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  1. ---
  2. name: Feature request
  3. about: Suggest a new feature or changes to existing features.
  4. title: "[Feature Request] "
  5. labels: enhancement, help wanted
  6. assignees: ''
  7. ---
  8. <!--- Provide a general summary of the changes you want in the title above. -->
  9. <!--- This template is entirely optional and can be removed, but is here to help both you and us. -->
  10. <!--- Anything on lines wrapped in comments like these will not show up in the final text. -->
  11. ## Feature Request Type
  12. - [ ] Core functionality
  13. - [ ] Add-on hardware support (eg. audio, RGB, OLED screen, etc.)
  14. - [ ] Alteration (enhancement/optimization) of existing feature(s)
  15. - [ ] New behavior
  16. ## Description
  17. <!-- A few sentences describing what it is that you'd like to see in QMK. Additional information (such as links to spec sheets, licensing info, other related issues or PRs, etc) would be helpful. -->