/* ESPurna Copyright (C) 2016-2018 by Xose PĂ©rez This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config/all.h" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned long _loopDelay = 0; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BOOTING // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void setup() { // Init EEPROM, Serial and SPIFFS hardwareSetup(); // Question system stability #if SYSTEM_CHECK_ENABLED systemCheck(false); #endif // Init persistance and terminal features settingsSetup(); if (getSetting("hostname").length() == 0) { setSetting("hostname", getIdentifier()); } setBoardName(); // Cache loop delay value to speed things (recommended max 250ms) _loopDelay = atol(getSetting("loopDelay", LOOP_DELAY_TIME).c_str()); // Show welcome message and system configuration info(); // Basic modules, will always run wifiSetup(); otaSetup(); #if TELNET_SUPPORT telnetSetup(); #endif // Do not run the next services if system is flagged stable #if SYSTEM_CHECK_ENABLED if (!systemCheck()) return; #endif // Init webserver required before any module that uses API #if WEB_SUPPORT webSetup(); wsSetup(); apiSetup(); #endif #if LIGHT_PROVIDER != LIGHT_PROVIDER_NONE lightSetup(); #endif relaySetup(); buttonSetup(); ledSetup(); #if MQTT_SUPPORT mqttSetup(); #endif #if MDNS_SERVER_SUPPORT mdnsServerSetup(); #endif #if LLMNR_SUPPORT llmnrSetup(); #endif #if NETBIOS_SUPPORT netbiosSetup(); #endif #if SSDP_SUPPORT ssdpSetup(); #endif #if NTP_SUPPORT ntpSetup(); #endif #if I2C_SUPPORT i2cSetup(); #if I2C_CLEAR_BUS i2cClearBus(); #endif i2cScan(); #endif #ifdef ITEAD_SONOFF_RFBRIDGE rfbSetup(); #endif #if ALEXA_SUPPORT alexaSetup(); #endif #if NOFUSS_SUPPORT nofussSetup(); #endif #if INFLUXDB_SUPPORT idbSetup(); #endif #if THINGSPEAK_SUPPORT tspkSetup(); #endif #if RF_SUPPORT rfSetup(); #endif #if IR_SUPPORT irSetup(); #endif #if DOMOTICZ_SUPPORT domoticzSetup(); #endif #if HOMEASSISTANT_SUPPORT haSetup(); #endif #if SENSOR_SUPPORT sensorSetup(); #endif #if SCHEDULER_SUPPORT schSetup(); #endif // 3rd party code hook #if USE_EXTRA extraSetup(); #endif // Prepare configuration for version 2.0 migrate(); saveSettings(); } void loop() { hardwareLoop(); settingsLoop(); wifiLoop(); otaLoop(); #if SYSTEM_CHECK_ENABLED systemCheckLoop(); // Do not run the next services if system is flagged stable if (!systemCheck()) return; #endif #if LIGHT_PROVIDER != LIGHT_PROVIDER_NONE lightLoop(); #endif relayLoop(); buttonLoop(); ledLoop(); #if MQTT_SUPPORT mqttLoop(); #endif #ifdef ITEAD_SONOFF_RFBRIDGE rfbLoop(); #endif #if SSDP_SUPPORT ssdpLoop(); #endif #if NTP_SUPPORT ntpLoop(); #endif #if ALEXA_SUPPORT alexaLoop(); #endif #if NOFUSS_SUPPORT nofussLoop(); #endif #if RF_SUPPORT rfLoop(); #endif #if IR_SUPPORT irLoop(); #endif #if SENSOR_SUPPORT sensorLoop(); #endif #if THINGSPEAK_SUPPORT tspkLoop(); #endif #if SCHEDULER_SUPPORT schLoop(); #endif #if MDNS_CLIENT_SUPPORT mdnsClientLoop(); #endif // 3rd party code hook #if USE_EXTRA extraLoop(); #endif // Power saving delay delay(_loopDelay); }