/* UTILS MODULE Copyright (C) 2017-2018 by Xose PĂ©rez */ #include Ticker _defer_reset; String getIdentifier() { char buffer[20]; snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%s-%06X"), APP_NAME, ESP.getChipId()); return String(buffer); } void setDefaultHostname() { if (strlen(HOSTNAME) > 0) { setSetting("hostname", HOSTNAME); } else { setSetting("hostname", getIdentifier()); } } void setBoardName() { #ifndef ESPURNA_CORE setSetting("boardName", DEVICE_NAME); #endif } String getBoardName() { return getSetting("boardName", DEVICE_NAME); } String getCoreVersion() { String version = ESP.getCoreVersion(); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE if (version.equals("00000000")) { version = String(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE); } #endif version.replace("_", "."); return version; } String getCoreRevision() { #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_GIT_VER return String(ARDUINO_ESP8266_GIT_VER); #else return String(""); #endif } unsigned long maxSketchSpace() { return (ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000; } // WTF // Calling ESP.getFreeHeap() is making the system crash on a specific // AiLight bulb, but anywhere else... unsigned int getFreeHeap() { if (getSetting("wtfHeap", 0).toInt() == 1) return 9999; return ESP.getFreeHeap(); } String buildTime() { const char time_now[] = __TIME__; // hh:mm:ss unsigned int hour = atoi(&time_now[0]); unsigned int minute = atoi(&time_now[3]); unsigned int second = atoi(&time_now[6]); const char date_now[] = __DATE__; // Mmm dd yyyy const char *months[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; unsigned int month = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) { if (strncmp(date_now, months[i], 3) == 0 ) { month = i + 1; break; } } unsigned int day = atoi(&date_now[3]); unsigned int year = atoi(&date_now[7]); char buffer[20]; snprintf_P( buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"), year, month, day, hour, minute, second ); return String(buffer); } unsigned long getUptime() { static unsigned long last_uptime = 0; static unsigned char uptime_overflows = 0; if (millis() < last_uptime) ++uptime_overflows; last_uptime = millis(); unsigned long uptime_seconds = uptime_overflows * (UPTIME_OVERFLOW / 1000) + (last_uptime / 1000); return uptime_seconds; } #if HEARTBEAT_ENABLED void heartbeat() { unsigned long uptime_seconds = getUptime(); unsigned int free_heap = getFreeHeap(); #if MQTT_SUPPORT bool serial = !mqttConnected(); #else bool serial = true; #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Serial // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (serial) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Uptime: %lu seconds\n"), uptime_seconds); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Free heap: %lu bytes\n"), free_heap); #if ADC_MODE_VALUE == ADC_VCC DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Power: %lu mV\n"), ESP.getVcc()); #endif #if NTP_SUPPORT if (ntpSynced()) DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[MAIN] Time: %s\n"), (char *) ntpDateTime().c_str()); #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MQTT // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if MQTT_SUPPORT if (!serial) { #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_INTERVAL) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_INTERVAL, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL / 1000); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_APP) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_APP, APP_NAME); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_VERSION) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_VERSION, APP_VERSION); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_BOARD) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_BOARD, getBoardName().c_str()); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_HOSTNAME) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_HOSTNAME, getSetting("hostname").c_str()); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_IP) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_IP, getIP().c_str()); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_MAC) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_MAC, WiFi.macAddress().c_str()); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_RSSI) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_RSSI, String(WiFi.RSSI()).c_str()); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_UPTIME) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_UPTIME, String(uptime_seconds).c_str()); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_DATETIME) && (NTP_SUPPORT) if (ntpSynced()) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_DATETIME, ntpDateTime().c_str()); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_FREEHEAP) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_FREEHEAP, String(free_heap).c_str()); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_RELAY) relayMQTT(); #endif #if (LIGHT_PROVIDER != LIGHT_PROVIDER_NONE) & (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_LIGHT) lightMQTT(); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_VCC) #if ADC_MODE_VALUE == ADC_VCC mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_VCC, String(ESP.getVcc()).c_str()); #endif #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_STATUS) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_STATUS, MQTT_STATUS_ONLINE, true); #endif #if (LOADAVG_REPORT) mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_LOADAVG, String(systemLoadAverage()).c_str()); #endif } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // InfluxDB // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if INFLUXDB_SUPPORT #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_UPTIME) idbSend(MQTT_TOPIC_UPTIME, String(uptime_seconds).c_str()); #endif #if (HEARTBEAT_REPORT_FREEHEAP) idbSend(MQTT_TOPIC_FREEHEAP, String(free_heap).c_str()); #endif #endif } #endif /// HEARTBEAT_ENABLED // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INFO // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_start; extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_end; unsigned int info_bytes2sectors(size_t