/* THINGSPEAK MODULE Copyright (C) 2018 by Xose PĂ©rez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com> */ #if THINGSPEAK_SUPPORT #if THINGSPEAK_USE_ASYNC #include <ESPAsyncTCP.h> AsyncClient * _tspk_client; #else #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #endif const char THINGSPEAK_REQUEST_TEMPLATE[] PROGMEM = "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "User-Agent: ESPurna\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n" "%s\r\n"; bool _tspk_enabled = false; char * _tspk_queue[THINGSPEAK_FIELDS] = {NULL}; bool _tspk_flush = false; unsigned long _tspk_last_flush = 0; unsigned char _tspk_tries = 0; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if WEB_SUPPORT bool _tspkWebSocketOnReceive(const char * key, JsonVariant& value) { return (strncmp(key, "tspk", 4) == 0); } void _tspkWebSocketOnSend(JsonObject& root) { unsigned char visible = 0; root["tspkEnabled"] = getSetting("tspkEnabled", THINGSPEAK_ENABLED).toInt() == 1; root["tspkKey"] = getSetting("tspkKey"); JsonArray& relays = root.createNestedArray("tspkRelays"); for (byte i=0; i<relayCount(); i++) { relays.add(getSetting("tspkRelay", i, 0).toInt()); } if (relayCount() > 0) visible = 1; #if SENSOR_SUPPORT JsonArray& list = root.createNestedArray("tspkMagnitudes"); for (byte i=0; i<magnitudeCount(); i++) { JsonObject& element = list.createNestedObject(); element["name"] = magnitudeName(i); element["type"] = magnitudeType(i); element["index"] = magnitudeIndex(i); element["idx"] = getSetting("tspkMagnitude", i, 0).toInt(); } if (magnitudeCount() > 0) visible = 1; #endif root["tspkVisible"] = visible; } #endif void _tspkConfigure() { _tspk_enabled = getSetting("tspkEnabled", THINGSPEAK_ENABLED).toInt() == 1; if (_tspk_enabled && (getSetting("tspkKey").length() == 0)) { _tspk_enabled = false; setSetting("tspkEnabled", 0); } } #if THINGSPEAK_USE_ASYNC void _tspkPost(String data) { if (_tspk_client == NULL) { _tspk_client = new AsyncClient(); } _tspk_client->onDisconnect([](void *s, AsyncClient *c) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Disconnected\n")); _tspk_client->free(); delete _tspk_client; _tspk_client = NULL; }, 0); _tspk_client->onTimeout([](void *s, AsyncClient *c, uint32_t time) { _tspk_client->close(true); }, 0); _tspk_client->onData([](void * arg, AsyncClient * c, void * response, size_t len) { char * b = (char *) response; b[len] = 0; char * p = strstr((char *)response, "\r\n\r\n"); unsigned int code = (p != NULL) ? atoi(&p[4]) : 0; DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Response value: %d\n"), code); _tspk_last_flush = millis(); if ((0 == code) && (--_tspk_tries > 0)) { _tspk_flush = true; DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Re-enqueuing\n")); } else { _tspkClearQueue(); } _tspk_client->close(true); }, NULL); _tspk_client->onConnect([data](void * arg, AsyncClient * client) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Connected to %s:%d\n"), THINGSPEAK_HOST, THINGSPEAK_PORT); #if THINGSPEAK_USE_SSL uint8_t fp[20] = {0}; sslFingerPrintArray(THINGSPEAK_FINGERPRINT, fp); SSL * ssl = _tspk_client->getSSL(); if (ssl_match_fingerprint(ssl, fp) != SSL_OK) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Warning: certificate doesn't match\n")); } #endif DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] POST %s?%s\n"), THINGSPEAK_URL, data.c_str()); char buffer[strlen_P(THINGSPEAK_REQUEST_TEMPLATE) + strlen(THINGSPEAK_URL) + strlen(THINGSPEAK_HOST) + data.length()]; snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), THINGSPEAK_REQUEST_TEMPLATE, THINGSPEAK_URL, THINGSPEAK_HOST, data.length(), data.c_str() ); client->write(buffer); }, NULL); #if ASYNC_TCP_SSL_ENABLED bool connected = _tspk_client->connect(THINGSPEAK_HOST, THINGSPEAK_PORT, THINGSPEAK_USE_SSL); #else bool connected = _tspk_client->connect(THINGSPEAK_HOST, THINGSPEAK_PORT); #endif if (!connected) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Connection failed\n")); _tspk_client->close(true); } } #else // THINGSPEAK_USE_ASYNC void _tspkPost(String data) { #if THINGSPEAK_USE_SSL WiFiClientSecure _tspk_client; #else WiFiClient _tspk_client; #endif if (_tspk_client.connect(THINGSPEAK_HOST, THINGSPEAK_PORT)) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Connected to %s:%d\n"), THINGSPEAK_HOST, THINGSPEAK_PORT); if (!