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RTC support module
Copyright (C) 2018 by Pavel Chauzov <poulch at mail dot ru>
in debug terminal - RTC return current rtc time
- RTC YYYY-MM-DD DoW HH:MM:SS setup rtc
static int _rtc_recovery = 0;
static time_t ntp_getTime() {
time_t tm = 0;
if(_rtc_recovery == 0) { tm = NTP.getTime(); }
if((_rtc_recovery !=0) || (tm == 0)) {
tm = getTime_rtc();
// signal ntp loop to update clock but not rtc...
_ntp_update = true;
_rtc_update = false;
if(_rtc_recovery > RTC_RECOVERY_CNT) { _rtc_recovery = RTC_RECOVERY_CNT ? 0:1; }
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] RTC Time : %s\n"), (char *) ntpDateTime(tm).c_str());
return tm;
// Settings
String _rtc_getValue(String data, char sep, int idx) {
int found = 0;
int si[] = {0, -1};
int maxi = data.length()-1;
for(int i=0; i<=maxi && found<=idx; i++) {
if(data.charAt(i)==sep || i==maxi) {
si[0] = si[1]+1;
si[1] = (i == maxi) ? i+1 : i;
return found>idx ? data.substring(si[0], si[1]) : "0";
void _rtcInitCommands() {
settingsRegisterCommand(F("RTC"), [](Embedis* e) {
String rtc;
time_t t;
tmElements_t tm;
if (e->argc == 1) {
t = getTime_rtc();
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] GET RTC Local Time: %s\n"), (char *) ntpDateTime(t).c_str());
if (e->argc > 3) {
String sdate = String(e->argv[1]);
String sdow = String(e->argv[2]);
String stime = String(e->argv[3]);
tm.Second = _rtc_getValue(stime,':',2).toInt();
tm.Minute = _rtc_getValue(stime,':',1).toInt();
tm.Hour = _rtc_getValue(stime,':',0).toInt();
tm.Wday = sdow.toInt();
tm.Day = _rtc_getValue(sdate,'-',2).toInt();
tm.Month = _rtc_getValue(sdate,'-',1).toInt();
tm.Year = y2kYearToTm(_rtc_getValue(sdate,'-',0).toInt()-2000);
t = makeTime(tm);
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[NTP] SET RTC Local Time: %s\n"), (char *) ntpDateTime(t).c_str());