// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DHTXX Sensor // Copyright (C) 2017 by Xose PĂ©rez // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if SENSOR_SUPPORT && DHT_SUPPORT #pragma once #include "Arduino.h" #include "BaseSensor.h" #define DHT_MAX_DATA 5 #define DHT_MAX_ERRORS 5 #define DHT_MIN_INTERVAL 2000 #define DHT_CHIP_DHT11 11 #define DHT_CHIP_DHT22 22 #define DHT_CHIP_DHT21 21 #define DHT_CHIP_AM2301 21 class DHTSensor : public BaseSensor { public: // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public // --------------------------------------------------------------------- DHTSensor(): BaseSensor() { _count = 2; _sensor_id = SENSOR_DHTXX_ID; } ~DHTSensor() { if (_previous != 0xFF) gpioReleaseLock(_previous); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void setGPIO(unsigned char gpio) { _gpio = gpio; } void setType(unsigned char type) { _type = type; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char getGPIO() { return _gpio; } unsigned char getType() { return _type; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sensor API // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization method, must be idempotent void begin() { _count = 0; // Manage GPIO lock if (_previous != 0xFF) gpioReleaseLock(_previous); _previous = 0xFF; if (!gpioGetLock(_gpio)) { _error = SENSOR_ERROR_GPIO_USED; return; } _previous = _gpio; _count = 2; } // Pre-read hook (usually to populate registers with up-to-date data) void pre() { _read(); } // Descriptive name of the sensor String description() { char buffer[20]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "DHT%d @ GPIO%d", _type, _gpio); return String(buffer); } // Type for slot # index unsigned char type(unsigned char index) { _error = SENSOR_ERROR_OK; if (index == 0) return MAGNITUDE_TEMPERATURE; if (index == 1) return MAGNITUDE_HUMIDITY; _error = SENSOR_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; return MAGNITUDE_NONE; } // Current value for slot # index double value(unsigned char index) { _error = SENSOR_ERROR_OK; if (index == 0) return _temperature; if (index == 1) return _humidity; _error = SENSOR_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; return 0; } protected: // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void _read() { if ((_last_ok > 0) && (millis() - _last_ok < DHT_MIN_INTERVAL)) { _error = SENSOR_ERROR_OK; return; } unsigned long low = 0; unsigned long high = 0; unsigned char dhtData[DHT_MAX_DATA] = {0}; unsigned char byteInx = 0; unsigned char bitInx = 7; // Send start signal to DHT sensor if (++_errors > DHT_MAX_ERRORS) { _errors = 0; digitalWrite(_gpio, HIGH); delay(250); } pinMode(_gpio, OUTPUT); noInterrupts(); digitalWrite(_gpio, LOW); delayMicroseconds(_type == DHT_CHIP_DHT11 ? 20000 : 500); digitalWrite(_gpio, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(40); pinMode(_gpio, INPUT_PULLUP); delayMicroseconds(10); // No errors, read the 40 data bits for( int k = 0; k < 41; k++ ) { // Starts new data transmission with >50us low signal low = _signal(100, LOW); if (low == 0) { _error = SENSOR_ERROR_TIMEOUT; return; } // Check to see if after >70us rx data is a 0 or a 1 high = _signal(100, HIGH); if (high == 0) { _error = SENSOR_ERROR_TIMEOUT; return; } // Skip the first bit if (k == 0) continue; // add the current read to the output data // since all dhtData array where set to 0 at the start, // only look for "1" (>28us us) if (high > low) dhtData[byteInx] |= (1 << bitInx); // index to next byte if (bitInx == 0) { bitInx = 7; ++byteInx; } else { --bitInx; } } interrupts(); // Verify checksum if (dhtData[4] != ((dhtData[0] + dhtData[1] + dhtData[2] + dhtData[3]) & 0xFF)) { _error = SENSOR_ERROR_CRC; return; } // Get humidity from Data[0] and Data[1] if (_type == DHT_CHIP_DHT11) { _humidity = dhtData[0]; } else { _humidity = dhtData[0] * 256 + dhtData[1]; _humidity /= 10; } // Get temp from Data[2] and Data[3] if (_type == DHT_CHIP_DHT11) { _temperature = dhtData[2]; } else { _temperature = (dhtData[2] & 0x7F) * 256 + dhtData[3]; _temperature /= 10; if (dhtData[2] & 0x80) _temperature *= -1; } _last_ok = millis(); _errors = 0; _error = SENSOR_ERROR_OK; } unsigned long _signal(int usTimeOut, bool state) { unsigned long uSec = 1; while (digitalRead(_gpio) == state) { if (++uSec > usTimeOut) return 0; delayMicroseconds(1); } return uSec; } unsigned char _gpio; unsigned char _previous = 0xFF; unsigned char _type = DHT_CHIP_DHT22; unsigned long _last_ok = 0; unsigned char _errors = 0; double _temperature; unsigned int _humidity; }; #endif // SENSOR_SUPPORT && DHT_SUPPORT