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  1. #pragma once
  2. #include "quantum.h"
  3. #include "process_records.h"
  4. enum userspace_layers
  5. {
  6. _QWERTY = 0,
  7. _EDITOR,
  8. _NUMBER,
  9. _SYMBOL,
  10. _F_KEYS,
  11. _DEBUG,
  12. _SECRET,
  13. _FINAL
  14. };
  15. // modtaps
  16. #define LS_Z MT(MOD_LSFT, KC_Z)
  17. #define LC_ESC MT(MOD_LCTL, KC_ESC)
  18. #define LG_TAB MT(MOD_LGUI, KC_TAB)
  19. #define LA_LBRC MT(MOD_LALT, KC_LBRC)
  20. #define LS_RBRC MT(MOD_LSFT, KC_RBRC)
  21. #define RS_MINS MT(MOD_RSFT, KC_MINS)
  22. #define RA_EQL MT(MOD_RALT, KC_EQL)
  23. //RG_LMOT defined in process_records.h
  24. #define RC_ENT MT(MOD_RCTL, KC_ENT)
  25. #define RS_SLSH MT(MOD_RSFT, KC_SLSH)
  26. // layertaps
  27. #define ED_A LT(_EDITOR, KC_A)
  28. #define ED_ESC LT(_EDITOR, KC_ESC)
  29. #define NM_SCLN LT(_NUMBER, KC_SCLN)
  30. #define NM_BSPC LT(_NUMBER, KC_BSPC)
  31. #define SM_SPC LT(_SYMBOL, KC_SPC)
  32. #define SC_TAB LT(_SECRET, KC_TAB)
  33. #define FK_DOT LT(_F_KEYS, KC_DOT)