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2020 November 28 Breaking Changes Update (#11053) * Branch point for 2020 November 28 Breaking Change * Remove matrix_col_t to allow MATRIX_ROWS > 32 (#10183) * Add support for soft serial to ATmega32U2 (#10204) * Change MIDI velocity implementation to allow direct control of velocity value (#9940) * Add ability to build a subset of all keyboards based on platform. * Actually use eeprom_driver_init(). * Make bootloader_jump weak for ChibiOS. (#10417) * Joystick 16-bit support (#10439) * Per-encoder resolutions (#10259) * Share button state from mousekey to pointing_device (#10179) * Add hotfix for chibios keyboards not wake (#10088) * Add advanced/efficient RGB Matrix Indicators (#8564) * Naming change. * Support for STM32 GPIOF,G,H,I,J,K (#10206) * Add milc as a dependency and remove the installed milc (#10563) * ChibiOS upgrade: early init conversions (#10214) * ChibiOS upgrade: configuration file migrator (#9952) * Haptic and solenoid cleanup (#9700) * XD75 cleanup (#10524) * OLED display update interval support (#10388) * Add definition based on currently-selected serial driver. (#10716) * New feature: Retro Tapping per key (#10622) * Allow for modification of output RGB values when using rgblight/rgb_matrix. (#10638) * Add housekeeping task callbacks so that keyboards/keymaps are capable of executing code for each main loop iteration. (#10530) * Rescale both ChibiOS and AVR backlighting. * Reduce Helix keyboard build variation (#8669) * Minor change to behavior allowing display updates to continue between task ticks (#10750) * Some GPIO manipulations in matrix.c change to atomic. (#10491) * qmk cformat (#10767) * [Keyboard] Update the Speedo firmware for v3.0 (#10657) * Maartenwut/Maarten namechange to evyd13/Evy (#10274) * [quantum] combine repeated lines of code (#10837) * Add step sequencer feature (#9703) * aeboards/ext65 refactor (#10820) * Refactor xelus/dawn60 for Rev2 later (#10584) * add DEBUG_MATRIX_SCAN_RATE_ENABLE to (#10824) * [Core] Added `add_oneshot_mods` & `del_oneshot_mods` (#10549) * update chibios os usb for the otg driver (#8893) * Remove HD44780 References, Part 4 (#10735) * [Keyboard] Add Valor FRL TKL (+refactor) (#10512) * Fix cursor position bug in oled_write_raw functions (#10800) * Fixup version.h writing when using SKIP_VERSION=yes (#10972) * Allow for certain code in the codebase assuming length of string. (#10974) * Add AT90USB support for serial.c (#10706) * Auto shift: support repeats and early registration (#9826) * Rename ledmatrix.h to match .c file (#7949) * Split RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE into _ENABLE and _DRIVER (#10231) * Split LED_MATRIX_ENABLE into _ENABLE and _DRIVER (#10840) * Merge point for 2020 Nov 28 Breaking Change
3 years ago
2020 November 28 Breaking Changes Update (#11053) * Branch point for 2020 November 28 Breaking Change * Remove matrix_col_t to allow MATRIX_ROWS > 32 (#10183) * Add support for soft serial to ATmega32U2 (#10204) * Change MIDI velocity implementation to allow direct control of velocity value (#9940) * Add ability to build a subset of all keyboards based on platform. * Actually use eeprom_driver_init(). * Make bootloader_jump weak for ChibiOS. (#10417) * Joystick 16-bit support (#10439) * Per-encoder resolutions (#10259) * Share button state from mousekey to pointing_device (#10179) * Add hotfix for chibios keyboards not wake (#10088) * Add advanced/efficient RGB Matrix Indicators (#8564) * Naming change. * Support for STM32 GPIOF,G,H,I,J,K (#10206) * Add milc as a dependency and remove the installed milc (#10563) * ChibiOS upgrade: early init conversions (#10214) * ChibiOS upgrade: configuration file migrator (#9952) * Haptic and solenoid cleanup (#9700) * XD75 cleanup (#10524) * OLED display update interval support (#10388) * Add definition based on currently-selected serial driver. (#10716) * New feature: Retro Tapping per key (#10622) * Allow for modification of output RGB values when using rgblight/rgb_matrix. (#10638) * Add housekeeping task callbacks so that keyboards/keymaps are capable of executing code for each main loop iteration. (#10530) * Rescale