_tspk_client.verify(THINGSPEAK_FINGERPRINT, THINGSPEAK_HOST)) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Warning: certificate doesn't match\n")); } DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] POST %s?%s\n"), THINGSPEAK_URL, data.c_str()); char buffer[strlen_P(THINGSPEAK_REQUEST_TEMPLATE) + strlen(THINGSPEAK_URL) + strlen(THINGSPEAK_HOST) + data.length()]; snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), THINGSPEAK_REQUEST_TEMPLATE, THINGSPEAK_URL, THINGSPEAK_HOST, data.length(), data.c_str() ); _tspk_client.print(buffer); nice_delay(100); String response = _tspk_client.readString(); int pos = response.indexOf("\r\n\r\n"); unsigned int code = (pos > 0) ? response.substring(pos + 4).toInt() : 0; DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Response value: %d\n"), code); _tspk_client.stop(); _tspk_last_flush = millis(); if ((0 == code) && (--_tspk_tries > 0)) { _tspk_flush = true; DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Re-enqueuing\n")); } else { _tspkClearQueue(); } return; } DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Connection failed\n")); } #endif // THINGSPEAK_USE_ASYNC void _tspkEnqueue(unsigned char index, char * payload) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Enqueuing field #%d with value %s\n"), index, payload); --index; if (_tspk_queue[index] != NULL) free(_tspk_queue[index]); _tspk_queue[index] = strdup(payload); } void _tspkClearQueue() { for (unsigned char id=0; id<THINGSPEAK_FIELDS; id++) { if (_tspk_queue[id] != NULL) { free(_tspk_queue[id]); _tspk_queue[id] = NULL; } } } void _tspkFlush() { _tspk_flush = false; // Walk the fields String data; for (unsigned char id=0; id<THINGSPEAK_FIELDS; id++) { if (_tspk_queue[id] != NULL) { if (data.length() > 0) data = data + String("&"); data = data + String("field") + String(id+1) + String("=") + String(_tspk_queue[id]); } } // POST data if any if (data.length() > 0) { data = data + String("&api_key=") + getSetting("tspkKey"); _tspk_tries = THINGSPEAK_TRIES; _tspkPost(data); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool tspkEnqueueRelay(unsigned char index, unsigned char status) { if (!_tspk_enabled) return true; unsigned char id = getSetting("tspkRelay", index, 0).toInt(); if (id > 0) { char payload[3] = {0}; itoa(status ? 1 : 0, payload, 10); _tspkEnqueue(id, payload); return true; } return false; } bool tspkEnqueueMeasurement(unsigned char index, char * payload) { if (!_tspk_enabled) return true; unsigned char id = getSetting("tspkMagnitude", index, 0).toInt(); if (id > 0) { _tspkEnqueue(id, payload); return true; } return false; } void tspkFlush() { _tspk_flush = true; } bool tspkEnabled() { return _tspk_enabled; } void tspkSetup() { _tspkConfigure(); #if WEB_SUPPORT wsOnSendRegister(_tspkWebSocketOnSend); wsOnReceiveRegister(_tspkWebSocketOnReceive); #endif DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[THINGSPEAK] Async %s, SSL %s\n"), THINGSPEAK_USE_ASYNC ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED", THINGSPEAK_USE_SSL ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED" ); // Main callbacks espurnaRegisterLoop(tspkLoop); espurnaRegisterReload(_tspkConfigure); } void tspkLoop() { if (!_tspk_enabled) return; if (!wifiConnected() || (WiFi.getMode() != WIFI_STA)) return; if (_tspk_flush && (millis() - _tspk_last_flush > THINGSPEAK_MIN_INTERVAL)) { _tspkFlush(); } } #endif