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  1. # DCompact Layout
  2. **Dvorak, Layered, Mouse-Enabled, Compact -- Plover coming soon!?!~**
  3. _See [the layout source](keymap.c) for the actual layout_
  4. ## Goals
  5. The following are the goals kept in mind when designing the DCompact
  6. layout:
  7. - Provide minimal travel distance when typing English or coding
  8. - Consistent muscle memory translation from standard QWERTY
  9. - Stateless typing experience
  10. - OS-agnostic features, macros, and key placement
  11. - Minimize dependence on mouse usage
  12. These are generally all met or balanced within reason. This layout is
  13. not intended at all to be a familiar layout for much of anyone (except
  14. maybe those who already type in Dvorak) -- this is meant to amplify the
  15. best parts of having limited, ortholinear keys with layering.
  16. ## As Reference Material
  17. If you're reading this hoping to find reference material to implement
  18. your own layout, then please feel free to copy over this layout and
  19. make edits where you see fit. I removed a lot of the features I felt
  20. extraneous to my usage and simplified style where I felt needed. This
  21. would hopefully mean that my code should feel like a good base to
  22. develop from for those new to QMK.
  23. _Remember that settings defined in the layout directory override and
  24. merge with those in the keyboard folder_
  25. ## Relevant Links
  26. - [Online Dvorak Layout Trainer](
  27. - [Dvorak Wikipedia Page](
  28. - [QMK Docs](
  29. - [QMK KeyCode Reference](
  30. ## Contact
  31. Maintainer: [Dan](