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  1. # OLED Driver
  2. ## Supported Hardware
  3. OLED modules using SSD1306, SH1106 or SH1107 driver ICs, communicating over I2C or SPI.
  4. Tested combinations:
  5. |IC |Size |Platform|Notes |
  6. |---------|-------|--------|------------------------|
  7. |SSD1306 |128x32 |AVR |Primary support |
  8. |SSD1306 |128x64 |AVR |Verified working |
  9. |SSD1306 |128x32 |Arm | |
  10. |SSD1306 |128x64 |Arm |Verified working |
  11. |SH1106 |128x64 |AVR |No scrolling |
  12. |SH1107 |64x128 |AVR |No scrolling |
  13. |SH1107 |64x128 |Arm |No scrolling |
  14. |SH1107 |128x128|Arm |No scrolling |
  15. Hardware configurations using Arm-based microcontrollers or different sizes of OLED modules may be compatible, but are untested.
  16. ## Usage
  17. To enable the OLED feature, there are two steps. First, when compiling your keyboard, you'll need to add the following to your ``:
  18. ```make
  19. OLED_ENABLE = yes
  20. ```
  21. ## OLED type
  22. |OLED Driver |Supported Device |
  23. |-------------------|------------------------------------|
  24. |`ssd1306` (default)|For both SSD1306, SH1106, and SH1107|
  25. e.g.
  26. ```make
  27. OLED_DRIVER = ssd1306
  28. ```
  29. |OLED Transport | |
  30. |---------------|------------------------------------------------|
  31. |`i2c` (default)| Uses I2C for communication with the OLED panel |
  32. |`spi` | Uses SPI for communication with the OLED panel |
  33. e.g.
  34. ```make
  35. OLED_TRANSPORT = i2c
  36. ```
  37. Then in your `keymap.c` file, implement the OLED task call. This example assumes your keymap has three layers named `_QWERTY`, `_FN` and `_ADJ`:
  38. ```c
  39. #ifdef OLED_ENABLE
  40. bool oled_task_user(void) {
  41. // Host Keyboard Layer Status
  42. oled_write_P(PSTR("Layer: "), false);
  43. switch (get_highest_layer(layer_state)) {
  44. case _QWERTY:
  45. oled_write_P(PSTR("Default\n"), false);
  46. break;
  47. case _FN:
  48. oled_write_P(PSTR("FN\n"), false);
  49. break;
  50. case _ADJ:
  51. oled_write_P(PSTR("ADJ\n"), false);
  52. break;
  53. default:
  54. // Or use the write_ln shortcut over adding '\n' to the end of your string
  55. oled_write_ln_P(PSTR("Undefined"), false);
  56. }
  57. // Host Keyboard LED Status
  58. led_t led_state = host_keyboard_led_state();
  59. oled_write_P(led_state.num_lock ? PSTR("NUM ") : PSTR(" "), false);
  60. oled_write_P(led_state.caps_lock ? PSTR("CAP ") : PSTR(" "), false);
  61. oled_write_P(led_state.scroll_lock ? PSTR("SCR ") : PSTR(" "), false);
  62. return false;
  63. }
  64. #endif
  65. ```
  66. ## Logo Example
  67. In the default font, certain ranges of characters are reserved for a QMK logo. To render this logo to the OLED screen, use the following code example:
  68. ```c
  69. static void render_logo(void) {
  70. static const char PROGMEM qmk_logo[] = {
  71. 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8A, 0x8B, 0x8C, 0x8D, 0x8E, 0x8F, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94,
  72. 0xA0, 0xA1, 0xA2, 0xA3, 0xA4, 0xA5, 0xA6, 0xA7, 0xA8, 0xA9, 0xAA, 0xAB, 0xAC, 0xAD, 0xAE, 0xAF, 0xB0, 0xB1, 0xB2, 0xB3, 0xB4,
  73. 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0xC3, 0xC4, 0xC5, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC8, 0xC9, 0xCA, 0xCB, 0xCC, 0xCD, 0xCE, 0xCF, 0xD0, 0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4, 0x00
  74. };
  75. oled_write_P(qmk_logo, false);
  76. }
  77. bool oled_task_user(void) {
  78. render_logo();
  79. return false;
  80. }
  81. ```
  82. ?> The default font file is located at `drivers/oled/glcdfont.c` and its location can be overwritten with the `OLED_FONT_H` configuration option. Font file content can be edited with external tools such as [Helix Font Editor]( and [Logo Editor](
  83. ## Buffer Read Example
  84. For some purposes, you may need to read the current state of the OLED display
  85. buffer. The `oled_read_raw` function can be used to safely read bytes from the
  86. buffer.
