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  1. #pragma once
  2. #include "quantum.h"
  3. bool process_record_user_rgb_matrix(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record);
  4. void keyboard_post_init_rgb_matrix(void);
  5. void matrix_scan_rgb_matrix(void);
  6. void rgb_matrix_set_color_all(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);
  7. void rgb_matrix_layer_helper(uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val, uint8_t mode, uint8_t speed, uint8_t led_type);
  8. void rgb_matrix_set_color_row(uint8_t row, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);