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  1. # US ANSI Shifted symbols
  2. These keycodes correspond to characters that are "shifted" on a standard US ANSI keyboards. They do not have dedicated keycodes but are instead typed by holding down shift and then sending a keycode.
  3. It's important to remember that all of these keycodes send a left shift - this may cause unintended actions if unaccounted for. The short code is preferred in most situations.
  4. ## US ANSI Shifted Keycodes
  5. |Short Name|Long Name|Description|
  6. |----------|---------|-----------|
  7. |`KC_TILD`|`KC_TILDE`|tilde `~`|
  8. |`KC_EXLM`|`KC_EXCLAIM`|exclamation mark `!`|
  9. |`KC_AT`||at sign `@`|
  10. |`KC_HASH`||hash sign `#`|
  11. |`KC_DLR`|`KC_DOLLAR`|dollar sign `$`|
  12. |`KC_PERC`|`KC_PERCENT`|percent sign `%`|
  13. |`KC_CIRC`|`KC_CIRCUMFLEX`|circumflex `^`|
  14. |`KC_AMPR`|`KC_AMPERSAND`|ampersand `&`|
  15. |`KC_ASTR`|`KC_ASTERISK`|asterisk `*`|
  16. |`KC_LPRN`|`KC_LEFT_PAREN`|left parenthesis `(`|
  17. |`KC_RPRN`|`KC_RIGHT_PAREN`|right parenthesis `)`|
  18. |`KC_UNDS`|`KC_UNDERSCORE`|underscore `_`|
  19. |`KC_PLUS`||plus sign `+`|
  20. |`KC_LCBR`|`KC_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE`|left curly brace `{`|
  21. |`KC_RCBR`|`KC_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE`|right curly brace `}`|
  22. |`KC_LT`/`KC_LABK`|`KC_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET`|left angle bracket `<`|
  23. |`KC_GT`/`KC_RABK`|`KC_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET`|right angle bracket `>`|
  24. |`KC_COLN`|`KC_COLON`|colon `:`|
  25. |`KC_PIPE`||pipe `\|`|
  26. |`KC_QUES`|`KC_QUESTION`|question mark `?`|
  27. |`KC_DQT`/`KC_DQUO`|`KC_DOUBLE_QUOTE`|double quote `"`|