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Configuration system for CLI (#6708) * Rework how bin/qmk handles subcommands * qmk config wip * Code to show all configs * Fully working `qmk config` command * Mark some CLI arguments so they don't pollute the config file * Fleshed out config support, nicer subcommand support * sync with installable cli * pyformat * Add a test for subcommand_modules * Documentation for the `qmk config` command * split config_token on space so qmk config is more predictable * Rework how subcommands are imported * Document `arg_only` * Document deleting from CLI * Document how multiple operations work * Add cli config to the doc index * Add tests for the cli commands * Make running the tests more reliable * Be more selective about building all default keymaps * Update new-keymap to fit the new subcommand style * Add documentation about writing CLI scripts * Document new-keyboard * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Address yan's comments. * Apply suggestions from code review suggestions from @noahfrederick Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Remove pip3 from the test runner
4 years ago
Configuration system for CLI (#6708) * Rework how bin/qmk handles subcommands * qmk config wip * Code to show all configs * Fully working `qmk config` command * Mark some CLI arguments so they don't pollute the config file * Fleshed out config support, nicer subcommand support * sync with installable cli * pyformat * Add a test for subcommand_modules * Documentation for the `qmk config` command * split config_token on space so qmk config is more predictable * Rework how subcommands are imported * Document `arg_only` * Document deleting from CLI * Document how multiple operations work * Add cli config to the doc index * Add tests for the cli commands * Make running the tests more reliable * Be more selective about building all default keymaps * Update new-keymap to fit the new subcommand style * Add documentation about writing CLI scripts * Document new-keyboard * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Address yan's comments. * Apply suggestions from code review suggestions from @noahfrederick Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Remove pip3 from the test runner
4 years ago
2020 November 28 Breaking Changes Update (#11053) * Branch point for 2020 November 28 Breaking Change * Remove matrix_col_t to allow MATRIX_ROWS > 32 (#10183) * Add support for soft serial to ATmega32U2 (#10204) * Change MIDI velocity implementation to allow direct control of velocity value (#9940) * Add ability to build a subset of all keyboards based on platform. * Actually use eeprom_driver_init(). * Make bootloader_jump weak for ChibiOS. (#10417) * Joystick 16-bit support (#10439) * Per-encoder resolutions (#10259) * Share button state from mousekey to pointing_device (#10179) * Add hotfix for chibios keyboards not wake (#10088) * Add advanced/efficient RGB Matrix Indicators (#8564) * Naming change. * Support for STM32 GPIOF,G,H,I,J,K (#10206) * Add milc as a dependency and remove the installed milc (#10563) * ChibiOS upgrade: early init conversions (#10214) * ChibiOS upgrade: configuration file migrator (#9952) * Haptic and solenoid cleanup (#9700) * XD75 cleanup (#10524) * OLED display update interval support (#10388) * Add definition based on currently-selected serial driver. (#10716) * New feature: Retro Tapping per key (#10622) * Allow for modification of output RGB values when using rgblight/rgb_matrix. (#10638) * Add housekeeping task callbacks so that keyboards/keymaps are capable of executing code for each main loop iteration. (#10530) * Rescale both ChibiOS and AVR backlighting. * Reduce Helix keyboard build variation (#8669) * Minor change to behavior allowing display updates to continue between task ticks (#10750) * Some GPIO manipulations in matrix.c change to atomic. (#10491) * qmk cformat (#10767) * [Keyboard] Update the Speedo firmware for v3.0 (#10657) * Maartenwut/Maarten namechange to evyd13/Evy (#10274) * [quantum] combine repeated lines of code (#10837) * Add step sequencer feature (#9703) * aeboards/ext65 refactor (#10820) * Refactor xelus/dawn60 for Rev2 later (#10584) * add DEBUG_MATRIX_SCAN_RATE_ENABLE to (#10824) * [Core] Added `add_oneshot_mods` & `del_oneshot_mods` (#10549) * update chibios os usb for the otg driver (#8893) * Remove HD44780 References, Part 4 (#10735) * [Keyboard] Add Valor FRL TKL (+refactor) (#10512) * Fix cursor position bug in oled_write_raw functions (#10800) * Fixup version.h writing when using SKIP_VERSION=yes (#10972) * Allow for certain code in the codebase assuming length of string. (#10974) * Add AT90USB support for serial.c (#10706) * Auto shift: support repeats and early registration (#9826) * Rename ledmatrix.h to match .c file (#7949) * Split RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE into _ENABLE and _DRIVER (#10231) * Split LED_MATRIX_ENABLE into _ENABLE and _DRIVER (#10840) * Merge point for 2020 Nov 28 Breaking Change
3 years ago
Configuration system for CLI (#6708) * Rework how bin/qmk handles subcommands * qmk config wip * Code to show all configs * Fully working `qmk config` command * Mark some CLI arguments so they don't pollute the config file * Fleshed out config support, nicer subcommand support * sync with installable cli * pyformat * Add a test for subcommand_modules * Documentation for the `qmk config` command * split config_token on space so qmk config is more predictable * Rework how subcommands are imported * Document `arg_only` * Document deleting from CLI * Document how multiple operations work * Add cli config to the doc index * Add tests for the cli commands * Make running the tests more reliable * Be more selective about building all default keymaps * Update new-keymap to fit the new subcommand style * Add documentation about writing CLI scripts * Document new-keyboard * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Address yan's comments. * Apply suggestions from code review suggestions from @noahfrederick Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Remove pip3 from the test runner
