Fork of the espurna firmware for `mhsw` switches
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

285 lines
7.5 KiB

Copyright (C) 2016-2019 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
#pragma once
#include "espurna.h"
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include "broker.h"
#include "storage_eeprom.h"
#include "settings_embedis.h"
BrokerDeclare(ConfigBroker, void(const String& key, const String& value));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace settings {
struct EepromStorage {
uint8_t read(size_t pos) {
void write(size_t pos, uint8_t value) {
EEPROMr.write(pos, value);
void commit() {
using kvs_type = embedis::KeyValueStore<EepromStorage>;
extern kvs_type kv_store;
} // namespace settings
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class settings_key_t {
settings_key_t(const char* value, unsigned char index) :
_value(value), _index(index)
settings_key_t(const String& value, unsigned char index) :
_value(value), _index(index)
settings_key_t(String&& value, unsigned char index) :
_value(std::move(value)), _index(index)
settings_key_t(const char* value) :
_value(value), _index(-1)
settings_key_t(const String& value) :
_value(value), _index(-1)
settings_key_t(const __FlashStringHelper* value) :
_value(value), _index(-1)
settings_key_t() :
_value(), _index(-1)
bool match(const char* value) const {
return (_value == value) || (toString() == value);
bool match(const String& value) const {
return (_value == value) || (toString() == value);
String toString() const;
explicit operator String () const {
return toString();
const String _value;
int _index;
using settings_move_key_t = std::pair<settings_key_t, settings_key_t>;
using settings_filter_t = std::function<String(String& value)>;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct settings_cfg_t {
String& setting;
const char* key;
const char* default_value;
using settings_cfg_list_t = std::initializer_list<settings_cfg_t>;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace settings {
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
using is_arduino_string = std::is_same<String, typename std::decay<T>::type>;
template <typename T>
using enable_if_arduino_string = std::enable_if<is_arduino_string<T>::value>;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t u32fromString(const String& string, int base);
template <typename T>
using convert_t = T(*)(const String& value);
template <typename T>
T convert(const String& value);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <>
GpioType convert(const String& value);
template <>
float convert(const String& value);
template <>
double convert(const String& value);
template <>
int convert(const String& value);
template <>
long convert(const String& value);
template <>
bool convert(const String& value);
template <>
unsigned long convert(const String& value);
template <>
unsigned int convert(const String& value);
template <>
unsigned short convert(const String& value);
template <>
unsigned char convert(const String& value);
template<typename T>
String serialize(const T& value);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace settings
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct settings_key_match_t {
using match_f = bool(*)(const char* key);
using key_f = const String(*)(const String& key);
match_f match;
key_f key;
void settingsRegisterDefaults(const settings_key_match_t& matcher);
String settingsQueryDefaults(const String& key);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void moveSetting(const String& from, const String& to);
void moveSetting(const String& from, const String& to, unsigned int index);
void moveSettings(const String& from, const String& to);
template<typename R, settings::internal::convert_t<R> Rfunc = settings::internal::convert>
R getSetting(const settings_key_t& key, R defaultValue) __attribute__((noinline));
template<typename R, settings::internal::convert_t<R> Rfunc = settings::internal::convert>
R getSetting(const settings_key_t& key, R defaultValue) {
auto result = settings::kv_store.get(key.toString());
if (!result) {
return defaultValue;
return Rfunc(result.value);
String getSetting(const settings_key_t& key, String defaultValue);
String getSetting(const settings_key_t& key);
String getSetting(const settings_key_t& key, const char* defaultValue);
String getSetting(const settings_key_t& key, const __FlashStringHelper* defaultValue);
template<typename T>
bool setSetting(const settings_key_t& key, const T& value) {
return settings::kv_store.set(key.toString(), String(value));
bool setSetting(const settings_key_t& key, const String& value);
bool delSetting(const settings_key_t& key);
bool hasSetting(const settings_key_t& key);
void saveSettings();
void resetSettings();
void settingsGetJson(JsonObject& data);
bool settingsRestoreJson(char* json_string, size_t json_buffer_size = 1024);
bool settingsRestoreJson(JsonObject& data);
size_t settingsKeyCount();
std::vector<String> settingsKeys();
void settingsProcessConfig(const settings_cfg_list_t& config, settings_filter_t filter = nullptr);
size_t settingsSize();
void settingsSetup();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configuration updates
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int migrateVersion();
void migrate();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deprecated implementation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
String getSetting(const String& key, unsigned char index, T defaultValue)
__attribute__((deprecated("getSetting({key, index}, default) should be used instead")));
template<typename T>
bool setSetting(const String& key, unsigned char index, T value)
__attribute__((deprecated("setSetting({key, index}, value) should be used instead")));
template<typename T>
bool hasSetting(const String& key, unsigned char index)
__attribute__((deprecated("hasSetting({key, index}) should be used instead")));
template<typename T>
bool delSetting(const String& key, unsigned char index)
__attribute__((deprecated("delSetting({key, index}) should be used instead")));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<typename T>
String getSetting(const String& key, unsigned char index, T defaultValue) {
return getSetting({key, index}, defaultValue);
template<typename T>
bool setSetting(const String& key, unsigned char index, T value) {
return setSetting({key, index}, value);
template<typename T>
bool hasSetting(const String& key, unsigned char index) {
return hasSetting({key, index});
template<typename T>
bool delSetting(const String& key, unsigned char index) {
return delSetting({key, index});