Before using this device you have to change the default password for the user 'admin'. This password will be used for the AP mode hotspot, the web interface (where you are now) and the over-the-air updates.

The administrator password is used to access this web interface (user 'admin'), but also to connect to the device when in AP mode or to flash a new firmware over-the-air (OTA).
It must have at least five characters (numbers and letters and any of these special characters: _,.;:~!?@#$%^&*<>\|(){}[]) and at least one lowercase and one uppercase or one number.


Current configuration

Chip ID
Wifi MAC
SDK version
Core version
Firmware name
Firmware version
Firmware build date
Firmware size
Free space
Free heap
Load average
? mV
MQTT Status
NTP Status
Current time
Last update
? seconds ago


General configuration values

This name will identify this device in your network (http://<hostname>.local). For this setting to take effect you should restart the wifi interface by clicking the "Reconnect" button.
Delay in milliseconds to detect a double click (from 0 to 1000ms).
The lower this number the faster the device will respond to button clicks but the harder it will be to get a double click. Increase this number if you are having trouble to double click the button. Set this value to 0 to disable double click. You won't be able to set the device in AP mode manually but your device will respond immediately to button clicks.
You will have to reboot the device after updating for this setting to apply.
This setting defines the behaviour of the main LED in the board.
When in "WiFi status" it will blink at 1Hz when trying to connect. If successfully connected it will briefly blink every 5 seconds if in STA mode or every second if in AP mode.
When in "Relay status" mode the LED will be ON whenever any relay is ON, and OFF otherwise. This is global status notification.
When in "MQTT managed" mode you will be able to set the LED state sending a message to "<base_topic>/led/0/set" with a payload of 0, 1 or 2 (to toggle it).
When in "Find me" mode the LED will be ON when all relays are OFF. This is meant to locate switches at night.
When in "Relay & WiFi" mode it will follow the WiFi status but will stay mostly off when relays are OFF, and mostly ON when any of them is ON.
When in "Find me & WiFi" mode is the opposite of the "Relay & WiFi", it will follow the WiFi status but will stay mostly on when relays are OFF, and mostly OFF when any of them is ON.
"Always ON" and "Always OFF" modes are self-explanatory.


Switch / relay configuration

Define how the different switches should be synchronized.


Lights configuration

Use the first three channels as RGB channels. This will also enable the color picker in the web UI. Will only work if the device has at least 3 dimmable channels.
Reload the page to update the web interface.
Use RGB color picker if enabled (plus brightness), otherwise use HSV (hue-saturation-value) style
Use forth dimmable channel as white when first 3 have the same RGB value.
Will only work if the device has at least 4 dimmable channels.
Enabling this will render useless the "Channel 4" slider in the status page.
Reload the page to update the web interface.
Use gamma correction for RGB channels.
Will only work if "use colorpicker" above is also ON.
Use CSS style to report colors to MQTT and REST API.
Red will be reported as "#FF0000" if ON, otherwise "255,0,0"
If enabled color changes will be smoothed.
Time in millisecons to transition from one color to another.
Sync color between different lights.


Device administration and security settings

The administrator password is used to access this web interface (user 'admin'), but also to connect to the device when in AP mode or to flash a new firmware over-the-air (OTA).
It must have at least five characters (numbers and letters and any of these special characters: _,.;:~!?@#$%^&*<>\|(){}[]) and at least one lowercase and one uppercase or one number.
This is the port for the web interface and API requests. If different than 80 (standard HTTP port) you will have to add it explicitly to your requests: http://myip:myport/
By default, some magnitudes are being preprocessed and filtered to avoid spurious values. If you want to get real-time values (not preprocessed) in the API turn on this setting.
This is the key you will have to pass with every HTTP request to the API, either to get or write values. All API calls must contain the apikey parameter with the value above. To know what APIs are enabled do a call to /apis.
Turn ON to be able to telnet to your device while connected to your home router.
TELNET is always enabled in AP mode.
This name address of the NoFUSS server for automatic remote updates (see
The device has bytes available for OTA updates. If your image is larger than this consider doing a two-step update.


You can configure up to 5 different WiFi networks. The device will try to connect in order of signal strength.

ESPurna will scan for visible WiFi SSIDs and try to connect to networks defined below in order of signal strength, even if multiple AP share the same SSID. When disabled, ESPurna will try to connect to the networks in the same order they are listed below. Disable this option if you are connecting to a single access point (or router) or to a hidden SSID.


