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Support for Sonoff POW HLW8012-based power monitor
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
#include <HLW8012.h>
#include <Hash.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
HLW8012 hlw8012;
bool _hlw8012Enabled = false;
bool _hlwReady = false;
int _hlwPower = 0;
double _hlwCurrent = 0;
int _hlwVoltage = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// POW
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// When using interrupts we have to call the library entry point
// whenever an interrupt is triggered
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR hlw8012_cf1_interrupt() {
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR hlw8012_cf_interrupt() {
void hlw8012Enable(bool status) {
_hlw8012Enabled = status;
if (_hlw8012Enabled) {
attachInterrupt(HLW8012_CF1_PIN, hlw8012_cf1_interrupt, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(HLW8012_CF_PIN, hlw8012_cf_interrupt, CHANGE);
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[POW] Enabled\n"));
} else {
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[POW] Disabled\n"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void hlw8012SaveCalibration() {
setSetting("powPowerMult", hlw8012.getPowerMultiplier());
setSetting("powCurrentMult", hlw8012.getCurrentMultiplier());
setSetting("powVoltageMult", hlw8012.getVoltageMultiplier());
void hlw8012RetrieveCalibration() {
double value;
value = getSetting("powPowerMult", 0).toFloat();
if (value > 0) hlw8012.setPowerMultiplier((int) value);
value = getSetting("powCurrentMult", 0).toFloat();
if (value > 0) hlw8012.setCurrentMultiplier((int) value);
value = getSetting("powVoltageMult", 0).toFloat();
if (value > 0) hlw8012.setVoltageMultiplier((int) value);
void hlw8012SetExpectedActivePower(unsigned int power) {
if (power > 0) {
void hlw8012SetExpectedCurrent(double current) {
if (current > 0) {
void hlw8012SetExpectedVoltage(unsigned int voltage) {
if (voltage > 0) {
void hlw8012Reset() {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HAL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int getActivePower() {
unsigned int power = hlw8012.getActivePower();
if (HLW8012_MIN_POWER > power || power > HLW8012_MAX_POWER) power = 0;
return power;
unsigned int getApparentPower() {
unsigned int power = hlw8012.getApparentPower();
if (HLW8012_MIN_POWER > power || power > HLW8012_MAX_POWER) power = 0;
return power;
unsigned int getReactivePower() {
unsigned int power = hlw8012.getReactivePower();
if (HLW8012_MIN_POWER > power || power > HLW8012_MAX_POWER) power = 0;
return power;
double getCurrent() {
double current = hlw8012.getCurrent();
if (HLW8012_MIN_CURRENT > current || current > HLW8012_MAX_CURRENT) current = 0;
return current;
unsigned int getVoltage() {
return hlw8012.getVoltage();
double getPowerFactor() {
return hlw8012.getPowerFactor();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void hlw8012Setup() {
// Initialize HLW8012
// void begin(unsigned char cf_pin, unsigned char cf1_pin, unsigned char sel_pin, unsigned char currentWhen = HIGH, bool use_interrupts = false, unsigned long pulse_timeout = PULSE_TIMEOUT);
// * cf_pin, cf1_pin and sel_pin are GPIOs to the HLW8012 IC
// * currentWhen is the value in sel_pin to select current sampling
// * set use_interrupts to true to use interrupts to monitor pulse widths
// * leave pulse_timeout to the default value, recommended when using interrupts
hlw8012.begin(HLW8012_CF_PIN, HLW8012_CF1_PIN, HLW8012_SEL_PIN, HLW8012_SEL_CURRENT, true);
hlw8012.begin(HLW8012_CF_PIN, HLW8012_CF1_PIN, HLW8012_SEL_PIN, HLW8012_SEL_CURRENT, false, 1000000);
// These values are used to calculate current, voltage and power factors as per datasheet formula
// These are the nominal values for the Sonoff POW resistors:
// * The CURRENT_RESISTOR is the 1milliOhm copper-manganese resistor in series with the main line
// * The VOLTAGE_RESISTOR_UPSTREAM are the 5 470kOhm resistors in the voltage divider that feeds the V2P pin in the HLW8012
// * The VOLTAGE_RESISTOR_DOWNSTREAM is the 1kOhm resistor in the voltage divider that feeds the V2P pin in the HLW8012
hlw8012.setResistors(HLW8012_CURRENT_R, HLW8012_VOLTAGE_R_UP, HLW8012_VOLTAGE_R_DOWN);
// Retrieve calibration values
// API definitions
apiRegister(HLW8012_POWER_TOPIC, HLW8012_POWER_TOPIC, [](char * buffer, size_t len) {
if (_hlwReady) {
snprintf_P(buffer, len, PSTR("%d"), _hlwPower);
} else {
buffer = NULL;
apiRegister(HLW8012_CURRENT_TOPIC, HLW8012_CURRENT_TOPIC, [](char * buffer, size_t len) {
if (_hlwReady) {
dtostrf(_hlwCurrent, len-1, 3, buffer);
} else {
buffer = NULL;
apiRegister(HLW8012_VOLTAGE_TOPIC, HLW8012_VOLTAGE_TOPIC, [](char * buffer, size_t len) {
if (_hlwReady) {
snprintf_P(buffer, len, PSTR("%d"), _hlwVoltage);
} else {
