof(chipid), PSTR("%06X"), ESP.getChipId()); root["webMode"] = WEB_MODE_NORMAL; root["app_name"] = APP_NAME; root["app_version"] = APP_VERSION; root["app_build"] = buildTime(); root["manufacturer"] = MANUFACTURER; root["chipid"] = chipid; root["mac"] = WiFi.macAddress(); root["device"] = DEVICE; root["hostname"] = getSetting("hostname"); root["network"] = getNetwork(); root["deviceip"] = getIP(); root["uptime"] = getUptime(); root["heap"] = getFreeHeap(); root["sketch_size"] = ESP.getSketchSize(); root["free_size"] = ESP.getFreeSketchSpace(); root["btnDelay"] = getSetting("btnDelay", BUTTON_DBLCLICK_DELAY).toInt(); root["webPort"] = getSetting("webPort", WEB_PORT).toInt(); root["tmpUnits"] = getSetting("tmpUnits", SENSOR_TEMPERATURE_UNITS).toInt(); root["tmpCorrection"] = getSetting("tmpCorrection", SENSOR_TEMPERATURE_CORRECTION).toFloat(); } } void _wsStart(uint32_t client_id) { for (unsigned char i = 0; i < _ws_on_send_callbacks.size(); i++) { wsSend(client_id, _ws_on_send_callbacks[i]); } } void _wsEvent(AsyncWebSocket * server, AsyncWebSocketClient * client, AwsEventType type, void * arg, uint8_t *data, size_t len){ if (type == WS_EVT_CONNECT) { IPAddress ip = client->remoteIP(); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] #%u connected, ip: %d.%d.%d.%d, url: %s\n"), client->id(), ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], server->url()); _wsStart(client->id()); client->_tempObject = new WebSocketIncommingBuffer(&_wsParse, true); wifiReconnectCheck(); } else if(type == WS_EVT_DISCONNECT) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] #%u disconnected\n"), client->id()); if (client->_tempObject) { delete (WebSocketIncommingBuffer *) client->_tempObject; } wifiReconnectCheck(); } else if(type == WS_EVT_ERROR) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] #%u error(%u): %s\n"), client->id(), *((uint16_t*)arg), (char*)data); } else if(type == WS_EVT_PONG) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] #%u pong(%u): %s\n"), client->id(), len, len ? (char*) data : ""); } else if(type == WS_EVT_DATA) { //DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[WEBSOCKET] #%u data(%u): %s\n"), client->id(), len, len ? (char*) data : ""); WebSocketIncommingBuffer *buffer = (WebSocketIncommingBuffer *)client->_tempObject; AwsFrameInfo * info = (AwsFrameInfo*)arg; buffer->data_event(client, info, data, len); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Piblic API // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wsConnected() { return (_ws.count() > 0); } void wsOnSendRegister(ws_on_send_callback_f callback) { _ws_on_send_callbacks.push_back(callback); } void wsOnActionRegister(ws_on_action_callback_f callback) { _ws_on_action_callbacks.push_back(callback); } void wsOnAfterParseRegister(ws_on_after_parse_callback_f callback) { _ws_on_after_parse_callbacks.push_back(callback); } void wsSend(ws_on_send_callback_f callback) { if (_ws.count() > 0) { DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); callback(root); String output; root.printTo(output); _ws.textAll((char *) output.c_str()); } } void wsSend(const char * payload) { if (_ws.count() > 0) { _ws.textAll(payload); } } void wsSend_P(PGM_P payload) { if (_ws.count() > 0) { char buffer[strlen_P(payload)]; strcpy_P(buffer, payload); _ws.textAll(buffer); } } void wsSend(uint32_t client_id, ws_on_send_callback_f callback) { DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); callback(root); String output; root.printTo(output); _ws.text(client_id, (char *) output.c_str()); } void wsSend(uint32_t client_id, const char * payload) { _ws.text(client_id, payload); } void wsSend_P(uint32_t client_id, PGM_P payload) { char buffer[strlen_P(payload)]; strcpy_P(buffer, payload); _ws.text(client_id, buffer); } void wsConfigure() { _ws.setAuthentication(WEB_USERNAME, (const char *) getSetting("adminPass", ADMIN_PASS).c_str()); } void wsSetup() { _ws.onEvent(_wsEvent); wsConfigure(); webServer()->addHandler(&_ws); #if MQTT_SUPPORT mqttRegister(_wsMQTTCallback); #endif wsOnSendRegister(_wsOnStart); wsOnAfterParseRegister(wsConfigure); } #endif // WEB_SUPPORT