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  1. # Overview
  2. When defining a [keymap]( each key needs a valid key definition.
  3. This page documents the symbols that correspond to keycodes that are available to you in QMK.
  4. To customize your board, they can be used by themselves or as **action codes** in combination with one of the [many C macros](
  5. The source of truth for these codes is [tmk_core/common/keycode.h]( file in the qmk source code.
  6. # The Keycodes
  7. Keycodes in QMK are based on [HID Usage Keyboard/Keypad Page(0x07)]( with following exceptions:
  8. * `KC_NO` = 0 for no action
  9. * `KC_TRNS` = 1 for layer transparency
  10. * internal special keycodes in the `0xA5-DF` range (tmk heritage).
  11. ## Letters and Numbers
  12. |KC_1|KC_2|KC_3|KC_4|KC_5|KC_6|KC_7|KC_8|
  13. |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
  14. |KC_9|KC_0|KC_F1|KC_F2|KC_F3|KC_F4|KC_F5|KC_F6|
  15. |KC_F7|KC_F8|KC_F9|KC_F10|KC_F11|KC_F12|KC_F13|KC_F14|
  16. |KC_F15|KC_F16|KC_F17|KC_F18|KC_F19|KC_F20|KC_F21|KC_F22|
  17. |KC_F23|KC_F24|KC_A|KC_B|KC_C|KC_D|KC_E|KC_F|
  20. |KC_W|KC_X|KC_Y|KC_Z|||||
  21. ## Punctuation
  22. |Long Name|Short Name|Description|
  23. |---------|----------|-----------|
  24. |KC_ENTER|KC_ENT|`Return (ENTER)`|
  26. |KC_BSPACE|KC_BSPC|`DELETE (Backspace)`|
  27. |KC_TAB||`Tab`|
  28. |KC_SPACE|KC_SPC|Spacebar|
  29. |KC_MINUS|KC_MINS|`-` and `_`|
  30. |KC_EQUAL|KC_EQL|`=` and `+`|
  31. |KC_LBRACKET|KC_LBRC|`[` and `{`|
  32. |KC_RBRACKET|KC_RBRC|`]` and `}`|
  33. |KC_BSLASH|KC_BSLS|`\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
  34. |KC_NONUS_HASH|KC_NUHS|Non-US `#` and `~`|
  35. |KC_NONUS_BSLASH|KC_NUBS|Non-US `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
  36. |KC_INT1|KC_RO|JIS `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
  37. |KC_INT2|KC_KANA|International216|
  38. |KC_INT3|KC_JYEN|Yen Symbol (`¥`)|
  39. |KC_SCOLON|KC_SCLN|`;` and `:`|
  40. |KC_QUOTE|KC_QUOT|`‘` and `“`|
  41. |KC_GRAVE|KC_GRV|Grave Accent and Tilde|
  42. |KC_COMMA|KC_COMM|`,` and `<`|
  43. |KC_DOT||`.` and `>`|
  44. |KC_SLASH|KC_SLSH|`/` and `?`|
  45. |KC_CAPSLOCK|KC_CAPS|Caps Lock|
  46. ## Modifiers
  47. |Long Name|Short Name|Description|
  48. |---------|----------|-----------|
  49. |KC_LCTRL|KC_LCTL|LeftControl|
  50. |KC_LSHIFT|KC_LSFT|LeftShift|
  51. |KC_LALT||LeftAlt|
  52. |KC_LGUI||Left GUI(Windows/Apple/Meta key)|
  53. |KC_RCTRL|KC_RCTL|RightControl|
  54. |KC_RSHIFT|KC_RSFT|RightShift|
  55. |KC_RALT||RightAlt|
  56. |KC_RGUI||Right GUI(Windows/Apple/Meta key)|
  57. |KC_LOCKING_CAPS||Locking Caps Lock|
  58. |KC_LOCKING_NUM||Locking Num Lock|
  59. |KC_LOCKING_SCROLL||Locking Scroll Lock|