  87. In this example, calling `fade_display` in the `oled_task_user` function will
  88. slowly fade away whatever is on the screen by turning random pixels black over
  89. time.
  90. ```c
  91. //Setup some mask which can be or'd with bytes to turn off pixels
  92. const uint8_t single_bit_masks[8] = {127, 191, 223, 239, 247, 251, 253, 254};
  93. static void fade_display(void) {
  94. //Define the reader structure
  95. oled_buffer_reader_t reader;
  96. uint8_t buff_char;
  97. if (random() % 30 == 0) {
  98. srand(timer_read());
  99. // Fetch a pointer for the buffer byte at index 0. The return structure
  100. // will have the pointer and the number of bytes remaining from this
  101. // index position if we want to perform a sequential read by
  102. // incrementing the buffer pointer
  103. reader = oled_read_raw(0);
  104. //Loop over the remaining buffer and erase pixels as we go
  105. for (uint16_t i = 0; i < reader.remaining_element_count; i++) {
  106. //Get the actual byte in the buffer by dereferencing the pointer
  107. buff_char = *reader.current_element;
  108. if (buff_char != 0) {
  109. oled_write_raw_byte(buff_char & single_bit_masks[rand() % 8], i);
  110. }
  111. //increment the pointer to fetch a new byte during the next loop
  112. reader.current_element++;
  113. }
  114. }
  115. }
  116. ```
  117. ## Other Examples
  118. In split keyboards, it is very common to have two OLED displays that each render different content and are oriented or flipped differently. You can do this by switching which content to render by using the return value from `is_keyboard_master()` or `is_keyboard_left()` found in `split_util.h`, e.g:
  119. ```c
  120. #ifdef OLED_ENABLE
  121. oled_rotation_t oled_init_user(oled_rotation_t rotation) {
  122. if (!is_keyboard_master()) {
  123. return OLED_ROTATION_180; // flips the display 180 degrees if offhand
  124. }
  125. return rotation;
  126. }
  127. bool oled_task_user(void) {
  128. if (is_keyboard_master()) {
  129. render_status(); // Renders the current keyboard state (layer, lock, caps, scroll, etc)
  130. } else {
  131. render_logo(); // Renders a static logo
  132. oled_scroll_left(); // Turns on scrolling
  133. }
  134. return false;
  135. }
  136. #endif
  137. ```
  138. Render a message before booting into bootloader mode.
  139. ```c
  140. void oled_render_boot(bool bootloader) {
  141. oled_clear();
  142. for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
  143. oled_set_cursor(0, i);
  144. if (bootloader) {
  145. oled_write_P(PSTR("Awaiting New Firmware "), false);
  146. } else {
  147. oled_write_P(PSTR("Rebooting "), false);
  148. }
  149. }
  150. oled_render_dirty(true);
  151. }
  152. bool shutdown_user(bool jump_to_bootloader) {
  153. oled_render_boot(jump_to_bootloader);
  154. }
  155. ```
  156. ## Basic Configuration
  157. These configuration options should be placed in `config.h`. Example:
  158. ```c
  159. #define OLED_BRIGHTNESS 128
  160. ```
  161. |Define |Default |Description |
  162. |---------------------------|-------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  163. |`OLED_BRIGHTNESS` |`255` |The default brightness level of the OLED, from 0 to 255. |
  164. |`OLED_COLUMN_OFFSET` |`0` |Shift output to the right this many pixels.<br />Useful for 128x64 displays centered on a 132x64 SH1106 IC. |
  165. |`OLED_DISPLAY_CLOCK` |`0x80` |Set the display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency. |
  166. |`OLED_FONT_H` |`"glcdfont.c"` |The font code file to use for custom fonts |
