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  1. # Keycodes Overview
  2. When defining a [keymap]( each key needs a valid key definition. This page documents the symbols that correspond to keycodes that are available to you in QMK.
  3. This is a reference only. Each group of keys links to the page documenting their functionality in more detail.
  4. ## [Basic Keycodes](
  5. |Key |Aliases |Description |
  6. |-----------------------|----------|-----------------------------------------------|
  7. |`KC_1` | |`1` and `!` |
  8. |`KC_2` | |`2` and `@` |
  9. |`KC_3` | |`3` and `#` |
  10. |`KC_4` | |`4` and `$` |
  11. |`KC_5` | |`5` and `%` |
  12. |`KC_6` | |`6` and `^` |
  13. |`KC_7` | |`7` and `&` |
  14. |`KC_8` | |`8` and `*` |
  15. |`KC_9` | |`9` and `(` |
  16. |`KC_0` | |`0` and `)` |
  17. |`KC_F1` | | |
  18. |`KC_F2` | | |
  19. |`KC_F3` | | |
  20. |`KC_F4` | | |
  21. |`KC_F5` | | |
  22. |`KC_F6` | | |
  23. |`KC_F7` | | |
  24. |`KC_F8` | | |
  25. |`KC_F9` | | |
  26. |`KC_F10` | | |
  27. |`KC_F11` | | |
  28. |`KC_F12` | | |
  29. |`KC_F13` | | |
  30. |`KC_F14` | | |
  31. |`KC_F15` | | |
  32. |`KC_F16` | | |
  33. |`KC_F17` | | |
  34. |`KC_F18` | | |
  35. |`KC_F19` | | |
  36. |`KC_F20` | | |
  37. |`KC_F21` | | |
  38. |`KC_F22` | | |
  39. |`KC_F23` | | |
  40. |`KC_F24` | | |
  41. |`KC_A` | |`a` and `A` |
  42. |`KC_B` | |`b` and `B` |
  43. |`KC_C` | |`c` and `C` |
  44. |`KC_D` | |`d` and `D` |
  45. |`KC_E` | |`e` and `E` |
  46. |`KC_F` | |`f` and `F` |
  47. |`KC_G` | |`g` and `G` |
  48. |`KC_H` | |`h` and `H` |
  49. |`KC_I` | |`i` and `I` |
  50. |`KC_J` | |`j` and `J` |
  51. |`KC_K` | |`k` and `K` |
  52. |`KC_L` | |`l` and `L` |
  53. |`KC_M` | |`m` and `M` |
  54. |`KC_N` | |`n` and `N` |
  55. |`KC_O` | |`o` and `O` |
  56. |`KC_P` | |`p` and `P` |
  57. |`KC_Q` | |`q` and `Q` |
  58. |`KC_R` | |`r` and `R` |
  59. |`KC_S` | |`s` and `S` |
  60. |`KC_T` | |`t` and `T` |
  61. |`KC_U` | |`u` and `U` |
  62. |`KC_V` | |`v` and `V` |
  63. |`KC_W` | |`w` and `W` |
  64. |`KC_X` | |`x` and `X` |
  65. |`KC_Y` | |`y` and `Y` |
  66. |`KC_Z` | |`z` and `Z` |
  67. |`KC_ENTER` |`KC_ENT` |Return (Enter) |
  68. |`KC_ESCAPE` |`KC_ESC` |Escape |
  69. |`KC_BSPACE` |`KC_BSPC` |Delete (Backspace) |
  70. |`KC_TAB` | |Tab |
  71. |`KC_SPACE` |`KC_SPC` |Spacebar |
  72. |`KC_MINUS` |`KC_MINS` |`-` and `_` |
  73. |`KC_EQUAL` |`KC_EQL` |`=` and `+` |
  74. |`KC_LBRACKET` |`KC_LBRC` |`[` and `{` |
  75. |`KC_RBRACKET` |`KC_RBRC` |`]` and `}` |
  76. |`KC_BSLASH` |`KC_BSLS` |`\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
  77. |`KC_NONUS_HASH` |`KC_NUHS` |Non-US `#` and `~` |
  78. |`KC_NONUS_BSLASH` |`KC_NUBS` |Non-US `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
  79. |`KC_INT1` |`KC_RO` |JIS `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
  80. |`KC_INT2` |`KC_KANA` |JIS Katakana/Hiragana |
  81. |`KC_INT3` |`KC_JYEN` |JIS `¥` |
  82. |`KC_SCOLON` |`KC_SCLN` |`;` and `:` |
