/* API MODULE Copyright (C) 2016-2019 by Xose PĂ©rez */ #include "api.h" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if API_SUPPORT #include #include "system.h" #include "web.h" #include "rpc.h" #include #include constexpr size_t ApiPathSizeMax { 64ul }; std::vector _apis; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // API // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool _asJson(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { bool asJson = false; if (request->hasHeader("Accept")) { AsyncWebHeader* h = request->getHeader("Accept"); asJson = h->value().equals("application/json"); } return asJson; } void _onAPIsText(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { AsyncResponseStream *response = request->beginResponseStream("text/plain"); char buffer[ApiPathSizeMax] = {0}; for (auto& api : _apis) { sprintf_P(buffer, PSTR("/api/%s\n"), api.path.c_str()); response->write(buffer); } request->send(response); } constexpr size_t ApiJsonBufferSize = 1024; void _onAPIsJson(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(ApiJsonBufferSize); JsonArray& root = jsonBuffer.createArray(); char buffer[ApiPathSizeMax] = {0}; for (auto& api : _apis) { sprintf(buffer, "/api/%s", api.path.c_str()); root.add(buffer); } AsyncResponseStream *response = request->beginResponseStream("application/json"); root.printTo(*response); request->send(response); } void _onAPIs(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { webLog(request); if (!apiAuthenticate(request)) return; bool asJson = _asJson(request); String output; if (asJson) { _onAPIsJson(request); } else { _onAPIsText(request); } } void _onRPC(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { webLog(request); if (!apiAuthenticate(request)) return; //bool asJson = _asJson(request); int response = 404; if (request->hasParam("action")) { AsyncWebParameter* p = request->getParam("action"); const auto action = p->value(); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[RPC] Action: %s\n"), action.c_str()); if (rpcHandleAction(action)) { response = 204; } } request->send(response); } struct ApiMatch { Api* api { nullptr }; Api::Type type { Api::Type::Basic }; }; ApiMatch _apiMatch(const String& url, AsyncWebServerRequest* request) { ApiMatch result; char buffer[ApiPathSizeMax] = {0}; for (auto& api : _apis) { sprintf_P(buffer, PSTR("/api/%s"), api.path.c_str()); if (url != buffer) { continue; } auto type = _asJson(request) ? Api::Type::Json : Api::Type::Basic; result.api = &api; result.type = type; break; } return result; } bool _apiDispatchRequest(const String& url, AsyncWebServerRequest* request) { auto match = _apiMatch(url, request); if (!match.api) { return false; } if (match.type != match.api->type) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[API] Cannot handle the request type\n")); request->send(404); return true; } const bool is_put = ( (!apiRestFul() || (request->method() == HTTP_PUT)) && request->hasParam("value", request->method() == HTTP_PUT) ); ApiBuffer buffer; switch (match.api->type) { case Api::Type::Basic: { if (!match.api->get.basic) { break; } if (is_put) { if (!match.api->put.basic) { break; } auto value = request->getParam("value", request->method() == HTTP_PUT)->value(); if (buffer.size < (value.length() + 1ul)) { break; } std::copy(value.c_str(), value.c_str() + value.length() + 1, buffer.data); match.api->put.basic(*match.api, buffer); buffer.erase(); } match.api->get.basic(*match.api, buffer); request->send(200, "text/plain", buffer.data); return true; } // TODO: pass the body instead of `value` param // TODO: handle HTTP_PUT case Api::Type::Json: { if (!match.api->get.json || is_put) { break; } DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(API_BUFFER_SIZE); JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); match.api->get.json(*match.api, root); AsyncResponseStream *response = request->beginResponseStream("application/json", root.measureLength() + 1); root.printTo(*response); request->send(response); return true; } } DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[API] Method not supported\n")); request->send(405); return true; } bool _apiRequestCallback(AsyncWebServerRequest* request) { String url = request->url(); if (url.equals("/rpc")) { _onRPC(request); return true; } if (url.equals("/api") || url.equals("/apis")) { _onAPIs(request); return true; } if (!url.startsWith("/api/")) return false; if (!apiAuthenticate(request)) return false; return _apiDispatchRequest(url, request); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void apiReserve(size_t size) { _apis.reserve(_apis.size() + size); } void apiRegister(const Api& api) { if (api.path.length() >= (ApiPathSizeMax - strlen("/api/") - 1ul)) { return; } _apis.push_back(api); } void apiSetup() { webRequestRegister(_apiRequestCallback); } void apiOk(const Api&, ApiBuffer& buffer) { buffer.data[0] = 'O'; buffer.data[1] = 'K'; buffer.data[2] = '\0'; } void apiError(const Api&, ApiBuffer& buffer) { buffer.data[0] = '-'; buffer.data[1] = 'E'; buffer.data[2] = 'R'; buffer.data[3] = 'R'; buffer.data[4] = 'O'; buffer.data[5] = 'R'; buffer.data[6] = '\0'; } #endif // API_SUPPORT