  167. |`OLED_FONT_START` |`0` |The starting character index for custom fonts |
  168. |`OLED_FONT_END` |`223` |The ending character index for custom fonts |
  169. |`OLED_FONT_WIDTH` |`6` |The font width |
  170. |`OLED_FONT_HEIGHT` |`8` |The font height (untested) |
  171. |`OLED_IC` |`OLED_IC_SSD1306` |Set to `OLED_IC_SH1106` or `OLED_IC_SH1107` if the corresponding controller chip is used. |
  172. |`OLED_FADE_OUT` |*Not defined* |Enables fade out animation. Use together with `OLED_TIMEOUT`. |
  173. |`OLED_FADE_OUT_INTERVAL` |`0` |The speed of fade out animation, from 0 to 15. Larger values are slower. |
  174. |`OLED_SCROLL_TIMEOUT` |`0` |Scrolls the OLED screen after 0ms of OLED inactivity. Helps reduce OLED Burn-in. Set to 0 to disable. |
  175. |`OLED_SCROLL_TIMEOUT_RIGHT`|*Not defined* |Scroll timeout direction is right when defined, left when undefined. |
  176. |`OLED_TIMEOUT` |`60000` |Turns off the OLED screen after 60000ms of screen update inactivity. Helps reduce OLED Burn-in. Set to 0 to disable. |
  177. |`OLED_UPDATE_INTERVAL` |`0` (`50` for split keyboards) |Set the time interval for updating the OLED display in ms. This will improve the matrix scan rate. |
  178. |`OLED_UPDATE_PROCESS_LIMIT`|`1` |Set the number of dirty blocks to render per loop. Increasing may degrade performance. |
  179. ### I2C Configuration
  180. |Define |Default |Description |
  181. |---------------------------|-----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  182. |`OLED_DISPLAY_ADDRESS` |`0x3C` |The i2c address of the OLED Display |
  183. ### SPI Configuration
  184. |Define |Default |Description |
  185. |---------------------------|-----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  186. |`OLED_DC_PIN` | Required |The pin used for the DC connection of the OLED Display. |
  187. |`OLED_CS_PIN` | Required |The pin used for the CS connection of the OLED Display. |
  188. |`OLED_RST_PIN` | *Not defined* |The pin used for the RST connection of the OLED Display (may be left undefined if the RST pin is not connected). |
  189. |`OLED_SPI_MODE` |`3` (default) |The SPI Mode for the OLED Display (not typically changed). |
  190. |`OLED_SPI_DIVISOR` |`2` (default) |The SPI Multiplier to use for the OLED Display. |
  191. ## 128x64 & Custom sized OLED Displays
  192. The default display size for this feature is 128x32, and the defaults are set with that in mind. However, there are a number of additional presets for common sizes that we have added. You can define one of these values to use the presets. If your display doesn't match one of these presets, you can define `OLED_DISPLAY_CUSTOM` to manually specify all of the values.
  193. |Define |Default |Description |
  194. |----------------------|---------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  195. |`OLED_DISPLAY_128X64` |*Not defined* |Changes the display defines for use with 128x64 displays. |
  196. |`OLED_DISPLAY_64X32` |*Not defined* |Changes the display defines for use with 64x32 displays. |
  197. |`OLED_DISPLAY_64X48` |*Not defined* |Changes the display defines for use with 64x48 displays. |
  198. |`OLED_DISPLAY_64X128` |*Not defined* |Changes the display defines for use with 64x128 displays. |
  199. |`OLED_DISPLAY_128X128`|*Not defined* |Changes the display defines for use with 128x128 displays. |
  200. |`OLED_DISPLAY_CUSTOM` |*Not defined* |Changes the display defines for use with custom displays.<br>Requires user to implement the below defines. |
  201. !> 64x128 and 128x128 displays default to the SH1107 IC type, as these heights are not supported by the other IC types.