  83. |`KC_QUOTE` |`KC_QUOT` |`'` and `"` |
  84. |`KC_GRAVE` |`KC_GRV` |<code>&#96;</code> and `~` |
  85. |`KC_COMMA` |`KC_COMM` |`,` and `<` |
  86. |`KC_DOT` | |`.` and `>` |
  87. |`KC_SLASH` |`KC_SLSH` |`/` and `?` |
  88. |`KC_CAPSLOCK` |`KC_CAPS` |Caps Lock |
  89. |`KC_LCTRL` |`KC_LCTL` |Left Control |
  90. |`KC_LSHIFT` |`KC_LSFT` |Left Shift |
  91. |`KC_LALT` | |Left Alt |
  92. |`KC_LGUI` | |Left GUI (Windows/Command/Meta key) |
  93. |`KC_RCTRL` |`KC_RCTL` |Right Control |
  94. |`KC_RSHIFT` |`KC_RSFT` |Right Shift |
  95. |`KC_RALT` | |Right Alt |
  96. |`KC_RGUI` | |Right GUI (Windows/Command/Meta key) |
  97. |`KC_LOCKING_CAPS` |`KC_LCAP` |Locking Caps Lock |
  98. |`KC_LOCKING_NUM` |`KC_LNUM` |Locking Num Lock |
  99. |`KC_LOCKING_SCROLL` |`KC_LSCR` |Locking Scroll Lock |
  100. |`KC_INT4` |`KC_HENK` |JIS Henkan |
  101. |`KC_INT5` |`KC_MHEN` |JIS Muhenkan |
  102. |`KC_PSCREEN` |`KC_PSCR` |Print Screen |
  103. |`KC_SCROLLLOCK` |`KC_SLCK` |Scroll Lock |
  104. |`KC_PAUSE` |`KC_PAUS` |Pause |
  105. |`KC_INSERT` |`KC_INS` |Insert |
  106. |`KC_HOME` | |Home |
  107. |`KC_PGUP` | |Page Up |
  108. |`KC_DELETE` |`KC_DEL` |Forward Delete |
  109. |`KC_END` | |End |
  110. |`KC_PGDOWN` |`KC_PGDN` |Page Down |
  111. |`KC_RIGHT` |`KC_RGHT` |Right Arrow |
  112. |`KC_LEFT` | |Left Arrow |
  113. |`KC_DOWN` | |Down Arrow |
  114. |`KC_UP` | |Up Arrow |
  115. |`KC_APPLICATION` |`KC_APP` |Application (Windows Menu Key) |
  116. |`KC_POWER` | |Deprecated by MS in favor of `KC_SYSTEM_POWER`.|
  117. |`KC_EXECUTE` | |Execute |
  118. |`KC_HELP` | |Help |
  119. |`KC_MENU` | |Menu |
  120. |`KC_SELECT` | |Select |
  121. |`KC_AGAIN` | |Again |
  122. |`KC_UNDO` | |Undo |
  123. |`KC_CUT` | |Cut |
  124. |`KC_COPY` | |Copy |
  125. |`KC_PASTE` | |Paste |
  126. |`KC_FIND` | |Find |
  127. |`KC_ALT_ERASE` | |Alternate Erase |
  128. |`KC_SYSREQ` | |SysReq/Attention |
  129. |`KC_CANCEL` | |Cancel |
  130. |`KC_CLEAR` | |Clear |
  131. |`KC_PRIOR` | |Prior |
  132. |`KC_RETURN` | |Return |
  133. |`KC_SEPARATOR` | |Separator |
  134. |`KC_OUT` | |Out |
  135. |`KC_OPER` | |Oper |
  136. |`KC_CLEAR_AGAIN` | |Clear/Again |
  137. |`KC_CRSEL` | |CrSel/Props |
  138. |`KC_EXSEL` | |ExSel |
  139. |`KC_SYSTEM_POWER` |`KC_PWR` |System Power Down. Recommended over `KC_POWER`.|
  140. |`KC_SYSTEM_SLEEP` |`KC_SLEP` |System Sleep |
  141. |`KC_SYSTEM_WAKE` |`KC_WAKE` |System Wake |
  142. |`KC_MAIL` |`KC_MAIL` | |
  143. |`KC_CALCULATOR` |`KC_CALC` | |
  144. |`KC_MY_COMPUTER` |`KC_MYCM` | |
  145. |`KC_WWW_SEARCH` |`KC_WSCH` | |
  146. |`KC_WWW_HOME` |`KC_WHOM` | |
  147. |`KC_WWW_BACK` |`KC_WBAK` | |
  148. |`KC_WWW_FORWARD` |`KC_WFWD` | |
  149. |`KC_WWW_STOP` |`KC_WSTP` | |
  150. |`KC_WWW_REFRESH` |`KC_WREF` | |
  151. |`KC_WWW_FAVORITES` |`KC_WFAV` | |
  152. |`KC_STOP` | |Stop |
  153. |`KC__MUTE` | |Mute (macOS) |
  154. |`KC__VOLUP` | |Volume Up (macOS) |
  155. |`KC__VOLDOWN` | |Volume Down (macOS) |
