// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PZEM004T based power monitor // Copyright (C) 2018 by Xose PĂ©rez // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Connection Diagram: // ------------------- // // Needed when connecting multiple PZEM004T devices on the same UART // *You must set the PZEM004T device address prior using this configuration* // // +---------+ // | ESPurna | +VCC // | Node | ^ // | G T R | | // +-+--+--+-+ R (10K) // | | | | // | | +-----------------+---------------+---------------+ // | +-----------------+--|------------+--|------------+ | // +-----------------+--|--|---------+--|--|---------+ | | // | | | | | | | | | // | | V | | V | | V // | | - | | - | | - // +-+--+--+-+ +-+--+--+-+ +-+--+--+-+ // | G R T | | G R T | | G R T | // |PZEM-004T| |PZEM-004T| |PZEM-004T| // | Module | | Module | | Module | // +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ // // Where: // ------ // G = GND // R = ESPurna UART RX // T = ESPurna UART TX // V = Small Signal Schottky Diode, like BAT43, // Cathode to PZEM TX, Anode to Espurna RX // R = Resistor to VCC, 10K // // More Info: // ---------- // See ESPurna Wiki - https://github.com/xoseperez/espurna/wiki/Sensor-PZEM004T // // Reference: // ---------- // UART/TTL-Serial network with single master and multiple slaves: // http://cool-emerald.blogspot.com/2009/10/multidrop-network-for-rs232.html #if SENSOR_SUPPORT && PZEM004T_SUPPORT #pragma once #include "Arduino.h" #include "BaseSensor.h" #include #define PZ_MAGNITUDE_COUNT 4 #define PZ_MAGNITUDE_CURRENT_INDEX 0 #define PZ_MAGNITUDE_VOLTAGE_INDEX 1 #define PZ_MAGNITUDE_POWER_ACTIVE_INDEX 2 #define PZ_MAGNITUDE_ENERGY_INDEX 3 class PZEM004TSensor : public BaseSensor { public: // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public // --------------------------------------------------------------------- PZEM004TSensor(): BaseSensor() { _sensor_id = SENSOR_PZEM004T_ID; } ~PZEM004TSensor() { if (_pzem) delete _pzem; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void setRX(unsigned char pin_rx) { if (_pin_rx == pin_rx) return; _pin_rx = pin_rx; _dirty = true; } void setTX(unsigned char pin_tx) { if (_pin_tx == pin_tx) return; _pin_tx = pin_tx; _dirty = true; } void setSerial(HardwareSerial * serial) { _serial = serial; _dirty = true; } // Set the devices physical addresses managed by this sensor void setAddresses(const char *addresses) { char const * sep = " "; char tokens[strlen(addresses) + 1]; strlcpy(tokens, addresses, sizeof(tokens)); char *address = tokens; int i = 0; address = strtok(address, sep); while (address != 0 && i++ < PZEM004T_MAX_DEVICES) { IPAddress addr; reading_t reading; reading.current = PZEM_ERROR_VALUE; reading.voltage = PZEM_ERROR_VALUE; reading.power = PZEM_ERROR_VALUE; reading.energy = PZEM_ERROR_VALUE; if (addr.fromString(address)) { _devices.push_back(addr); _energy_offsets.push_back(0); _readings.push_back(reading); } address = strtok(0, sep); } _count = _devices.size() * PZ_MAGNITUDE_COUNT; _dirty = true; } // Return the number of devices managed by this sensor unsigned char getAddressesCount() { return _devices.size(); } // Get device physical address based on the device index String getAddress(unsigned char dev) { return _devices[dev].toString(); } // Set the device physical address bool setDeviceAddress(IPAddress *addr) { while(_busy) { yield(); }; _busy = true; bool res = _pzem->setAddress(*addr); _busy = false; return res; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char getRX() { return _pin_rx; } unsigned char getTX() { return _pin_tx; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // If called with value = -1, the offset will be the last energy reading // otherwise, it will be the value provided float resetEnergy(unsigned char dev, float value = -1) { _energy_offsets[dev] = value != -1 ? value : _readings[dev].energy; return _energy_offsets[dev]; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sensor API // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization method, must be idempotent void begin() { if (!