buffer = NULL;
#endif // WEB_SUPPORT
void hlw8012Loop() {
static unsigned long last_update = 0;
static unsigned char report_count = HLW8012_REPORT_EVERY;
static bool power_spike = false;
static unsigned long power_sum = 0;
static unsigned long power_previous = 0;
static bool current_spike = false;
static double current_sum = 0;
static double current_previous = 0;
static bool voltage_spike = false;
static unsigned long voltage_sum = 0;
static unsigned long voltage_previous = 0;
static bool powWasEnabled = false;
// POW is disabled while there is no internet connection
// When the HLW8012 measurements are enabled back we reset the timer
if (!_hlw8012Enabled) {
powWasEnabled = false;
if (!powWasEnabled) {
last_update = millis();
powWasEnabled = true;
if (millis() - last_update > HLW8012_UPDATE_INTERVAL) {
last_update = millis();
unsigned int power = getActivePower();
unsigned int voltage = getVoltage();
double current = getCurrent();
if (power > 0) {
power_spike = (power_previous == 0);
} else if (power_spike) {
power_sum -= power_previous;
power_spike = false;
power_previous = power;
if (current > 0) {
current_spike = (current_previous == 0);
} else if (current_spike) {
current_sum -= current_previous;
current_spike = false;
current_previous = current;
if (voltage > 0) {
voltage_spike = (voltage_previous == 0);
} else if (voltage_spike) {
voltage_sum -= voltage_previous;
voltage_spike = false;
voltage_previous = voltage;
unsigned int apparent = getApparentPower();
double factor = getPowerFactor();
unsigned int reactive = getReactivePower();
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
root["powVisible"] = 1;
root["powActivePower"] = power;
root["powCurrent"] = String(current, 3);
root["powVoltage"] = voltage;
root["powApparentPower"] = apparent;
root["powReactivePower"] = reactive;
root["powPowerFactor"] = String(factor, 2);
String output;
if (--report_count == 0) {
// Update globals
_hlwPower = power_sum / HLW8012_REPORT_EVERY;
_hlwCurrent = current_sum / HLW8012_REPORT_EVERY;
_hlwVoltage = voltage_sum / HLW8012_REPORT_EVERY;
_hlwReady = true;
// Calculate subproducts (apparent and reactive power, power factor and delta energy)
unsigned int apparent = _hlwCurrent * _hlwVoltage;
unsigned int reactive = (apparent > _hlwPower) ? sqrt(apparent * apparent - _hlwPower * _hlwPower) : 0;
double factor = (apparent > 0) ? (double) _hlwPower / apparent : 1;
if (factor > 1) factor = 1;
double energy_delta = (double) _hlwPower * HLW8012_REPORT_EVERY * HLW8012_UPDATE_INTERVAL / 1000.0 / 3600.0;
// Report values to MQTT broker
mqttSend(getSetting("powPowerTopic", HLW8012_POWER_TOPIC).c_str(), String(_hlwPower).c_str());
mqttSend(getSetting("powCurrentTopic", HLW8012_CURRENT_TOPIC).c_str(), String(_hlwCurrent, 3).c_str());
mqttSend(getSetting("powVoltageTopic", HLW8012_VOLTAGE_TOPIC).c_str(), String(_hlwVoltage).c_str());
mqttSend(getSetting("powEnergyTopic", HLW8012_ENERGY_TOPIC).c_str(), String(energy_delta, 3).c_str());
mqttSend(getSetting("powAPowerTopic", HLW8012_APOWER_TOPIC).c_str(), String(apparent).c_str());
mqttSend(getSetting("powRPowerTopic", HLW8012_RPOWER_TOPIC).c_str(), String(reactive).c_str());
mqttSend(getSetting("powPFactorTopic", HLW8012_PFACTOR_TOPIC).c_str(), String(factor, 2).c_str());
// Report values to Domoticz
char buffer[20];
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%d;%s"), _hlwPower, String(energy_delta, 3).c_str());
domoticzSend("dczPowIdx", 0, buffer);
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%s"), String(energy_delta, 3).c_str());
domoticzSend("dczEnergyIdx", 0, buffer);
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%d"), _hlwVoltage);
domoticzSend("dczVoltIdx", 0, buffer);
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%s"), String(_hlwCurrent).c_str());
domoticzSend("dczCurrentIdx", 0, buffer);
influxDBSend(getSetting("powPowerTopic", HLW8012_POWER_TOPIC).c_str(), String(_hlwPower).c_str());
influxDBSend(getSetting("powCurrentTopic", HLW8012_CURRENT_TOPIC).c_str(), String(_hlwCurrent, 3).c_str());
influxDBSend(getSetting("powVoltageTopic", HLW8012_VOLTAGE_TOPIC).c_str(), String(_hlwVoltage).c_str());
influxDBSend(getSetting("powEnergyTopic", HLW8012_ENERGY_TOPIC).c_str(), String(energy_delta, 3).c_str());
influxDBSend(getSetting("powAPowerTopic", HLW8012_APOWER_TOPIC).c_str(), String(apparent).c_str());
influxDBSend(getSetting("powRPowerTopic", HLW8012_RPOWER_TOPIC).c_str(), String(reactive).c_str());
influxDBSend(getSetting("powPFactorTopic", HLW8012_PFACTOR_TOPIC).c_str(), String(factor, 2).c_str());
// Reset counters
power_sum = current_sum = voltage_sum = 0;
report_count = HLW8012_REPORT_EVERY;
// Post - Accumulators
power_sum += power_previous;
current_sum += current_previous;
voltage_sum += voltage_previous;
// Toggle between current and voltage monitoring