  156. |`KC_AUDIO_MUTE` |`KC_MUTE` |Mute (Windows/macOS/Linux) |
  157. |`KC_AUDIO_VOL_UP` |`KC_VOLU` |Volume Up (Windows/macOS/Linux) |
  158. |`KC_AUDIO_VOL_DOWN` |`KC_VOLD` |Volume Down (Windows/macOS/Linux) |
  159. |`KC_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK` |`KC_MNXT` |Next Track (Windows) |
  160. |`KC_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK` |`KC_MPRV` |Previous Track (Windows) |
  161. |`KC_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD`|`KC_MFFD` |Next Track (macOS) |
  162. |`KC_MEDIA_REWIND` |`KC_MRWD` |Previous Track (macOS) |
  163. |`KC_MEDIA_STOP` |`KC_MSTP` |Stop Track |
  164. |`KC_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE` |`KC_MPLY` |Play/Pause Track |
  165. |`KC_MEDIA_SELECT` |`KC_MSEL` | |
  166. |`KC_NUMLOCK` |`KC_NLCK` |Keypad Num Lock and Clear |
  167. |`KC_KP_SLASH` |`KC_PSLS` |Keypad `/` |
  168. |`KC_KP_ASTERISK` |`KC_PAST` |Keypad `*` |
  169. |`KC_KP_MINUS` |`KC_PMNS` |Keypad `-` |
  170. |`KC_KP_PLUS` |`KC_PPLS` |Keypad `+` |
  171. |`KC_KP_ENTER` |`KC_PENT` |Keypad Enter |
  172. |`KC_KP_1` |`KC_P1` |Keypad `1` and End |
  173. |`KC_KP_2` |`KC_P2` |Keypad `2` and Down Arrow |
  174. |`KC_KP_3` |`KC_P3` |Keypad `3` and Page Down |
  175. |`KC_KP_4` |`KC_P4` |Keypad `4` and Left Arrow |
  176. |`KC_KP_5` |`KC_P5` |Keypad `5` |
  177. |`KC_KP_6` |`KC_P6` |Keypad `6` and Right Arrow |
  178. |`KC_KP_7` |`KC_P7` |Keypad `7` and Home |
  179. |`KC_KP_8` |`KC_P8` |Keypad `8` and Up Arrow |
  180. |`KC_KP_9` |`KC_P9` |Keypad `9` and Page Up |
  181. |`KC_KP_0` |`KC_P0` |Keypad `0` and Insert |
  182. |`KC_KP_DOT` |`KC_PDOT` |Keypad `.` and Delete |
  183. |`KC_KP_EQUAL` |`KC_PEQL` |Keypad `=` |
  184. |`KC_KP_COMMA` |`KC_PCMM` |Keypad `,` |
  185. |`KC_KP_EQUAL_AS400` | |Keypad `=` on AS/400 keyboards |
  186. |`KC_NO` | |Ignore this key (NOOP) |
  187. |`KC_TRANSPARENT` |`KC_TRNS` |Use the next lowest non-transparent key |
  188. ## [Mouse Keys](
  189. |Key |Aliases |Description |
  190. |----------------|---------|---------------------------|
  191. |`KC_MS_UP` |`KC_MS_U`|Mouse Cursor Up |
  192. |`KC_MS_DOWN` |`KC_MS_D`|Mouse Cursor Down |
  193. |`KC_MS_LEFT` |`KC_MS_L`|Mouse Cursor Left |
  194. |`KC_MS_RIGHT` |`KC_MS_R`|Mouse Cursor Right |
  195. |`KC_MS_BTN1` |`KC_BTN1`|Mouse Button 1 |
  196. |`KC_MS_BTN2` |`KC_BTN2`|Mouse Button 2 |
  197. |`KC_MS_BTN3` |`KC_BTN3`|Mouse Button 3 |
  198. |`KC_MS_BTN4` |`KC_BTN4`|Mouse Button 4 |
  199. |`KC_MS_BTN5` |`KC_BTN5`|Mouse Button 5 |
  200. |`KC_MS_WH_UP` |`KC_WH_U`|Mouse Wheel Up |
  201. |`KC_MS_WH_DOWN` |`KC_WH_D`|Mouse Wheel Down |
  202. |`KC_MS_WH_LEFT` |`KC_WH_L`|Mouse Wheel Left |
  203. |`KC_MS_WH_RIGHT`|`KC_WH_R`|Mouse Wheel Right |
  204. |`KC_MS_ACCEL0` |`KC_ACL0`|Set mouse acceleration to 0|
  205. |`KC_MS_ACCEL1` |`KC_ACL1`|Set mouse acceleration to 1|
  206. |`KC_MS_ACCEL2` |`KC_ACL2`|Set mouse acceleration to 2|
  207. ## [Quantum Keycodes](
  208. |Key |Aliases |Description |
