#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ESPurna module memory analyser # xose.perez@gmail.com # # Based on: # https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/blob/mega/memanalyzer.py # by psy0rz # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SmingHub/Sming/develop/tools/memanalyzer.py # by Slavey Karadzhov # https://github.com/Sermus/ESP8266_memory_analyzer # by Andrey Filimonov # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import re import shlex import sys from collections import OrderedDict from sortedcontainers import SortedDict import subprocess if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): from subprocess import getstatusoutput as getstatusoutput else: from commands import getstatusoutput as getstatusoutput # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL_IRAM = 32786 TOTAL_DRAM = 81920 env = "esp8266-4m-ota" objdump_binary = "xtensa-lx106-elf-objdump" sections = OrderedDict([ ("data", "Initialized Data (RAM)"), ("rodata", "ReadOnly Data (RAM)"), ("bss", "Uninitialized Data (RAM)"), ("text", "Cached Code (IRAM)"), ("irom0_text", "Uncached Code (SPI)") ]) description = "ESPurna Memory Analyzer v0.1" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def file_size(file): try: return os.stat(file).st_size except OSError: return 0 def analyse_memory(elf_file): command = "%s -t '%s'" % (objdump_binary, elf_file) response = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(command)) if isinstance(response, bytes): response = response.decode('utf-8') lines = response.split('\n') # print("{0: >10}|{1: >30}|{2: >12}|{3: >12}|{4: >8}".format("Section", "Description", "Start (hex)", "End (hex)", "Used space")); # print("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); ret = {} for (id_, _) in list(sections.items()): section_start_token = " _%s_start" % id_ section_end_token = " _%s_end" % id_ section_start = -1 section_end = -1 for line in lines: if section_start_token in line: data = line.split(' ') section_start = int(data[0], 16) if section_end_token in line: data = line.split(' ') section_end = int(data[0], 16) if section_start != -1 and section_end != -1: break section_length = section_end - section_start # if i < 3: # usedRAM += section_length # if i == 3: # usedIRAM = TOTAL_IRAM - section_length; ret[id_] = section_length # print("{0: >10}|{1: >30}|{2:12X}|{3:12X}|{4:8}".format(id_, descr, section_start, section_end, section_length)) # i += 1 # print("Total Used RAM : %d" % usedRAM) # print("Free RAM : %d" % (TOTAL_DRAM - usedRAM)) # print("Free IRam : %d" % usedIRAM) return ret def run(env_, modules_): flags = "" for item in modules_.items(): flags += "-D%s_SUPPORT=%d " % item command = "ESPURNA_BOARD=\"WEMOS_D1_MINI_RELAYSHIELD\" ESPURNA_FLAGS=\"%s\" platformio run --silent --environment %s 2>/dev/null" % (flags, env_) subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True) def modules_get(): modules_ = SortedDict() for line in open("espurna/config/arduino.h"): m = re.search(r'(\w*)_SUPPORT', line) if m: modules_[m.group(1)] = 0 del modules_['LLMNR'] del modules_['NETBIOS'] return modules_ try: # Parse command line options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("modules", nargs='*', help="Modules to test (use ALL to test them all)") parser.add_argument("-c", "--core", help="use core as base configuration instead of default", default=0, action='count') parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", help="list available modules", default=0, action='count') args = parser.parse_args() # Hello print() print(description) print() # Check xtensa-lx106-elf-objdump is in the path status, result = getstatusoutput(objdump_binary) if status != 2 and status != 512: print("xtensa-lx106-elf-objdump not found, please check it is in your PATH") sys.exit(1) # Load list of all modules available_modules = modules_get() if args.list > 0: print("List of available modules:\n") for key, value in available_modules.items(): print("* " + key) print() sys.exit(0) # Which modules to test? test_modules = [] if len(args.modules) > 0: if "ALL" in args.modules: test_modules = available_modules.keys() else: test_modules = args.modules # Check test modules exist for module in test_modules: if module not in available_modules: print("Module %s not found" % module) sys.exit(2) # Define base configuration if args.core == 0: modules = SortedDict() for m in test_modules: modules[m] = 0 else: modules = available_modules # Show init message if len(test_modules) > 0: print("Analyzing module(s) %s on top of %s configuration\n" % (", ".join(test_modules), "CORE" if args.core > 0 else "DEFAULT")) else: print("Analyzing %s configuration\n" % ("CORE" if args.core > 0 else "DEFAULT")) output_format = "{:<20}|{:<11}|{:<11}|{:<11}|{:<11}|{:<11}|{:<12}" print(output_format.format( "Module", "Cache IRAM", "Init RAM", "R.O. RAM", "Uninit RAM", "Flash ROM", "Binary size" )) # Build the core without modules to get base memory usage run(env, modules) base = analyse_memory(".pioenvs/%s/firmware.elf" % env) base['size'] = file_size(".pioenvs/%s/firmware.bin" % env) print(output_format.format( "CORE" if args.core == 1 else "DEFAULT", base['text'], base['data'], base['rodata'], base['bss'], base['irom0_text'], base['size'], )) # Test each module results = {} for module in test_modules: modules[module] = 1 run(env, modules) results[module] = analyse_memory(".pioenvs/%s/firmware.elf" % env) results[module]['size'] = file_size(".pioenvs/%s/firmware.bin" % env) modules[module] = 0 print(output_format.format( module, results[module]['text'] - base['text'], results[module]['data'] - base['data'], results[module]['rodata'] - base['rodata'], results[module]['bss'] - base['bss'], results[module]['irom0_text'] - base['irom0_text'], results[module]['size'] - base['size'], )) # Test all modules if len(test_modules) > 0: for module in test_modules: modules[module] = 1 run(env, modules) total = analyse_memory(".pioenvs/%s/firmware.elf" % env) total['size'] = file_size(".pioenvs/%s/firmware.bin" % env) if len(test_modules) > 1: print(output_format.format( "ALL MODULES", total['text'] - base['text'], total['data'] - base['data'], total['rodata'] - base['rodata'], total['bss'] - base['bss'], total['irom0_text'] - base['irom0_text'], total['size'] - base['size'], )) print(output_format.format( "TOTAL", total['text'], total['data'], total['rodata'], total['bss'], total['irom0_text'], total['size'], )) except: raise print("\n")