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  1. # GENERIC STM32F103C8T6 board - stm32duino bootloader
  3. MCU_LDSCRIPT = STM32F103x8_stm32duino_bootloader
  5. # OPT_DEFS =
  6. # MCU_LDSCRIPT = STM32F103x8
  7. # BOARD = GENERIC_STM32_F103
  8. ## chip/board settings
  9. # the next two should match the directories in
  10. # <chibios>/os/hal/ports/$(MCU_FAMILY)/$(MCU_SERIES)
  11. MCU_FAMILY = STM32
  12. MCU_SERIES = STM32F1xx
  13. # linker script to use
  14. # it should exist either in <chibios>/os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld/
  15. # or <this_dir>/ld/
  16. # startup code to use
  17. # is should exist in <chibios>/os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk/
  18. MCU_STARTUP = stm32f1xx
  19. # it should exist either in <chibios>/os/hal/boards/
  20. # or <this_dir>/boards
  21. # Cortex version
  22. # Teensy LC is cortex-m0; Teensy 3.x are cortex-m4
  23. MCU = cortex-m3
  24. # ARM version, CORTEX-M0/M1 are 6, CORTEX-M3/M4/M7 are 7
  25. ARMV = 7
  26. # If you want to be able to jump to bootloader from firmware on STM32 MCUs,
  27. # set the correct BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS. Either set it here, or define it in
  28. # ./bootloader_defs.h or in ./boards/<FOO>/bootloader_defs.h (if you have
  29. # a custom board definition that you plan to reuse).
  30. # If you're not setting it here, leave it commented out.
  31. # It is chip dependent, the correct number can be looked up here (page 175):
  32. #
  33. # This also requires a patch to chibios:
  34. # <tmk_dir>/tmk_core/tool/chibios/ch-bootloader-jump.patch