  209. |-------------|-----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|
  210. |`RESET` | |Put the keyboard into DFU mode for flashing |
  211. |`DEBUG` | |Toggle debug mode |
  212. |`KC_GESC` |`GRAVE_ESC`|Escape when tapped, <code>&#96;</code> when pressed with Shift or GUI|
  213. |`KC_LSPO` | |Left Shift when held, `(` when tapped |
  214. |`KC_RSPC` | |Right Shift when held, `)` when tapped |
  215. |`KC_LEAD` | |The [Leader key]( |
  216. |`KC_LOCK` | |The [Lock key]( |
  217. |`FUNC(n)` |`F(n)` |Call `fn_action(n)` (deprecated) |
  218. |`M(n)` | |Call macro `n` |
  219. |`MACROTAP(n)`| |Macro-tap `n` idk FIXME |
  220. ## [Bootmagic](
  221. |Key |Aliases |Description |
  222. |----------------------------------|---------|------------------------------------|
  223. |`MAGIC_SWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK` | |Swap Caps Lock and Left Control |
  224. |`MAGIC_CAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL` | |Treat Caps Lock as Control |
  225. |`MAGIC_SWAP_LALT_LGUI` | |Swap Left Alt and GUI |
  226. |`MAGIC_SWAP_RALT_RGUI` | |Swap Right Alt and GUI |
  227. |`MAGIC_NO_GUI` | |Disable the GUI key |
  228. |`MAGIC_SWAP_GRAVE_ESC` | |Swap <code>&#96;</code> and Escape |
  229. |`MAGIC_SWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE` | |Swap `\` and Backspace |
  230. |`MAGIC_HOST_NKRO` | |Force NKRO on |
  231. |`MAGIC_SWAP_ALT_GUI` |`AG_SWAP`|Swap Alt and GUI on both sides |
  232. |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK` | |Unswap Caps Lock and Left Control |
  233. |`MAGIC_UNCAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL` | |Stop treating Caps Lock as Control |
  234. |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_LALT_LGUI` | |Unswap Left Alt and GUI |
  235. |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_RALT_RGUI` | |Unswap Right Alt and GUI |
  236. |`MAGIC_UNNO_GUI` | |Enable the GUI key |
  237. |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_GRAVE_ESC` | |Unswap <code>&#96;</code> and Escape|
  238. |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE`| |Unswap `\` and Backspace |
  239. |`MAGIC_UNHOST_NKRO` | |Force NKRO off |
  240. |`MAGIC_UNSWAP_ALT_GUI` |`AG_NORM`|Unswap Alt and GUI on both sides |
  241. |`MAGIC_TOGGLE_NKRO` | |Turn NKRO on or off |
  242. ## [Backlighting](
  243. |Key |Description |
  244. |---------|------------------------------------------|
  245. |`BL_TOGG`|Turn the backlight on or off |
  246. |`BL_STEP`|Cycle through backlight levels |
  247. |`BL_x` |Set a specific backlight level between 0-9|
  248. |`BL_ON` |An alias for `BL_9` |
  249. |`BL_OFF` |An alias for `BL_0` |
  250. |`BL_INC` |Increase backlight level |
  251. |`BL_DEC` |Decrease backlight level |
  252. ## [RGB Lighting](
  253. |Key |Aliases |Description |
  254. |-------------------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|
  255. |`RGB_TOG` | |Toggle RGB lighting on or off |