Turn switches ON and OFF based on the current time.


Configure an MQTT broker in your network and you will be able to change the switch status via an MQTT message.

If left empty the firmware will generate a client ID based on the serial number of the chip.
This is the fingerprint for the SSL certificate of the server.
You can get it using
or using openssl from a linux box by typing:
$ openssl s_client -connect <host>:<port> < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin
This is the root topic for this device. The {hostname} and {mac} placeholders will be replaced by the device hostname and MAC address.
- <root>/relay/#/set Send a 0 or a 1 as a payload to this topic to switch it on or off. You can also send a 2 to toggle its current state. Replace # with the switch ID (starting from 0). If the board has only one switch it will be 0.
- <root>/rgb/set Set the color using this topic, your can either send an "#RRGGBB" value or "RRR,GGG,BBB" (0-255 each).
- <root>/hsv/set Set the color using hue (0-360), saturation (0-100) and value (0-100) values, comma separated.
- <root>/brightness/set Set the brighness (0-255).
- <root>/channel/#/set Set the value for a single color channel (0-255). Replace # with the channel ID (starting from 0 and up to 4 for RGBWC lights).
- <root>/mired/set Set the temperature color in mired.
- <root>/status The device will report a 1 to this topic every few minutes. Upon MQTT disconnecting this will be set to 0.
- Other values reported (depending on the build) are: firmware and version, hostname, IP, MAC, signal strenth (RSSI), uptime (in seconds), free heap and power supply.
All messages (except the device status) will be included in a JSON payload along with the timestamp and hostname and sent under the <root>/data topic.
Messages will be queued and sent after 100ms, so different messages could be merged into a single payload.
Subscriptions will still be done to single topics.


Configure your NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers and local configuration to keep your device time up to the second for your location.


Configure the connection to your Domoticz server.

Sensors & actuators
Set IDX to 0 to disable notifications from that component.


Add this device to your Home Assistant.

Home Assistant auto-discovery feature. Enable and save to add the device to your HA console. When using a colour light you might want to disable CSS style so Home Assistant can parse the color.
These are the settings you should copy to your Home Assistant "configuration.yaml" file. If any of the sections below (switch, light, sensor) already exists, do not duplicate it, simply copy the contents of the section below the ones already present.


Send your sensors data to Thingspeak.

Sensors & actuators
Enter the field number to send each data to, 0 disable notifications from that component.


Configure the connection to your InfluxDB server. Leave the host field empty to disable InfluxDB connection.


Shows debug messages from the device

Write a command and click send to execute it on the device. The output will be shown in the debug text area below.


Configure and calibrate your device sensors.

Select the interval between readings. These will be filtered and averaged for the report. The default and recommended value is 6 seconds.
Select the number of readings to average and report
Temperature correction value is added to the measured value which may be inaccurate due to many factors. The value can be negative.
Humidity correction value is added to the measured value which may be inaccurate due to many factors. The value can be negative.
Energy monitor
Mains voltage in your system (in V).
In Amperes (A). If you are using a pure resistive load like a bulb, this will be the ratio between the two previous values, i.e. power / voltage. You can also use a current clamp around one of the power wires to get this value.
In Volts (V). Enter your the nominal AC voltage for your household or facility, or use multimeter to get this value.
In Watts (W). Calibrate your sensor connecting a pure resistive load (like a bulb) and enter here the its nominal power or use a multimeter.
Move this switch to ON and press "Save" to revert to factory calibration values.
Move this switch to ON and press "Save" to set energy count to 0.


Sonoff 433 RF Bridge & RF Link Configuration

This page allows you to configure the RF codes for the Sonoff RFBridge 433 and also for a basic RF receiver.

To learn a new code click LEARN (the Sonoff RFBridge will beep) then press a button on the remote, the new code should show up (and the RFBridge will double beep). If the device double beeps but the code does not update it has not been properly learnt. Keep trying.

Modify or create new codes manually and then click SAVE to store them in the device memory. If your controlled device uses the same code to switch ON and OFF, learn the code with the ON button and copy paste it to the OFF input box, then click SAVE on the last one to store the value.

Delete any code clicking the FORGET button.

You can also specify 116-chars long RAW codes. Raw codes require a specific firmware for for the EFM8BB1.

Switch #
Leave empty for DNS negotiation
Set when using a static IP
Usually for /24 networks
Set the Domain Name Server IP to use when using a static IP
 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday...
Switch # (GPIO)