both ChibiOS and AVR backlighting. * Reduce Helix keyboard build variation (#8669) * Minor change to behavior allowing display updates to continue between task ticks (#10750) * Some GPIO manipulations in matrix.c change to atomic. (#10491) * qmk cformat (#10767) * [Keyboard] Update the Speedo firmware for v3.0 (#10657) * Maartenwut/Maarten namechange to evyd13/Evy (#10274) * [quantum] combine repeated lines of code (#10837) * Add step sequencer feature (#9703) * aeboards/ext65 refactor (#10820) * Refactor xelus/dawn60 for Rev2 later (#10584) * add DEBUG_MATRIX_SCAN_RATE_ENABLE to (#10824) * [Core] Added `add_oneshot_mods` & `del_oneshot_mods` (#10549) * update chibios os usb for the otg driver (#8893) * Remove HD44780 References, Part 4 (#10735) * [Keyboard] Add Valor FRL TKL (+refactor) (#10512) * Fix cursor position bug in oled_write_raw functions (#10800) * Fixup version.h writing when using SKIP_VERSION=yes (#10972) * Allow for certain code in the codebase assuming length of string. (#10974) * Add AT90USB support for serial.c (#10706) * Auto shift: support repeats and early registration (#9826) * Rename ledmatrix.h to match .c file (#7949) * Split RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE into _ENABLE and _DRIVER (#10231) * Split LED_MATRIX_ENABLE into _ENABLE and _DRIVER (#10840) * Merge point for 2020 Nov 28 Breaking Change
3 years ago
2020 November 28 Breaking Changes Update (#11053) * Branch point for 2020 November 28 Breaking Change * Remove matrix_col_t to allow MATRIX_ROWS > 32 (#10183) * Add support for soft serial to ATmega32U2 (#10204) * Change MIDI velocity implementation to allow direct control of velocity value (#9940) * Add ability to build a subset of all keyboards based on platform. * Actually use eeprom_driver_init(). * Make bootloader_jump weak for ChibiOS. (#10417) * Joystick 16-bit support (#10439) * Per-encoder resolutions (#10259) * Share button state from mousekey to pointing_device (#10179) * Add hotfix for chibios keyboards not wake (#10088) * Add advanced/efficient RGB Matrix Indicators (#8564) * Naming change. * Support for STM32 GPIOF,G,H,I,J,K (#10206) * Add milc as a dependency and remove the installed milc (#10563) * ChibiOS upgrade: early init conversions (#10214) * ChibiOS upgrade: configuration file migrator (#9952) * Haptic and solenoid cleanup (#9700) * XD75 cleanup (#10524) * OLED display update interval support (#10388) * Add definition based on currently-selected serial driver. (#10716) * New feature: Retro Tapping per key (#10622) * Allow for modification of output RGB values when using rgblight/rgb_matrix. (#10638) * Add housekeeping task callbacks so that keyboards/keymaps are capable of executing code for each main loop iteration. (#10530) * Rescale both ChibiOS and AVR backlighting. * Reduce Helix keyboard build variation (#8669) * Minor change to behavior allowing display updates to continue between task ticks (#10750) * Some GPIO manipulations in matrix.c change to atomic. (#10491) * qmk cformat (#10767) * [Keyboard] Update the Speedo firmware for v3.0 (#10657) * Maartenwut/Maarten namechange to evyd13/Evy (#10274) * [quantum] combine repeated lines of code (#10837) * Add step sequencer feature (#9703) * aeboards/ext65 refactor (#10820) * Refactor xelus/dawn60 for Rev2 later (#10584) * add DEBUG_MATRIX_SCAN_RATE_ENABLE to (#10824) * [Core] Added `add_oneshot_mods` & `del_oneshot_mods` (#10549) * update chibios os usb for the otg driver (#8893) * Remove HD44780 References, Part 4 (#10735) * [Keyboard] Add Valor FRL TKL (+refactor) (#10512) * Fix cursor position bug in oled_write_raw functions (#10800) * Fixup version.h writing when using SKIP_VERSION=yes (#10972) * Allow for certain code in the codebase assuming length of string. (#10974) * Add AT90USB support for serial.c (#10706) * Auto shift: support repeats and early registration (#9826) * Rename ledmatrix.h to match .c file (#7949) * Split RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE into _ENABLE and _DRIVER (#10231) * Split LED_MATRIX_ENABLE into _ENABLE and _DRIVER (#10840) * Merge point for 2020 Nov 28 Breaking Change
3 years ago
  1. # Auto Shift: Why Do We Need a Shift Key?