_dirty) return; if (_pzem) delete _pzem; if (_serial) { _pzem = new PZEM004T(_serial); } else { _pzem = new PZEM004T(_pin_rx, _pin_tx); } if(_devices.size() == 1) _pzem->setAddress(_devices[0]); _ready = true; _dirty = false; } // Descriptive name of the sensor String description() { char buffer[27]; if (_serial) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "PZEM004T @ HwSerial"); } else { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "PZEM004T @ SwSerial(%u,%u)", _pin_rx, _pin_tx); } return String(buffer); } // Descriptive name of the slot # index String slot(unsigned char index) { int dev = index / PZ_MAGNITUDE_COUNT; char buffer[25]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "(%u/%s)", dev, getAddress(dev).c_str()); return description() + String(buffer); }; // Address of the sensor (it could be the GPIO or I2C address) String address(unsigned char index) { int dev = index / PZ_MAGNITUDE_COUNT; return _devices[dev].toString(); } // Type for slot # index unsigned char type(unsigned char index) { int dev = index / PZ_MAGNITUDE_COUNT; index = index - (dev * PZ_MAGNITUDE_COUNT); if (index == PZ_MAGNITUDE_CURRENT_INDEX) return MAGNITUDE_CURRENT; if (index == PZ_MAGNITUDE_VOLTAGE_INDEX) return MAGNITUDE_VOLTAGE; if (index == PZ_MAGNITUDE_POWER_ACTIVE_INDEX) return MAGNITUDE_POWER_ACTIVE; if (index == PZ_MAGNITUDE_ENERGY_INDEX) return MAGNITUDE_ENERGY; return MAGNITUDE_NONE; } // Current value for slot # index double value(unsigned char index) { int dev = index / PZ_MAGNITUDE_COUNT; index = index - (dev * PZ_MAGNITUDE_COUNT); double response = 0; if (index == PZ_MAGNITUDE_CURRENT_INDEX) response = _readings[dev].current; if (index == PZ_MAGNITUDE_VOLTAGE_INDEX) response = _readings[dev].voltage; if (index == PZ_MAGNITUDE_POWER_ACTIVE_INDEX) response = _readings[dev].power; if (index == PZ_MAGNITUDE_ENERGY_INDEX) response = (_readings[dev].energy * 3600) - _energy_offsets[dev]; if (response < 0) response = 0; return response; } // Post-read hook (usually to reset things) void post() { _error = SENSOR_ERROR_OK; } // Loop-like method, call it in your main loop void tick() { static unsigned char dev = 0; static unsigned char magnitude = 0; static unsigned long last_millis = 0; if (_busy || millis() - last_millis < PZEM004T_READ_INTERVAL) return; _busy = true; // Clear buffer in case of late response(Timeout) if (_serial) { while(_serial->available() > 0) _serial->read(); } else { // This we cannot do it from outside the library } float read; float* readings_p; switch(magnitude) { case PZ_MAGNITUDE_CURRENT_INDEX: read = _pzem->current(_devices[dev]); readings_p = &_readings[dev].current; break; case PZ_MAGNITUDE_VOLTAGE_INDEX: read = _pzem->voltage(_devices[dev]); readings_p = &_readings[dev].voltage; break; case PZ_MAGNITUDE_POWER_ACTIVE_INDEX: read = _pzem->power(_devices[dev]); readings_p = &_readings[dev].power; break; case PZ_MAGNITUDE_ENERGY_INDEX: read = _pzem->energy(_devices[dev]); readings_p = &_readings[dev].energy; break; default: _busy = false; return; } if(read == PZEM_ERROR_VALUE) { _error = SENSOR_ERROR_TIMEOUT; } else { *readings_p = read; } if(++dev == _devices.size()) { dev = 0; last_millis = millis(); if(++magnitude == PZ_MAGNITUDE_COUNT) { magnitude = 0; } } _busy = false; } protected: // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected // --------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int _pin_rx = PZEM004T_RX_PIN; unsigned int _pin_tx = PZEM004T_TX_PIN; bool _busy = false; typedef struct { float voltage; float current; float power; float energy; } reading_t; std::vector _readings; std::vector _energy_offsets; std::vector _devices; HardwareSerial * _serial = NULL; PZEM004T * _pzem = NULL; }; #endif // SENSOR_SUPPORT && PZEM004T_SUPPORT