  60. |KC_INT4|KC_HENK|JIS Henken|
  61. |KC_INT5|KC_MHEN|JIS Muhenken|
  62. ## Commands
  63. |Long Name|Short Name|Description|
  64. |---------|----------|-----------|
  65. |KC_PSCREEN|KC_PSCR|PrintScreen|
  66. |KC_SCROLLLOCK|KC_SLCK|Scroll Lock|
  67. |KC_PAUSE|KC_PAUS|Pause|
  68. |KC_INSERT|KC_INS|Insert|
  69. |KC_HOME||Home|
  70. |KC_PGUP||PageUp|
  71. |KC_DELETE|KC_DEL|Delete Forward|
  72. |KC_END||End|
  73. |KC_PGDOWN|KC_PGDN|PageDown|
  74. |KC_RIGHT|KC_RGHT|RightArrow|
  75. |KC_LEFT||LeftArrow|
  76. |KC_DOWN||DownArrow|
  77. |KC_UP||UpArrow|
  78. |KC_APPLICATION|KC_APP|Application|
  79. |KC_POWER||Power|
  80. |KC_EXECUTE||Execute|
  81. |KC_HELP||Help|
  82. |KC_MENU||Menu|
  83. |KC_SELECT||Select|
  84. |KC_AGAIN||Again|
  85. |KC_UNDO||Undo|
  86. |KC_CUT||Cut|
  87. |KC_COPY||Copy|
  88. |KC_PASTE||Paste|
  89. |KC_FIND||Find|
  90. |KC_ALT_ERASE||Alternate Erase|
  91. |KC_SYSREQ||SysReq/Attention|
  92. |KC_CANCEL||Cancel|
  93. |KC_CLEAR||Clear|
  94. |KC_PRIOR||Prior|
  95. |KC_RETURN||Return|
  96. |KC_SEPARATOR||Separator|
  97. |KC_OUT||Out|
  98. |KC_OPER||Oper|
  99. |KC_CLEAR_AGAIN||Clear/Again|
  100. |KC_CRSEL||CrSel/Props|
  101. |KC_EXSEL||ExSel|
  102. |KC_SYSTEM_POWER|KC_PWR|System Power Down|
  103. |KC_SYSTEM_SLEEP|KC_SLEP|System Sleep|
  104. |KC_SYSTEM_WAKE|KC_WAKE|System Wake|
  105. |KC_MAIL|KC_MAIL||
  115. ## Media Keys
  116. Windows and Mac use different key codes for next track and previous track. Make sure you choose the keycode that corresponds to your OS.
  117. |Long Name|Short Name|Description|
  118. |---------|----------|-----------|
  119. |KC_STOP||Stop|
  120. |KC__MUTE||Mute|
  121. |KC__VOLUP||Volume Up|
  122. |KC__VOLDOWN||Volume Down|
  126. |KC_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK|KC_MNXT|Next Track (Windows)|
  127. |KC_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK|KC_MPRV|Previous Track (Windows)|
  128. |KC_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD|KC_MFFD|Next Track (macOS)|
  129. |KC_MEDIA_REWIND|KC_MRWD|Previous Track (macOS)|
  133. ## Numpad
  134. |Long Name|Short Name|Description|
  135. |---------|----------|-----------|
  136. |KC_NUMLOCK|KC_NLCK|Keypad Num Lock and Clear|
  137. |KC_KP_SLASH|KC_PSLS|Keypad /|
  138. |KC_KP_ASTERISK|KC_PAST|Keypad *|
  139. |KC_KP_MINUS|KC_PMNS|Keypad -|
  140. |KC_KP_PLUS|KC_PPLS|Keypad +|
  142. |KC_KP_1|KC_P1|Keypad 1 and End|
  143. |KC_KP_2|KC_P2|Keypad 2 and Down Arrow|
  144. |KC_KP_3|KC_P3|Keypad 3 and PageDn|
  145. |KC_KP_4|KC_P4|Keypad 4 and Left Arrow|
  146. |KC_KP_5|KC_P5|Keypad 5|
  147. |KC_KP_6|KC_P6|Keypad 6 and Right Arrow|
  148. |KC_KP_7|KC_P7|Keypad 7 and Home|
  149. |KC_KP_8|KC_P8|Keypad 8 and Up Arrow|