  2. Tap a key and you get its character. Tap a key, but hold it *slightly* longer
  3. and you get its shifted state. Voilà! No shift key needed!
  4. ## Why Auto Shift?
  5. Many people suffer from various forms of RSI. A common cause is stretching your
  6. fingers repetitively long distances. For us on the keyboard, the pinky does that
  7. all too often when reaching for the shift key. Auto Shift looks to alleviate that
  8. problem.
  9. ## How Does It Work?
  10. When you tap a key, it stays depressed for a short period of time before it is
  11. then released. This depressed time is a different length for everyone. Auto Shift
  12. defines a constant `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT` which is typically set to twice your
  13. normal pressed state time. When you press a key, a timer starts, and if you
  14. have not released the key after the `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT` period, then a shifted
  15. version of the key is emitted. If the time is less than the `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT`
  16. time, or you press another key, then the normal state is emitted.
  17. If `AUTO_SHIFT_REPEAT` is defined, there is keyrepeat support. Holding the key
  18. down will repeat the shifted key, though this can be disabled with
  19. `AUTO_SHIFT_NO_AUTO_REPEAT`. If you want to repeat the normal key, then tap it
  20. once then immediately (within `TAPPING_TERM`) hold it down again (this works
  21. with the shifted value as well if auto-repeat is disabled).
  22. ## Are There Limitations to Auto Shift?
  23. Yes, unfortunately.
  24. You will have characters that are shifted when you did not intend on shifting, and
  25. other characters you wanted shifted, but were not. This simply comes down to
  26. practice. As we get in a hurry, we think we have hit the key long enough for a
  27. shifted version, but we did not. On the other hand, we may think we are tapping
  28. the keys, but really we have held it for a little longer than anticipated.
  29. Additionally, with keyrepeat the desired shift state can get mixed up. It will
  30. always 'belong' to the last key pressed. For example, keyrepeating a capital
  31. and then tapping something lowercase (whether or not it's an Auto Shift key)
  32. will result in the capital's *key* still being held, but shift not.
  33. ## How Do I Enable Auto Shift?
  34. Add to your `` in the keymap folder:
  36. If no `` exists, you can create one.
  37. Then compile and install your new firmware with Auto Key enabled! That's it!
  38. ## Modifiers
  39. By default, Auto Shift is disabled for any key press that is accompanied by one or more
  40. modifiers. Thus, Ctrl+A that you hold for a really long time is not the same
  41. as Ctrl+Shift+A.
  42. You can re-enable Auto Shift for modifiers by adding a define to your `config.h`
  43. ```c
  45. ```
  46. In which case, Ctrl+A held past the `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT` will be sent as Ctrl+Shift+A
  47. ## Configuring Auto Shift
  48. If desired, there is some configuration that can be done to change the
  49. behavior of Auto Shift. This is done by setting various variables the
  50. `config.h` file located in your keymap folder. If no `config.h` file exists, you can create one.