  202. |Define |Default |Description |
  203. | --------------------|---------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  204. |`OLED_DISPLAY_WIDTH` |`128` |The width of the OLED display. |
  205. |`OLED_DISPLAY_HEIGHT`|`32` |The height of the OLED display. |
  206. |`OLED_MATRIX_SIZE` |`512` |The local buffer size to allocate.<br>`(OLED_DISPLAY_HEIGHT / 8 * OLED_DISPLAY_WIDTH)`. |
  207. |`OLED_BLOCK_TYPE` |`uint16_t` |The unsigned integer type to use for dirty rendering. |
  208. |`OLED_BLOCK_COUNT` |`16` |The number of blocks the display is divided into for dirty rendering.<br>`(sizeof(OLED_BLOCK_TYPE) * 8)`. |
  209. |`OLED_BLOCK_SIZE` |`32` |The size of each block for dirty rendering<br>`(OLED_MATRIX_SIZE / OLED_BLOCK_COUNT)`. |
  210. |`OLED_COM_PINS` |`COM_PINS_SEQ` |How the SSD1306 chip maps it's memory to display.<br>Options are `COM_PINS_SEQ`, `COM_PINS_ALT`, `COM_PINS_SEQ_LR`, & `COM_PINS_ALT_LR`.|
  211. |`OLED_COM_PIN_COUNT` |*Not defined* |Number of COM pins supported by the controller.<br>If not defined, the value appropriate for the defined `OLED_IC` is used. |
  212. |`OLED_COM_PIN_OFFSET`|`0` |Number of the first COM pin used by the OLED matrix. |
  213. |`OLED_SOURCE_MAP` |`{ 0, ... N }` |Precalculated source array to use for mapping source buffer to target OLED memory in 90 degree rendering. |
  214. |`OLED_TARGET_MAP` |`{ 24, ... N }`|Precalculated target array to use for mapping source buffer to target OLED memory in 90 degree rendering. |
  215. ### 90 Degree Rotation - Technical Mumbo Jumbo
  216. ```c
  217. // OLED Rotation enum values are flags
  218. typedef enum {
  219. OLED_ROTATION_0 = 0,
  220. OLED_ROTATION_90 = 1,
  221. OLED_ROTATION_180 = 2,
  223. } oled_rotation_t;
  224. ```
  225. OLED displays driven by SSD1306, SH1106 or SH1107 drivers only natively support in hardware 0 degree and 180 degree rendering. This feature is done in software and not free. Using this feature will increase the time to calculate what data to send over i2c to the OLED. If you are strapped for cycles, this can cause keycodes to not register. In testing however, the rendering time on an ATmega32U4 board only went from 2ms to 5ms and keycodes not registering was only noticed once we hit 15ms.
  226. 90 degree rotation is achieved by using bitwise operations to rotate each 8 block of memory and uses two precalculated arrays to remap buffer memory to OLED memory. The memory map defines are precalculated for remap performance and are calculated based on the display height, width, and block size. For example, in the 128x32 implementation with a `uint8_t` block type, we have a 64 byte block size. This gives us eight 8 byte blocks that need to be rotated and rendered. The OLED renders horizontally two 8 byte blocks before moving down a page, e.g:
  227. | | | | | | |
  228. |---|---|---|---|---|---|
  229. | 0 | 1 | | | | |
  230. | 2 | 3 | | | | |
  231. | 4 | 5 | | | | |
  232. | 6 | 7 | | | | |
  233. However the local buffer is stored as if it was Height x Width display instead of Width x Height, e.g:
  234. | | | | | | |
  235. |---|---|---|---|---|---|
  236. | 3 | 7 | | | | |
  237. | 2 | 6 | | | | |
  238. | 1 | 5 | | | | |
  239. | 0 | 4 | | | | |
  240. So those precalculated arrays just index the memory offsets in the order in which each one iterates its data.
  241. Rotation on SH1106 and SH1107 is noticeably less efficient than on SSD1306, because these controllers do not support the “horizontal addressing mode”, which allows transferring the data for the whole rotated block at once; instead, separate address setup commands for every page in the block are required. The screen refresh time for SH1107 is therefore about 45% higher than for a same size screen with SSD1306 when using STM32 MCUs (on AVR the slowdown is about 20%, because the code which actually rotates the bitmap consumes more time).
  242. ## OLED API
  243. ```c
  244. // OLED Rotation enum values are flags
  245. typedef enum {
  246. OLED_ROTATION_0 = 0,
  247. OLED_ROTATION_90 = 1,
  248. OLED_ROTATION_180 = 2,
  250. } oled_rotation_t;
  251. // Initialize the oled display, rotating the rendered output based on the define passed in.