size) { return (int) (size + SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE - 1) / SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE; } unsigned long info_ota_space() { return (ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000; } unsigned long info_filesystem_space() { return ((uint32_t)&_SPIFFS_end - (uint32_t)&_SPIFFS_start); } unsigned long info_eeprom_space() { return EEPROMr.reserved() * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE; } void _info_print_memory_layout_line(const char * name, unsigned long bytes, bool reset) { static unsigned long index = 0; if (reset) index = 0; if (0 == bytes) return; unsigned int _sectors = info_bytes2sectors(bytes); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] %-20s: %8lu bytes / %4d sectors (%4d to %4d)\n"), name, bytes, _sectors, index, index + _sectors - 1); index += _sectors; } void _info_print_memory_layout_line(const char * name, unsigned long bytes) { _info_print_memory_layout_line(name, bytes, false); } void info() { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n\n")); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] %s %s\n"), (char *) APP_NAME, (char *) APP_VERSION); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] %s\n"), (char *) APP_AUTHOR); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] %s\n\n"), (char *) APP_WEBSITE); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] CPU chip ID: 0x%06X\n"), ESP.getChipId()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] CPU frequency: %u MHz\n"), ESP.getCpuFreqMHz()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] SDK version: %s\n"), ESP.getSdkVersion()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] Core version: %s\n"), getCoreVersion().c_str()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] Core revision: %s\n"), getCoreRevision().c_str()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n")); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FlashMode_t mode = ESP.getFlashChipMode(); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] Flash chip ID: 0x%06X\n"), ESP.getFlashChipId()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] Flash speed: %u Hz\n"), ESP.getFlashChipSpeed()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] Flash mode: %s\n"), mode == FM_QIO ? "QIO" : mode == FM_QOUT ? "QOUT" : mode == FM_DIO ? "DIO" : mode == FM_DOUT ? "DOUT" : "UNKNOWN"); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n")); _info_print_memory_layout_line("Flash size (CHIP)", ESP.getFlashChipRealSize(), true); _info_print_memory_layout_line("Flash size (SDK)", ESP.getFlashChipSize(), true); _info_print_memory_layout_line("Reserved", 1 * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, true); _info_print_memory_layout_line("Firmware size", ESP.getSketchSize()); _info_print_memory_layout_line("Max OTA size", info_ota_space()); _info_print_memory_layout_line("SPIFFS size", info_filesystem_space()); _info_print_memory_layout_line("EEPROM size", info_eeprom_space()); _info_print_memory_layout_line("Reserved", 4 * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n")); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] EEPROM sectors: %s\n"), (char *) eepromSectors().c_str()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n")); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if SPIFFS_SUPPORT FSInfo fs_info; bool fs = SPIFFS.info(fs_info); if (fs) { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] SPIFFS total size: %8u bytes / %4d sectors\n"), fs_info.totalBytes, sectors(fs_info.totalBytes)); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] used size: %8u bytes\n"), fs_info.usedBytes); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] block size: %8u bytes\n"), fs_info.blockSize); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] page size: %8u bytes\n"), fs_info.pageSize); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] max files: %8u\n"), fs_info.maxOpenFiles); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] max length: %8u\n"), fs_info.maxPathLength); } else { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] No SPIFFS partition\n")); } DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n")); #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] BOARD: %s\n"), getBoardName().c_str()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] SUPPORT:")); #if ALEXA_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" ALEXA")); #endif #if BROKER_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" BROKER")); #endif #if DEBUG_SERIAL_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" DEBUG_SERIAL")); #endif #if DEBUG_TELNET_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" DEBUG_TELNET")); #endif #if DEBUG_UDP_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" DEBUG_UDP")); #endif #if DEBUG_WEB_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" DEBUG_WEB")); #endif #if DOMOTICZ_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" DOMOTICZ")); #endif #if HOMEASSISTANT_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" HOMEASSISTANT")); #endif #if I2C_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" I2C")); #endif #if INFLUXDB_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" INFLUXDB")); #endif #if LLMNR_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" LLMNR")); #endif #if MDNS_SERVER_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" MDNS_SERVER")); #endif #if MDNS_CLIENT_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" MDNS_CLIENT")); #endif #if MQTT_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" MQTT")); #endif #if NETBIOS_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" NETBIOS")); #endif #if NOFUSS_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" NOFUSS")); #endif #if NTP_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" NTP")); #endif #if RF_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" RF")); #endif #if SCHEDULER_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" SCHEDULER")); #endif #if SENSOR_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" SENSOR")); #endif #if SPIFFS_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" SPIFFS")); #endif #if