/* COUNTER MODULE Copyright (C) 2017 by Xose PĂ©rez */ #if COUNTER_SUPPORT volatile unsigned long _counterCurrent = 0; volatile unsigned long _counterLast = 0; unsigned long _counterBuffer[COUNTER_REPORT_EVERY] = {0}; unsigned char _counterBufferPointer = 0; unsigned long _counterValue = 0; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // COUNTER // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR _counterISR() { if (millis() - _counterLast > COUNTER_DEBOUNCE) { ++_counterCurrent; _counterLast = millis(); } } void _counterWebSocketOnSend(JsonObject& root) { root["counterVisible"] = 1; root["counterValue"] = getCounter(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned long getCounter() { return _counterValue; } void counterSetup() { pinMode(COUNTER_PIN, COUNTER_PIN_MODE); attachInterrupt(COUNTER_PIN, _counterISR, COUNTER_INTERRUPT_MODE); #if WEB_SUPPORT // Websockets wsOnSendRegister(_counterWebSocketOnSend); // API apiRegister(COUNTER_TOPIC, COUNTER_TOPIC, [](char * buffer, size_t len) { snprintf_P(buffer, len, PSTR("%d"), getCounter()); }); #endif DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[COUNTER] Counter on GPIO %d\n"), COUNTER_PIN); } void counterLoop() { // Check if we should read new data static unsigned long last_update = 0; if ((millis() - last_update) < COUNTER_UPDATE_INTERVAL) return; last_update = millis(); // Update buffer counts _counterValue = _counterValue - _counterBuffer[_counterBufferPointer] + _counterCurrent; _counterBuffer[_counterBufferPointer] = _counterCurrent; _counterCurrent = 0; _counterBufferPointer = (_counterBufferPointer + 1) % COUNTER_REPORT_EVERY; DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[COUNTER] Value: %d\n"), _counterValue); // Update websocket clients #if WEB_SUPPORT wsSend(_counterWebSocketOnSend); #endif // Do we have to report? if (_counterBufferPointer == 0) { // Send MQTT messages #if MQTT_SUPPORT mqttSend(getSetting("counterTopic", COUNTER_TOPIC).c_str(), String(_counterValue).c_str()); #endif // Send to Domoticz #if DOMOTICZ_SUPPORT domoticzSend("dczCountIdx", 0, String(_counterValue).c_str()); #endif // Send to InfluxDB #if INFLUXDB_SUPPORT idbSend(COUNTER_TOPIC, _counterValue); #endif } } #endif // COUNTER_SUPPORT