  256. |`RGB_MODE_FORWARD` |`RGB_MOD` |Cycle through modes, reverse direction when Shift is held |
  257. |`RGB_MODE_REVERSE` |`RGB_RMOD`|Cycle through modes in reverse, forward direction when Shift is held|
  258. |`RGB_HUI` | |Increase hue |
  259. |`RGB_HUD` | |Decrease hue |
  260. |`RGB_SAI` | |Increase saturation |
  261. |`RGB_SAD` | |Decrease saturation |
  262. |`RGB_VAI` | |Increase value (brightness) |
  263. |`RGB_VAD` | |Decrease value (brightness) |
  264. |`RGB_MODE_PLAIN` |`RGB_M_P `|Static (no animation) mode |
  265. |`RGB_MODE_BREATHE` |`RGB_M_B` |Breathing animation mode |
  266. |`RGB_MODE_RAINBOW` |`RGB_M_R` |Rainbow animation mode |
  267. |`RGB_MODE_SWIRL` |`RGB_M_SW`|Swirl animation mode |
  268. |`RGB_MODE_SNAKE` |`RGB_M_SN`|Snake animation mode |
  269. |`RGB_MODE_KNIGHT` |`RGB_M_K` |"Knight Rider" animation mode |
  270. |`RGB_MODE_XMAS` |`RGB_M_X` |Christmas animation mode |
  271. |`RGB_MODE_GRADIENT`|`RGB_M_G` |Static gradient animation mode |
  272. ## [Thermal Printer](
  273. |Key |Description |
  274. |-----------|----------------------------------------|
  275. |`PRINT_ON` |Start printing everything the user types|
  276. |`PRINT_OFF`|Stop printing everything the user types |
  277. ## [Bluetooth](
  278. |Key |Description |
  279. |----------|----------------------------------------------|
  280. |`OUT_AUTO`|Automatically switch between USB and Bluetooth|
  281. |`OUT_USB` |USB only |
  282. |`OUT_BT` |Bluetooth only |
  283. ## [Modifiers](
  284. |Key |Aliases |Description |
  285. |----------|----------|----------------------------------------------------|
  286. |`KC_HYPR` | |Hold Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI |
  287. |`KC_MEH` | |Hold Left Control, Shift and Alt |
  288. |`LCTL(kc)`| |Hold Left Control and press `kc` |
  289. |`LSFT(kc)`|`S(kc)` |Hold Left Shift and press `kc` |
  290. |`LALT(kc)`| |Hold Left Alt and press `kc` |
  291. |`LGUI(kc)`| |Hold Left GUI and press `kc` |
  292. |`RCTL(kc)`| |Hold Right Control and press `kc` |
  293. |`RSFT(kc)`| |Hold Right Shift and press `kc` |
  294. |`RALT(kc)`| |Hold Right Alt and press `kc` |
  295. |`RGUI(kc)`| |Hold Right GUI and press `kc` |
  296. |`HYPR(kc)`| |Hold Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI and press `kc`|
  297. |`MEH(kc)` | |Hold Left Control, Shift and Alt and press `kc` |
  298. |`LCAG(kc)`| |Hold Left Control, Alt and GUI and press `kc` |
  299. |`ALTG(kc)`| |Hold Right Control and Alt and press `kc` |
  300. |`SCMD(kc)`|`SWIN(kc)`|Hold Left Shift and GUI and press `kc` |
  301. |`LCA(kc)` | |Hold Left Control and Alt and press `kc` |
  302. ## [Mod-Tap Keys](
  303. |Key |Aliases |Description |
  304. |------------|------------|-------------------------------------------------------|
  305. |`LCTL_T(kc)`|`CTL_T(kc)` |Left Control when held, `kc` when tapped |
  306. |`RCTL_T(kc)`| |Right Control when held, `kc` when tapped |
  307. |`LSFT_T(kc)`|`SFT_T(kc)` |Left Shift when held, `kc` when tapped |