SSDP_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" SSDP")); #endif #if TELNET_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" TELNET")); #endif #if TERMINAL_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" TERMINAL")); #endif #if THINGSPEAK_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" THINGSPEAK")); #endif #if UART_MQTT_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" UART_MQTT")); #endif #if WEB_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" WEB")); #endif #if SENSOR_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n")); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] SENSORS:")); #if AM2320_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" AM2320_I2C")); #endif #if ANALOG_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" ANALOG")); #endif #if BH1750_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" BH1750")); #endif #if BMX280_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" BMX280")); #endif #if CSE7766_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" CSE7766")); #endif #if DALLAS_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" DALLAS")); #endif #if DHT_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" DHTXX")); #endif #if DIGITAL_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" DIGITAL")); #endif #if ECH1560_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" ECH1560")); #endif #if EMON_ADC121_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" EMON_ADC121")); #endif #if EMON_ADS1X15_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" EMON_ADX1X15")); #endif #if EMON_ANALOG_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" EMON_ANALOG")); #endif #if EVENTS_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" EVENTS")); #endif #if GUVAS12SD_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" GUVAS12SD")); #endif #if HCSR04_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" HCSR04")); #endif #if HLW8012_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" HLW8012")); #endif #if MHZ19_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" MHZ19")); #endif #if PMSX003_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" PMSX003")); #endif #if PZEM004T_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" PZEM004T")); #endif #if SENSEAIR_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" SENSEAIR")); #endif #if SHT3X_I2C_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" SHT3X_I2C")); #endif #if SI7021_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" SI7021")); #endif #if TMP3X_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" TMP3X")); #endif #if V9261F_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR(" V9261F")); #endif #endif // SENSOR_SUPPORT DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n\n")); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char reason = resetReason(); if (reason > 0) { char buffer[32]; strcpy_P(buffer, custom_reset_string[reason-1]); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] Last reset reason: %s\n"), buffer); } else { DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] Last reset reason: %s\n"), (char *) ESP.getResetReason().c_str()); } DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] Settings size: %u bytes\n"), settingsSize()); DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] Free heap: %u bytes\n"), getFreeHeap()); #if ADC_MODE_VALUE == ADC_VCC DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] Power: %u mV\n"), ESP.getVcc()); #endif DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[INIT] Power saving delay value: %lu ms\n"), systemLoopDelay()); #if SYSTEM_CHECK_ENABLED if (!systemCheck()) DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n[INIT] Device is in SAFE MODE\n")); #endif DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("\n")); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SSL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ASYNC_TCP_SSL_ENABLED bool sslCheckFingerPrint(const char * fingerprint) { return (strlen(fingerprint) == 59); } bool sslFingerPrintArray(const char * fingerprint, unsigned char * bytearray) { // check length (20 2-character digits ':' or ' ' separated => 20*2+19 = 59) if (!sslCheckFingerPrint(fingerprint)) return false; // walk the fingerprint for (unsigned int i=0; i<20; i++) { bytearray[i] = strtol(fingerprint + 3*i, NULL, 16); } return true; } bool sslFingerPrintChar(const char * fingerprint, char * destination) { // check length (20 2-character digits ':' or ' ' separated => 20*2+19 = 59) if (!sslCheckFingerPrint(fingerprint)) return false; // copy it strncpy(destination, fingerprint, 59); // walk the fingerprint replacing ':' for ' ' for (unsigned char i = 0; i<59; i++) { if (destination[i] == ':') destination[i] = ' '; } return true; } #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reset // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char resetReason() { static unsigned char status = 255; if (status == 255) { status = EEPROMr.read(EEPROM_CUSTOM_RESET); if (status > 0) resetReason(0); if (status > CUSTOM_RESET_MAX) status = 0; } return status; } void resetReason(unsigned char reason) { EEPROMr.write(EEPROM_CUSTOM_RESET, reason); EEPROMr.commit(); } void reset(unsigned char reason) { resetReason(reason); ESP.restart(); } void deferredReset(unsigned long delay, unsigned char reason) { _defer_reset.once_ms(delay, reset, reason); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- char * ltrim(char * s) { char *p = s; while ((unsigned char) *p == ' ') ++p; return p; } double roundTo(double num, unsigned char positions) { double multiplier = 1; while (positions-- > 0) multiplier *= 10; return round(num * multiplier) / multiplier; } void nice_delay(unsigned long ms) { unsigned long start = millis(); while (millis() - start < ms) delay(1); } // This method is called by the SDK to know where to connect the ADC int __get_adc_mode() { return (int) (ADC_MODE_VALUE); } bool isNumber(const char * s) { unsigned char len = strlen(s); bool decimal = false; for (unsigned char i=0; i0) return false; } else if (s[i] == '.') { if (decimal) return false; decimal = true; } else if (!isdigit(s[i])) { return false; } } return true; }