  51. A sample is
  52. ```c
  53. #pragma once
  54. #define AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT 150
  56. ```
  57. ### AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT (Value in ms)
  58. This controls how long you have to hold a key before you get the shifted state.
  59. Obviously, this is different for everyone. For the common person, a setting of
  60. 135 to 150 works great. However, one should start with a value of at least 175, which
  61. is the default value. Then work down from there. The idea is to have the shortest time required to get the shifted state without having false positives.
  62. Play with this value until things are perfect. Many find that all will work well
  63. at a given value, but one or two keys will still emit the shifted state on
  64. occasion. This is simply due to habit and holding some keys a little longer
  65. than others. Once you find this value, work on tapping your problem keys a little
  66. quicker than normal and you will be set.
  67. ?> Auto Shift has three special keys that can help you get this value right very quick. See "Auto Shift Setup" for more details!
  68. ### NO_AUTO_SHIFT_SPECIAL (simple define)
  69. Do not Auto Shift special keys, which include -\_, =+, [{, ]}, ;:, '", ,<, .>,
  70. and /?
  71. ### NO_AUTO_SHIFT_NUMERIC (simple define)
  72. Do not Auto Shift numeric keys, zero through nine.
  73. ### NO_AUTO_SHIFT_ALPHA (simple define)
  74. Do not Auto Shift alpha characters, which include A through Z.
  75. ### AUTO_SHIFT_REPEAT (simple define)
  76. Enables keyrepeat.
  77. ### AUTO_SHIFT_NO_AUTO_REPEAT (simple define)
  78. Disables automatically keyrepeating when `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT` is exceeded.
  79. ## Using Auto Shift Setup
  80. This will enable you to define three keys temporarily to increase, decrease and report your `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT`.
  81. ### Setup
  82. Map three keys temporarily in your keymap:
  83. | Key Name | Description |
  84. |----------|-----------------------------------------------------|
  85. | KC_ASDN | Lower the Auto Shift timeout variable (down) |
  86. | KC_ASUP | Raise the Auto Shift timeout variable (up) |
  87. | KC_ASRP | Report your current Auto Shift timeout value |
  88. | KC_ASON | Turns on the Auto Shift Function |
  89. | KC_ASOFF | Turns off the Auto Shift Function |
  90. | KC_ASTG | Toggles the state of the Auto Shift feature |
  91. Compile and upload your new firmware.
  92. ### Use
  93. It is important to note that during these tests, you should be typing
  94. completely normal and with no intention of shifted keys.
  95. 1. Type multiple sentences of alphabetical letters.
  96. 2. Observe any upper case letters.
  97. 3. If there are none, press the key you have mapped to `KC_ASDN` to decrease
  98. time Auto Shift timeout value and go back to step 1.
  99. 4. If there are some upper case letters, decide if you need to work on tapping
  100. those keys with less down time, or if you need to increase the timeout.
  101. 5. If you decide to increase the timeout, press the key you have mapped to
  102. `KC_ASUP` and go back to step 1.
  103. 6. Once you are happy with your results, press the key you have mapped to
  104. `KC_ASRP`. The keyboard will type by itself the value of your
  106. 7. Update `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT` in your `config.h` with the value reported.
  107. 8. Add `AUTO_SHIFT_NO_SETUP` to your `config.h`.
  108. 9. Remove the key bindings `KC_ASDN`, `KC_ASUP` and `KC_ASRP`.
  109. 10. Compile and upload your new firmware.
  110. #### An Example Run
  111. hello world. my name is john doe. i am a computer programmer playing with
  112. keyboards right now.
  113. [PRESS KC_ASDN quite a few times]
  114. heLLo woRLd. mY nAMe is JOHn dOE. i AM A compUTeR proGRaMMER PlAYiNG witH
  115. KEYboArDS RiGHT NOw.
  116. [PRESS KC_ASUP a few times]
  117. hello world. my name is john Doe. i am a computer programmer playing with
  118. keyboarDs right now.
  119. [PRESS KC_ASRP]
  120. 115
  121. The keyboard typed `115` which represents your current `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT`
  122. value. You are now set! Practice on the *D* key a little bit that showed up
  123. in the testing and you'll be golden.