You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

118 lines
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  1. # AJP10304 Custom Quark Layout
  2. # Also available for the Planck, JJ40 and Atreus50
  3. **Note:** In the tables below where there are two characters on a key,
  4. the second is the output when shift is applied.
  5. **Note:** The below tables assume a UK layout.
  6. #### Flashing
  7. `make quark:ajp10304:flash`
  8. ##### Main Qwerty Layer
  9. * Tab: when held, operates as shift.
  10. * Enter: when held, operates as shift.
  11. * MENU: perform right-click
  12. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  13. | ---- |:----:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| ----:|
  14. | Esc | Q | W | E | R | T | Y | U | I | O | P | Bksp |
  15. | Tab | A | S | D | F | G | H | J | K | L | ;: | Enter|
  16. | Shft | Z | X | C | V | B | N | M | ,< | .> | /? | Shft |
  17. | Fn | Ctrl | Alt | GUI |Lower | Bksp |Space |Raise | Shift| MENU | Ctrl | Fn2 |
  18. ##### Function Layer
  19. Activated when `fn` held in the above `qwerty` layer.
  20. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  21. | :---: |:----:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:|
  22. | F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | F7 | F8 | F9 | F10 | F11 | F12 |
  23. | 1! | 2" | 3£ | 4$ | 5% | 6^ | 7& | 8* | 9( | 0) | ~ |INSERT|
  24. | Shift | \| | `¬ | #~ | * | -_ | =+ | \| | [{ | ]} | '@ |Shift |
  25. | Fn | Ctrl | Alt | GUI |Lower | Bksp |Space |Mouse | MENU | Alt | Ctrl | Fn2 |
  26. ##### Lower Layer
  27. Activated when `Lower` is held in the above `qwerty` layer.
  28. * Numbers are along the top row, their shifted counterparts are on row 2.
  29. * WrdBks: `backspace` with `ctrl` applied. I.e. delete a word.
  30. * WrdDel: `delete` with `ctrl` applied. I.e. forward delete a word.
  31. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  32. | :---: |:----:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:|
  33. | 1! | 2" | 3£ | 4$ | 5% | 6^ | 7& | 8* | 9( | 0) | DEL | Bksp |
  34. | ! | " | £ | $ | % | ^ | & | * | ( | ) |WrdDel|WrdBks|
  35. | Shift | \| | `¬ | #~ | '@ | -_ | =+ | #~ | [{ | ]} | '@ |Shift |
  36. | | | | |Lower | Del |Space | | Next | Vol- | Vol+ | Play |
  37. ##### Raise Layer
  38. Activated when `Raise` is held in the above `qwerty` layer.
  39. * Preferred layer for typing brackets.
  40. * Allows for cursor navigation to be used solely with the right hand.
  41. * WRDSEL: Select the word where the cursor is.
  42. * |< and >|: Apply `ctrl` to `left` and `right` respectively for word jumping.
  43. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  44. | :---: |:----:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---: | :---:| :---:| :---:| :---: | :---:|
  45. | ` | |WRDSEL| [ | ] | | | PGUP | HOME |PGDOWN| |PRNTSC|
  46. | ` | | | ( | ) | | | HOME | UP | END | |ZOOM +|
  47. | | | | { | } | |&#124;<| LEFT | DOWN |RIGHT |>&#124;|ZOOM -|
  48. | Mouse | | | | | Alt | Enter |Raise | | | | |
  49. ##### Lower + Raise
  50. Activated when `Lower` and `Raise` are held together in the above `qwerty` layer.
  51. * Audio controls in the same position as cursor keys from the `Raise` layer.
  52. * ????: Runs a macro for outputting a text string. Do not use this store passwords.
  53. * Reset: Enter bootloader for flashing firmware to the keyboard.
  54. * CAPS: Toggle caps lock.
  55. * Macro functions: Allows recording of macros. To start recording the macro, press either REC1 or REC2.
  56. To finish the recording, press STOP. To replay the macro, press either PLAY1 or PLAY2.
  57. * MAC: Toggle MAC OS extensions to layers. This allows MLWR to be enabled with LOWER,
  58. MRSE with RAISE, MFNC with FUNC and MFNC2 with FUNC2 respectively.
  59. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  60. | :---: |:----:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:|
  61. | ???? | Reset|Qwerty| | | REC1 | REC2 | | | | | Del |
  62. | CAPS | | | | | PLAY1|PLAY2 | Mute | Vol+ | Play | | |
  63. | MAC | | | | | STOP1|STOP2 | Prev | Vol- | Next | | |
  64. | | | | | | | | | DYN | | | |
  65. ##### Function 2 Layer
  66. Activated when `fn` held in the above `qwerty` layer.
  67. * WRDSEL: Select the word where the cursor is.
  68. * LNDEL: Delete the line where the cursor is.
  69. * LNSEL: Select the line where the cursor is.
  70. * DUP: Duplicate the selected text.
  71. * LNJOIN: Join the line where the cursor is with the following line.
  72. * MODE: Print either `PC` or `OSX` depending on what layer mode is active.
  73. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  74. | :---: | :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:|
  75. | | |WRDSEL| | | | LNDEL| | | | | |
  76. | | | LNSEL| DUP | | | | |LNJOIN| | | |
  77. | | UNDO | CUT | COPY | PASTE| | | | | | | MODE |
  78. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  79. ##### Mouse Layer
  80. Activated when `fn` and `raise` held together.
  81. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  82. | :---: | :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:|
  83. | ESC | | | | | | | | BTN3 | | | |
  84. | ACC0 | ACC1 | ACC2 | | | | | BTN1 | UP | BTN2 | | |
  85. | ACC0 | ACC1 | ACC2 | | | | | LEFT | DOWN | RIGHT| | |
  86. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  87. ##### Number Pad Layout
  88. Activated when holding `Esc` key.
  89. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  90. | :---: | :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:|
  91. | | | | | | |NMLOCK| 7 | 8 | 9 | / | |
  92. | | | | | | | | 4 | 5 | 6 | * | |
  93. | | | | | | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | + | |
  94. | | | | | | | | 0 | . | , | - | |