/* NTP MODULE Based on esp8266 / esp32 configTime and C date and time functions: - https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/master/libraries/esp8266/examples/NTP-TZ-DST/NTP-TZ-DST.ino - https://www.nongnu.org/lwip/2_1_x/group__sntp.html - man 3 ctime Copyright (C) 2019 by Maxim Prokhorov */ #if NTP_SUPPORT && !NTP_LEGACY_SUPPORT #include #include #include static_assert( (SNTP_SERVER_DNS == 1), "lwip must be configured with SNTP_SERVER_DNS" ); #include "config/buildtime.h" #include "debug.h" #include "broker.h" #include "ws.h" #include "ntp.h" // Arduino/esp8266 lwip2 custom functions that can be redefined // Must return time in milliseconds, legacy settings are in seconds. String _ntp_server; uint32_t _ntp_startup_delay = (NTP_START_DELAY * 1000); uint32_t _ntp_update_delay = (NTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL * 1000); uint32_t sntp_startup_delay_MS_rfc_not_less_than_60000() { return _ntp_startup_delay; } uint32_t sntp_update_delay_MS_rfc_not_less_than_15000() { return _ntp_update_delay; } // We also must shim TimeLib functions until everything else is ported. // We can't sometimes avoid TimeLib as dependancy though, which would be really bad static Ticker _ntp_broker_timer; static bool _ntp_synced = false; static time_t _ntp_last = 0; static time_t _ntp_ts = 0; static tm _ntp_tm_local; static tm _ntp_tm_utc; static void _ntpTmCache(time_t ts) { if (_ntp_ts != ts) { _ntp_ts = ts; localtime_r(&_ntp_ts, &_ntp_tm_local); gmtime_r(&_ntp_ts, &_ntp_tm_utc); } } int hour(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_local.tm_hour; } int minute(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_local.tm_min; } int second(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_local.tm_sec; } int day(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_local.tm_mday; } // `tm.tm_wday` range is 0..6, TimeLib is 1..7 int weekday(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_local.tm_wday + 1; } // `tm.tm_mon` range is 0..11, TimeLib range is 1..12 int month(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_local.tm_mon + 1; } int year(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_local.tm_year + 1900; } int utc_hour(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_hour; } int utc_minute(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_min; } int utc_second(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_sec; } int utc_day(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_mday; } int utc_weekday(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_wday + 1; } int utc_month(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_mon + 1; } int utc_year(time_t ts) { _ntpTmCache(ts); return _ntp_tm_utc.tm_year + 1900; } time_t now() { return time(nullptr); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if WEB_SUPPORT bool _ntpWebSocketOnKeyCheck(const char * key, JsonVariant& value) { return (strncmp(key, "ntp", 3) == 0); } void _ntpWebSocketOnVisible(JsonObject& root) { root["ntpVisible"] = 1; root["ntplwipVisible"] = 1; } void _ntpWebSocketOnData(JsonObject& root) { root["ntpStatus"] = ntpSynced(); } void _ntpWebSocketOnConnected(JsonObject& root) { root["ntpServer"] = getSetting("ntpServer", F(NTP_SERVER)); root["ntpTZ"] = getSetting("ntpTZ", NTP_TIMEZONE); } #endif // TODO: mention possibility of multiple servers String _ntpGetServer() { String server; server = sntp_getservername(0); if (!server.length()) { server = IPAddress(sntp_getserver(0)).toString(); } return server; } void _ntpReport() { if (!ntpSynced()) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Not synced\n")); return; } tm utc_tm; tm sync_tm; auto ts = now(); gmtime_r(&ts, &utc_tm); gmtime_r(&_ntp_last, &sync_tm); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Server : %s\n"), _ntp_server.c_str()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Sync Time : %s (UTC)\n"), ntpDateTime(&sync_tm).c_str()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] UTC Time : %s\n"), ntpDateTime(&utc_tm).c_str()); const char* cfg_tz = getenv("TZ"); if ((cfg_tz != nullptr) && (strcmp(cfg_tz, "UTC0") != 0)) { tm local_tm; localtime_r(&ts, &local_tm); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Local Time : %s (%s)\n"), ntpDateTime(&local_tm).c_str(), cfg_tz ); } } void _ntpConfigure() { // Note: TZ_... provided by the Core are already wrapped with PSTR(...) const auto cfg_tz = getSetting("ntpTZ", NTP_TIMEZONE); const char* active_tz = getenv("TZ"); if (cfg_tz != active_tz) { setenv("TZ", cfg_tz.c_str(), 1); tzset(); } const auto cfg_server = getSetting("ntpServer", F(NTP_SERVER)); const auto active_server = _ntpGetServer(); if (cfg_tz != active_tz) { _ntp_server = cfg_server; configTime(cfg_tz.c_str(), _ntp_server.c_str()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Server: %s, TZ: %s\n"), cfg_server.c_str(), cfg_tz.length() ? cfg_tz.c_str() : "UTC0"); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ntpSynced() { return _ntp_synced; } String ntpDateTime(tm* timestruct) { char buffer[20]; snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"), timestruct->tm_year + 1900, timestruct->tm_mon + 1, timestruct->tm_mday, timestruct->tm_hour, timestruct->tm_min, timestruct->tm_sec ); return String(buffer); } String ntpDateTime(time_t ts) { tm timestruct; localtime_r(&ts, ×truct); return ntpDateTime(×truct); } String ntpDateTime() { if (ntpSynced()) { return ntpDateTime(now()); } return String(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if BROKER_SUPPORT // XXX: Nonos docs for some reason mention 100 micros as minimum time. Schedule next second in case this is 0 void _ntpBrokerSchedule(int offset) { _ntp_broker_timer.once_scheduled(offset ?: 1, _ntpBrokerCallback); } void _ntpBrokerCallback() { if (!ntpSynced()) { _ntpBrokerSchedule(60); return; } const auto ts = now(); // current time and formatter string is in local TZ tm local_tm; localtime_r(&ts, &local_tm); int now_hour = local_tm.tm_hour; int now_minute = local_tm.tm_min; static int last_hour = -1; static int last_minute = -1; String datetime; if ((last_minute != now_minute) || (last_hour != now_hour)) { datetime = ntpDateTime(&local_tm); } // notify subscribers about each tick interval (note that both can happen simultaneously) if (last_hour != now_hour) { last_hour = now_hour; NtpBroker::Publish(NtpTick::EveryHour, ts, datetime.c_str()); } if (last_minute != now_minute) { last_minute = now_minute; NtpBroker::Publish(NtpTick::EveryMinute, ts, datetime.c_str()); } // try to autocorrect each invocation _ntpBrokerSchedule(60 - local_tm.tm_sec); } #endif void _ntpSetTimeOfDayCallback() { _ntp_synced = true; _ntp_last = time(nullptr); #if BROKER_SUPPORT static bool once = true; if (once) { schedule_function(_ntpBrokerCallback); once = false; } #endif #if WEB_SUPPORT wsPost(_ntpWebSocketOnData); #endif schedule_function(_ntpReport); } void _ntpSetTimestamp(time_t ts) { timeval tv { ts, 0 }; timezone tz { 0, 0 }; settimeofday(&tv, &tz); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ntpSetup() { // Randomized in time to avoid clogging the server with simultaneous requests from multiple devices // (for example, when multiple devices start up at the same time) const uint32_t startup_delay = getSetting("ntpStartDelay", NTP_START_DELAY); const uint32_t update_delay = getSetting("ntpUpdateIntvl", NTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL); _ntp_startup_delay = secureRandom(startup_delay, startup_delay * 2); _ntp_update_delay = secureRandom(update_delay, update_delay * 2); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Startup delay: %us, Update delay: %us\n"), _ntp_startup_delay, _ntp_update_delay ); _ntp_startup_delay = _ntp_startup_delay * 1000; _ntp_update_delay = _ntp_update_delay * 1000; // start up with some reasonable timestamp already available _ntpSetTimestamp(__UNIX_TIMESTAMP__); // will be called every time after ntp syncs AND loop() finishes settimeofday_cb(_ntpSetTimeOfDayCallback); // generic configuration, always handled espurnaRegisterReload(_ntpConfigure); _ntpConfigure(); // make sure our logic does know about the actual server // in case dhcp sends out ntp settings static WiFiEventHandler on_sta = WiFi.onStationModeGotIP([](WiFiEventStationModeGotIP) { const auto server = _ntpGetServer(); if (sntp_enabled() && (!_ntp_server.length() || (server != _ntp_server))) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] Updating `ntpServer` setting from DHCP: %s\n"), server.c_str()); _ntp_server = server; setSetting("ntpServer", server); } }); // optional functionality #if WEB_SUPPORT wsRegister() .onVisible(_ntpWebSocketOnVisible) .onConnected(_ntpWebSocketOnConnected) .onData(_ntpWebSocketOnData) .onKeyCheck(_ntpWebSocketOnKeyCheck); #endif #if TERMINAL_SUPPORT terminalRegisterCommand(F("NTP"), [](Embedis* e) { _ntpReport(); terminalOK(); }); terminalRegisterCommand(F("NTP.SETTIME"), [](Embedis* e) { if (e->argc != 2) return; _ntp_synced = true; _ntpSetTimestamp(String(e->argv[1]).toInt()); terminalOK(); }); // TODO: // terminalRegisterCommand(F("NTP.SYNC"), [](Embedis* e) { ... } // #endif } #endif // NTP_SUPPORT && !NTP_LEGACY_SUPPORT