4 years ago
Configuration system for CLI (#6708) * Rework how bin/qmk handles subcommands * qmk config wip * Code to show all configs * Fully working `qmk config` command * Mark some CLI arguments so they don't pollute the config file * Fleshed out config support, nicer subcommand support * sync with installable cli * pyformat * Add a test for subcommand_modules * Documentation for the `qmk config` command * split config_token on space so qmk config is more predictable * Rework how subcommands are imported * Document `arg_only` * Document deleting from CLI * Document how multiple operations work * Add cli config to the doc index * Add tests for the cli commands * Make running the tests more reliable * Be more selective about building all default keymaps * Update new-keymap to fit the new subcommand style * Add documentation about writing CLI scripts * Document new-keyboard * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Address yan's comments. * Apply suggestions from code review suggestions from @noahfrederick Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Remove pip3 from the test runner
4 years ago
Configuration system for CLI (#6708) * Rework how bin/qmk handles subcommands * qmk config wip * Code to show all configs * Fully working `qmk config` command * Mark some CLI arguments so they don't pollute the config file * Fleshed out config support, nicer subcommand support * sync with installable cli * pyformat * Add a test for subcommand_modules * Documentation for the `qmk config` command * split config_token on space so qmk config is more predictable * Rework how subcommands are imported * Document `arg_only` * Document deleting from CLI * Document how multiple operations work * Add cli config to the doc index * Add tests for the cli commands * Make running the tests more reliable * Be more selective about building all default keymaps * Update new-keymap to fit the new subcommand style * Add documentation about writing CLI scripts * Document new-keyboard * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Address yan's comments. * Apply suggestions from code review suggestions from @noahfrederick Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Remove pip3 from the test runner
4 years ago
Configuration system for CLI (#6708) * Rework how bin/qmk handles subcommands * qmk config wip * Code to show all configs * Fully working `qmk config` command * Mark some CLI arguments so they don't pollute the config file * Fleshed out config support, nicer subcommand support * sync with installable cli * pyformat * Add a test for subcommand_modules * Documentation for the `qmk config` command * split config_token on space so qmk config is more predictable * Rework how subcommands are imported * Document `arg_only` * Document deleting from CLI * Document how multiple operations work * Add cli config to the doc index * Add tests for the cli commands * Make running the tests more reliable * Be more selective about building all default keymaps * Update new-keymap to fit the new subcommand style * Add documentation about writing CLI scripts * Document new-keyboard * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Update docs/ Co-Authored-By: noroadsleft <> * Address yan's comments. * Apply suggestions from code review suggestions from @noahfrederick Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Noah Frederick <> * Remove pip3 from the test runner
4 years ago
  1. """QMK CLI Subcommands
  2. We list each subcommand here explicitly because all the reliable ways of searching for modules are slow and delay startup.
  3. """
  4. import sys
  5. from milc import cli, __VERSION__
  6. from . import c2json
  7. from . import cformat
  8. from . import chibios
  9. from . import clean
  10. from . import compile
  11. from . import config
  12. from . import console
  13. from . import docs
  14. from . import doctor
  15. from . import fileformat
  16. from . import flash
  17. from . import format
  18. from . import generate
  19. from . import hello
  20. from . import info
  21. from . import json2c
  22. from . import lint
  23. from . import list
  24. from . import kle2json
  25. from . import new
  26. from . import pyformat
  27. from . import pytest
  28. # Supported version information
  29. #
  30. # Based on the OSes we support these are the minimum python version available by default.
  31. # Last update: 2021 Jan 02
  32. #
  33. # Arch: 3.9
  34. # Debian: 3.7
  35. # Fedora 31: 3.7
  36. # Fedora 32: 3.8
  37. # Fedora 33: 3.9
  38. # FreeBSD: 3.7
  39. # Gentoo: 3.7
  40. # macOS: 3.9 (from homebrew)
  41. # msys2: 3.8
  42. # Slackware: 3.7
  43. # solus: 3.7
  44. # void: 3.9
  45. if sys.version_info[0] != 3 or sys.version_info[1] < 7:
  46. print('Error: Your Python is too old! Please upgrade to Python 3.7 or later.')
  47. exit(127)
  48. milc_version = __VERSION__.split('.')
  49. if int(milc_version[0]) < 2 and int(milc_version[1]) < 3:
  50. from pathlib import Path
  51. requirements = Path('requirements.txt').resolve()
  52. print(f'Your MILC library is too old! Please upgrade: python3 -m pip install -U -r {str(requirements)}')
  53. exit(127)