  150. |KC_KP_9|KC_P9|Keypad 9 and PageUp|
  151. |KC_KP_0|KC_P0|Keypad 0 and Insert|
  152. |KC_KP_DOT|KC_PDOT|Keypad . and Delete|
  153. |KC_KP_EQUAL|KC_PEQL|Keypad =|
  154. |KC_KP_COMMA|KC_PCMM|Keypad Comma|
  155. |KC_KP_EQUAL_AS400||Keypad Equal Sign|
  156. ## Special Keys
  157. |Long Name|Short Name|Description|
  158. |---------|----------|-----------|
  159. |KC_NO||Ignore this key. (NOOP) |
  160. ## Mousekey
  161. |Long Name|Short Name|Description|
  162. |---------|----------|-----------|
  163. |KC_MS_UP|KC_MS_U|Mouse Cursor Up|
  164. |KC_MS_DOWN|KC_MS_D|Mouse Cursor Down|
  165. |KC_MS_LEFT|KC_MS_L|Mouse Cursor Left|
  166. |KC_MS_RIGHT|KC_MS_R|Mouse Cursor Right|
  167. |KC_MS_BTN1|KC_BTN1|Mouse Button 1|
  168. |KC_MS_BTN2|KC_BTN2|Mouse Button 2|
  169. |KC_MS_BTN3|KC_BTN3|Mouse Button 3|
  170. |KC_MS_BTN4|KC_BTN4|Mouse Button 4|
  171. |KC_MS_BTN5|KC_BTN5|Mouse Button 5|
  172. |KC_MS_WH_UP|KC_WH_U|Mouse Wheel Up|
  173. |KC_MS_WH_DOWN|KC_WH_D|Mouse Wheel Down|
  174. |KC_MS_WH_LEFT|KC_WH_L|Mouse Wheel Left|
  175. |KC_MS_WH_RIGHT|KC_WH_R|Mouse Wheel Right|
  176. |KC_MS_ACCEL0|KC_ACL0|Mouse Acceleration 0|
  177. |KC_MS_ACCEL1|KC_ACL1|Mouse Acceleration 1|
  178. |KC_MS_ACCEL2|KC_ACL2|Mouse Acceleration 2|
  179. ## Magic Keys
  180. The following keys can be used to turn on and off various "Magic" features. These include Boot Magic (holding certain keys down while plugging the keyboard in) and the Magic Key.
  181. |Long Name|Short Name|Description|
  182. |---------|----------|-----------|
  183. |MAGIC_SWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK||Swap Capslock and Control|
  184. |MAGIC_CAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL||Change Capslock to Control|
  185. |MAGIC_SWAP_ALT_GUI||Swap ALT and GUI|
  188. |MAGIC_NO_GUI||Disable off the GUI key|
  189. |MAGIC_SWAP_GRAVE_ESC||Swap the GRAVE (~ `) and Esc keys|
  190. |MAGIC_SWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE||Swap Backslash and Backspace|
  191. |MAGIC_UNSWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK||Disable the Control/Caps Swap|
  192. |MAGIC_UNCAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL||Turn Capslock back into Capslock|
  193. |MAGIC_UNSWAP_ALT_GUI||Turn the ALT/GUI swap off|
  194. |MAGIC_UNSWAP_LALT_LGUI||Turn the LALT/LGUI swap off|
  195. |MAGIC_UNSWAP_RALT_RGUI||Turn the RALT/RGUI swap off|
  196. |MAGIC_UNNO_GUI||Enable the GUI key|
  197. |MAGIC_UNSWAP_GRAVE_ESC||Turn the GRAVE/ESC swap off|
  198. |MAGIC_UNSWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE||Turn the Backslash/Backspace swap off|
  199. |MAGIC_HOST_NKRO||Turn NKRO on|
  200. |MAGIC_UNHOST_NKRO||Turn NKRO off|
  201. |MAGIC_TOGGLE_NKRO||Toggle NKRO on or off|