  308. |`RSFT_T(kc)`| |Right Shift when held, `kc` when tapped |
  309. |`LALT_T(kc)`|`ALT_T(kc)` |Left Alt when held, `kc` when tapped |
  310. |`RALT_T(kc)`|`ALGR_T(kc)`|Right Alt when held, `kc` when tapped |
  311. |`LGUI_T(kc)`|`GUI_T(kc)` |Left GUI when held, `kc` when tapped |
  312. |`RGUI_T(kc)`| |Right GUI when held, `kc` when tapped |
  313. |`C_S_T(kc)` | |Left Control and Shift when held, `kc` when tapped |
  314. |`MEH_T(kc)` | |Left Control, Shift and Alt when held, `kc` when tapped|
  315. |`LCAG_T(kc)`| |Left Control, Alt and GUI when held, `kc` when tapped |
  316. |`RCAG_T(kc)`| |Right Control, Alt and GUI when held, `kc` when tapped |
  317. |`ALL_T(kc)` | |Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI when held, `kc` when tapped - more info [here](|
  318. |`SCMD_T(kc)`|`SWIN_T(kc)`|Left Shift and GUI when held, `kc` when tapped |
  319. |`LCA_T(kc)` | |Left Control and Alt when held, `kc` when tapped |
  320. ## [US ANSI Shifted Keys](
  321. |Key |Aliases |Description |
  322. |------------------------|------------------|-------------------|
  323. |`KC_TILDE` |`KC_TILD` |`~` |
  324. |`KC_EXCLAIM` |`KC_EXLM` |`!` |
  325. |`KC_AT` | |`@` |
  326. |`KC_HASH` | |`#` |
  327. |`KC_DOLLAR` |`KC_DLR` |`$` |
  328. |`KC_PERCENT` |`KC_PERC` |`%` |
  329. |`KC_CIRCUMFLEX` |`KC_CIRC` |`^` |
  330. |`KC_AMPERSAND` |`KC_AMPR` |`&` |
  331. |`KC_ASTERISK` |`KC_ASTR` |`*` |
  332. |`KC_LEFT_PAREN` |`KC_LPRN` |`(` |
  333. |`KC_RIGHT_PAREN` |`KC_RPRN` |`)` |
  334. |`KC_UNDERSCORE` |`KC_UNDS` |`_` |
  335. |`KC_PLUS` | |`+` |
  336. |`KC_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE` |`KC_LCBR` |`{` |
  337. |`KC_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE` |`KC_RCBR` |`}` |
  338. |`KC_PIPE` | |<code>&#124;</code>|
  339. |`KC_COLON` |`KC_COLN` |`:` |
  340. |`KC_DOUBLE_QUOTE` |`KC_DQT`/`KC_DQUO`|`"` |
  341. |`KC_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET` |`KC_LT`/`KC_LABK` |`<` |
  343. |`KC_QUESTION` |`KC_QUES` |`?` |
  344. ## [Switching and Toggling Layers](
  345. |Key |Description |
  346. |---------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  347. |`LT(layer, kc)`|Turn on `layer` when held, `kc` when tapped |
  348. |`TO(layer)` |Turn on `layer` when pressed |
  349. |`MO(layer)` |Momentarily turn on `layer` when pressed (requires `KC_TRNS` on destination layer)|
  350. |`DF(layer)` |Set the base (default) layer |
  351. |`TG(layer)` |Toggle `layer` on or off |
  352. |`TT(layer)` |Tap toggle? idk FIXME |
  353. ## [One Shot Keys](
  354. |Key |Description |
  355. |------------|----------------------------------|
  356. |`OSM(mod)` |Hold `mod` for one keypress |
  357. |`OSL(layer)`|Switch to `layer` for one keypress|
  358. ## [Unicode Support](
  359. |Key |Aliases| |
  360. |------------|-------|-------------------------------------------------|
  361. |`UNICODE(n)`|`UC(n)`|Send Unicode character `n` |
  362. |`X(n)` | |Send Unicode character `n` via a different method|