Support for V9261D-based power monitors
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
#if V9261F_SUPPORT
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
SoftwareSerial * _v9261f_uart;
bool _v9261f_enabled = false;
bool _v9261f_ready = false;
bool _v9261f_newdata = false;
int _v9261f_power = 0;
int _v9261f_rpower = 0;
int _v9261f_voltage = 0;
double _v9261f_current = 0;
unsigned char _v9261f_data[24];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void v9261fRead() {
static unsigned char state = 0;
static unsigned long last = 0;
static bool found = false;
static unsigned char index = 0;
if (state == 0) {
while (_v9261f_uart->available()) {
found = true;
last = millis();
if (found && (millis() - last > V9261F_SYNC_INTERVAL)) {
index = 0;
state = 1;
} else if (state == 1) {
while (_v9261f_uart->available()) {
if (index++ >= 7) {
index = 0;
state = 2;
} else if (state == 2) {
while (_v9261f_uart->available()) {
_v9261f_data[index] = _v9261f_uart->read();
if (index++ >= 19) {
last = millis();
state = 3;
} else if (state == 3) {
for (unsigned char i=0; i<index;i++) {
DEBUG_MSG("%02X ", _v9261f_data[i]);
if (checksumOK()) {
_v9261f_power = (double) (
(_v9261f_data[3]) +
(_v9261f_data[4] << 8) +
(_v9261f_data[5] << 16) +
(_v9261f_data[6] << 24)
_v9261f_rpower = (double) (
(_v9261f_data[7]) +
(_v9261f_data[8] << 8) +
(_v9261f_data[9] << 16) +
(_v9261f_data[10] << 24)
_v9261f_voltage = (double) (
(_v9261f_data[11]) +
(_v9261f_data[12] << 8) +
(_v9261f_data[13] << 16) +
(_v9261f_data[14] << 24)
_v9261f_current = (double) (
(_v9261f_data[15]) +
(_v9261f_data[16] << 8) +
(_v9261f_data[17] << 16) +
(_v9261f_data[18] << 24)
_v9261f_newdata = true;
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[V9261F] W = %lu\n"), _v9261f_power);
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[V9261F] R = %lu\n"), _v9261f_rpower);
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[V9261F] V = %lu\n"), _v9261f_voltage);
DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[V9261F] C = %lu\n"), _v9261f_current);
last = millis();
index = 0;
state = 4;
} else if (state == 4) {
while (_v9261f_uart->available()) {
last = millis();
if (millis() - last > V9261F_SYNC_INTERVAL) {
state = 1;
boolean checksumOK() {
unsigned char checksum = 0;
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
checksum = checksum + _v9261f_data[i];
checksum = ~checksum + 0x33;
return checksum == _v9261f_data[19];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HAL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int getActivePower() {
return _v9261f_power;
unsigned int getReactivePower() {
return _v9261f_rpower;
unsigned int getApparentPower() {
return sqrt(_v9261f_rpower * _v9261f_rpower + _v9261f_power * _v9261f_power);
unsigned int getVoltage() {
return _v9261f_voltage;
double getCurrent() {
return _v9261f_current;
double getPowerFactor() {
unsigned int apparent = getApparentPower();
if (apparent > 0) return getActivePower() / getApparentPower();
return 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void v9261fSetup() {
_v9261f_uart = new SoftwareSerial(V9261F_PIN, SW_SERIAL_UNUSED_PIN, V9261F_PIN_INVERSE, 256);
// API definitions
apiRegister(HLW8012_POWER_TOPIC, HLW8012_POWER_TOPIC, [](char * buffer, size_t len) {
snprintf_P(buffer, len, PSTR("%d"), _v9261f_power);
apiRegister(HLW8012_CURRENT_TOPIC, HLW8012_CURRENT_TOPIC, [](char * buffer, size_t len) {
dtostrf(_v9261f_current, len-1, 3, buffer);
apiRegister(HLW8012_VOLTAGE_TOPIC, HLW8012_VOLTAGE_TOPIC, [](char * buffer, size_t len) {
snprintf_P(buffer, len, PSTR("%d"), _v9261f_voltage);
#endif // WEB_SUPPORT
void v9261fLoop() {
static int sum_power = 0;
static int sum_rpower = 0;
static int sum_voltage = 0;
static double sum_current = 0;
static int count = 0;
// Sniff data in the UART interface
// Do we have new data?
if (_v9261f_newdata) {
_v9261f_newdata = false;
sum_power += getActivePower();
sum_rpower += getReactivePower();
sum_voltage += getVoltage();
sum_current += getCurrent();
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
char buf_current[10];
dtostrf(getCurrent(), 6, 3, buf_current);
root["powVisible"] = 1;
root["powActivePower"] = getActivePower();
root["powCurrent"] = String(ltrim(buf_current));
root["powVoltage"] = getVoltage();
root["powApparentPower"] = getApparentPower();
root["powReactivePower"] = getReactivePower();
root["powPowerFactor"] = 100 * getPowerFactor();
String output;
// Do we have to report?
static unsigned long last = 0;
if ((count == 0) || (millis() - last < V9261F_REPORT_INTERVAL)) return;
last = millis();
unsigned int power = sum_power / count;
unsigned int reactive = sum_rpower / count;
unsigned int voltage = sum_voltage / count;
double current = sum_current / count;
char buf_current[10];
dtostrf(current, 6, 3, buf_current);
unsigned int apparent = sqrt(power * power + reactive * reactive);
double energy_delta = (double) power * V9261F_REPORT_INTERVAL / 1000.0 / 3600.0;
char buf_energy[10];
dtostrf(energy_delta, 6, 3, buf_energy);
unsigned int factor = 100 * ((double) power / apparent);
// Report values to MQTT broker
mqttSend(HLW8012_POWER_TOPIC, String(power).c_str());
mqttSend(HLW8012_CURRENT_TOPIC, buf_current);
mqttSend(HLW8012_VOLTAGE_TOPIC, String(voltage).c_str());
mqttSend(HLW8012_ENERGY_TOPIC, buf_energy);
mqttSend(HLW8012_APOWER_TOPIC, String(apparent).c_str());
mqttSend(HLW8012_RPOWER_TOPIC, String(reactive).c_str());
mqttSend(HLW8012_PFACTOR_TOPIC, String(factor).c_str());
// Report values to Domoticz
char buffer[20];
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%d;%s"), power, buf_energy);
domoticzSend("dczPowIdx", 0, buffer);
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%s"), buf_energy);
domoticzSend("dczEnergyIdx", 0, buffer);
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%d"), voltage);
domoticzSend("dczVoltIdx", 0, buffer);
snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%s"), buf_current);
domoticzSend("dczCurrentIdx", 0, buffer);
influxDBSend(HLW8012_POWER_TOPIC, String(power).c_str());
influxDBSend(HLW8012_CURRENT_TOPIC, buf_current);
influxDBSend(HLW8012_VOLTAGE_TOPIC, String(voltage).c_str());
influxDBSend(HLW8012_ENERGY_TOPIC, buf_energy);
influxDBSend(HLW8012_APOWER_TOPIC, String(apparent).c_str());
influxDBSend(HLW8012_RPOWER_TOPIC, String(reactive).c_str());
influxDBSend(HLW8012_PFACTOR_TOPIC, String(factor).c_str());
// Reset counters
sum_power = sum_rpower = sum_voltage = sum_current = count = 0;