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  1. # jonavin's Quefrency layout - No Macros 65%
  2. - ANSI qwerty layout with split Backspace, 1.25 Left mods, 1u right
  3. - Left Fn key is Spacebar tap and Fn when held
  4. - Layer 2 mod on Caps Lock with double-tap to switch to this layer, double tap to switch back
  5. - Layer 2 provides arrows on WASD and additional nav keys + right hand numpad with 00
  6. - ESC is set to GRAVESC (Esc when pressed, Shift-Esc is ~ and Win-ESC is `), plus handling for Ctrl-Shift-ESC to bring up Task Manager in Windows
  7. - Layer 2 left spacebar Backspace
  8. - add double tap of Left Shift to toggle Caps Lock
  9. - add Win Key lock function using Fn+Win
  10. - additional encoder functionality
  11. - holding L shift, Navigate page up/down
  12. - holding Left Ctrl, navigate prev/next word
  13. - holding Left Alt, change media prev/next track
  14. - default is change volume
  15. - RGB Functionality
  16. - additional RGB function key binds to arrow on Fn layer
  17. - Add capslock indicator, win key lock indicator
  18. - Fn and layer 2 indicators using RGB underglow
  19. - Inverted NUM lock indicator (light on when NUM lock is off when INVERT_NUMLOCK_INDICATOR = yes in
  20. OPTIONS - Active features from userspace
  22. - turns on NUMLOCK by default
  24. - This will enable double tap on Left Shift to toggle CAPSLOCK when using KC_LSFTCAPS
  25. ## All layers diagram
  26. Default Layer
  27. ![image](
  28. MO(1) / FN layer
  29. ![image](
  30. MO(2) / Numpad layer
  31. ![image](