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  1. QMK BLE Adapter
  2. ===============
  3. A small device that reads USB keyboard input and passes it on over Bluetooth LE HID.
  4. ![Picture of Adapter](
  5. Hardware
  6. --------
  7. The hardware is relatively easy to assemble. Just follow the schematic and don't forget to [cut the VBUS jumper](
  8. Schematic:
  9. ![Schematic](
  10. Part list:
  11. * [Adafruit Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE](
  12. * [USB Host Mini](
  13. * [Pololu 5V Step-Up Voltage Regulator U3V12F5](
  14. * [Lithium Ion Battery - 3.7v 2000mAh](
  15. * Some sort of switch to be able to turn it off
  16. Building and Flashing
  17. ---------------------
  18. ```
  19. make converter-usb_usb-ble
  20. ```
  21. ```
  22. make converter-usb_usb-ble-avrdude
  23. ```