  252. // Returns true if the OLED was initialized successfully
  253. bool oled_init(oled_rotation_t rotation);
  254. // Called at the start of oled_init, weak function overridable by the user
  255. // rotation - the value passed into oled_init
  256. // Return new oled_rotation_t if you want to override default rotation
  257. oled_rotation_t oled_init_kb(oled_rotation_t rotation);
  258. oled_rotation_t oled_init_user(oled_rotation_t rotation);
  259. // Send commands/data to screen
  260. bool oled_send_cmd(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size);
  261. bool oled_send_cmd_P(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size);
  262. bool oled_send_data(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size);
  263. // Clears the display buffer, resets cursor position to 0, and sets the buffer to dirty for rendering
  264. void oled_clear(void);
  265. // Alias to oled_render_dirty to avoid a change in api.
  266. #define oled_render() oled_render_dirty(false)
  267. // Renders all dirty blocks to the display at one time or a subset depending on the value of
  268. // all.
  269. void oled_render_dirty(bool all);
  270. // Moves cursor to character position indicated by column and line, wraps if out of bounds
  271. // Max column denoted by 'oled_max_chars()' and max lines by 'oled_max_lines()' functions
  272. void oled_set_cursor(uint8_t col, uint8_t line);
  273. // Advances the cursor to the next page, writing ' ' if true
  274. // Wraps to the beginning when out of bounds
  275. void oled_advance_page(bool clearPageRemainder);
  276. // Moves the cursor forward 1 character length
  277. // Advance page if there is not enough room for the next character
  278. // Wraps to the beginning when out of bounds
  279. void oled_advance_char(void);
  280. // Writes a single character to the buffer at current cursor position
  281. // Advances the cursor while writing, inverts the pixels if true
  282. // Main handler that writes character data to the display buffer
  283. void oled_write_char(const char data, bool invert);
  284. // Writes a string to the buffer at current cursor position
  285. // Advances the cursor while writing, inverts the pixels if true
  286. void oled_write(const char *data, bool invert);
  287. // Writes a string to the buffer at current cursor position
  288. // Advances the cursor while writing, inverts the pixels if true
  289. // Advances the cursor to the next page, wiring ' ' to the remainder of the current page
  290. void oled_write_ln(const char *data, bool invert);
  291. // Pans the buffer to the right (or left by passing true) by moving contents of the buffer
  292. // Useful for moving the screen in preparation for new drawing
  293. void oled_pan(bool left);
  294. // Returns a pointer to the requested start index in the buffer plus remaining
  295. // buffer length as struct
  296. oled_buffer_reader_t oled_read_raw(uint16_t start_index);
  297. // Writes a string to the buffer at current cursor position
  298. void oled_write_raw(const char *data, uint16_t size);
  299. // Writes a single byte into the buffer at the specified index
  300. void oled_write_raw_byte(const char data, uint16_t index);
  301. // Sets a specific pixel on or off
  302. // Coordinates start at top-left and go right and down for positive x and y
  303. void oled_write_pixel(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, bool on);
  304. #if defined(__AVR__)
  305. // Writes a PROGMEM string to the buffer at current cursor position
  306. // Advances the cursor while writing, inverts the pixels if true
  307. // Remapped to call 'void oled_write(const char *data, bool invert);' on ARM
  308. void oled_write_P(const char *data, bool invert);
  309. // Writes a PROGMEM string to the buffer at current cursor position
  310. // Advances the cursor while writing, inverts the pixels if true
  311. // Advances the cursor to the next page, wiring ' ' to the remainder of the current page
  312. // Remapped to call 'void oled_write_ln(const char *data, bool invert);' on ARM
  313. void oled_write_ln_P(const char *data, bool invert);
  314. // Writes a PROGMEM string to the buffer at current cursor position
  315. void oled_write_raw_P(const char *data, uint16_t size);
  316. #else
  317. # define oled_write_P(data, invert) oled_write(data, invert)
  318. # define oled_write_ln_P(data, invert) oled_write_ln(data, invert)
  319. # define oled_write_raw_P(data, size) oled_write_raw(data, size)
  320. #endif // defined(__AVR__)
  321. // Can be used to manually turn on the screen if it is off
  322. // Returns true if the screen was on or turns on
  323. bool oled_on(void);
  324. // Can be used to manually turn off the screen if it is on
  325. // Returns true if the screen was off or turns off
  326. bool oled_off(void);
  327. // Returns true if the oled is currently on, false if it is
  328. // not
  329. bool is_oled_on(void);
  330. // Sets the brightness level of the display
  331. uint8_t oled_set_brightness(uint8_t level);
  332. // Gets the current brightness level of the display
  333. uint8_t oled_get_brightness(void);
  334. // Basically it's oled_render, but with timeout management and oled_task_user calling!
  335. void oled_task(void);
  336. // Called at the start of oled_task, weak function overridable by the user
  337. bool oled_task_kb(void);
  338. bool oled_task_user(void);
  339. // Set the specific 8 lines rows of the screen to scroll.
  340. // 0 is the default for start, and 7 for end, which is the entire
  341. // height of the screen. For 128x32 screens, rows 4-7 are not used.
  342. void oled_scroll_set_area(uint8_t start_line, uint8_t end_line);
  343. // Sets scroll speed, 0-7, fastest to slowest. Default is three.
  344. // Does not take effect until scrolling is either started or restarted
  345. // the ssd1306 supports 8 speeds with the delay
  346. // listed below between each frame of the scrolling effect
  347. // 0=2, 1=3, 2=4, 3=5, 4=25, 5=64, 6=128, 7=256
  348. void oled_scroll_set_speed(uint8_t speed);
  349. // Begin scrolling the entire display right
  350. // Returns true if the screen was scrolling or starts scrolling
  351. // NOTE: display contents cannot be changed while scrolling
  352. bool oled_scroll_right(void);
  353. // Begin scrolling the entire display left
  354. // Returns true if the screen was scrolling or starts scrolling
  355. // NOTE: display contents cannot be changed while scrolling
  356. bool oled_scroll_left(void);
  357. // Turns off display scrolling
  358. // Returns true if the screen was not scrolling or stops scrolling
  359. bool oled_scroll_off(void);
  360. // Returns true if the oled is currently scrolling, false if it is
  361. // not
  362. bool is_oled_scrolling(void);
  363. // Inverts the display
  364. // Returns true if the screen was or is inverted
  365. bool oled_invert(bool invert);
  366. // Returns the maximum number of characters that will fit on a line
  367. uint8_t oled_max_chars(void);
  368. // Returns the maximum number of lines that will fit on the OLED
  369. uint8_t oled_max_lines(void);
  370. ```
  371. !> Scrolling is unsupported on the SH1106 and SH1107.
  372. !> Scrolling does not work properly on the SSD1306 if the display width is smaller than 128.
  373. ## SSD1306.h Driver Conversion Guide
  374. |Old API |Recommended New API |
  375. |-------------------------|---------------------------------|
  376. |`struct CharacterMatrix` |*removed - delete all references*|
  377. |`iota_gfx_init` |`oled_init` |
  378. |`iota_gfx_on` |`oled_on` |
  379. |`iota_gfx_off` |`oled_off` |
  380. |`iota_gfx_flush` |`oled_render` |
  381. |`iota_gfx_write_char` |`oled_write_char` |
  382. |`iota_gfx_write` |`oled_write` |
  383. |`iota_gfx_write_P` |`oled_write_P` |
  384. |`iota_gfx_clear_screen` |`oled_clear` |
  385. |`matrix_clear` |*removed - delete all references*|
  386. |`matrix_write_char_inner`|`oled_write_char` |
  387. |`matrix_write_char` |`oled_write_char` |
  388. |`matrix_write` |`oled_write` |
  389. |`matrix_write_ln` |`oled_write_ln` |
  390. |`matrix_write_P` |`oled_write_P` |
  391. |`matrix_write_ln_P` |`oled_write_ln_P` |
  392. |`matrix_render` |`oled_render` |
  393. |`iota_gfx_task` |`oled_task` |
  394. |`iota_gfx_task_user` |`oled_task_user` |