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  1. # This file maps keys between `config.h` and `info.json`. It is used by QMK
  2. # to correctly and consistently map back and forth between the two systems.
  3. {
  4. # Format:
  5. # <config.h key>: {"info_key": <info.json key>, ["value_type": <value_type>], ["to_json": <true/false>], ["to_c": <true/false>]}
  6. # value_type: one of "array", "", "int", "hex", "list", "mapping"
  7. # to_json: Default `true`. Set to `false` to exclude this mapping from info.json
  8. # to_c: Default `true`. Set to `false` to exclude this mapping from config.h
  9. # warn_duplicate: Default `true`. Set to `false` to turn off warning when a value exists in both places
  10. "DEBOUNCE": {"info_key": "debounce", "value_type": "int"}
  11. "DEVICE_VER": {"info_key": "usb.device_ver", "value_type": "hex"},
  12. "DESCRIPTION": {"info_key": "keyboard_folder", "to_json": false},
  13. "DIODE_DIRECTION": {"info_key": "diode_direction"},
  14. "LAYOUTS": {"info_key": "layout_aliases", "value_type": "mapping"},
  15. "LED_CAPS_LOCK_PIN": {"info_key": "indicators.caps_lock"},
  16. "LED_NUM_LOCK_PIN": {"info_key": "indicators.num_lock"},
  17. "LED_SCROLL_LOCK_PIN": {"info_key": "indicators.scroll_lock"},
  18. "MANUFACTURER": {"info_key": "manufacturer"},
  19. "RGB_DI_PIN": {"info_key": ""},
  20. "RGBLED_NUM": {"info_key": "rgblight.led_count", "value_type": "int"},
  21. "RGBLED_SPLIT": {"info_key": "rgblight.split_count", "value_type": ""},
  22. "RGBLIGHT_ANIMATIONS": {"info_key": "rgblight.animations.all", "value_type": "bool"},
  23. "RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_ALTERNATING": {"info_key": "rgblight.animations.alternating", "value_type": "bool"},
  24. "RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_BREATHING": {"info_key": "rgblight.animations.breathing", "value_type": "bool"},
  25. "RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_CHRISTMAS": {"info_key": "", "value_type": "bool"},
  26. "RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_KNIGHT": {"info_key": "rgblight.animations.knight", "value_type": "bool"},
  27. "RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_RAINBOW_MOOD": {"info_key": "rgblight.animations.rainbow_mood", "value_type": "bool"},
  28. "RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_RAINBOW_SWIRL": {"info_key": "rgblight.animations.rainbow_swirl", "value_type": "bool"},
  29. "RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_RGB_TEST": {"info_key": "rgblight.animations.rgb_test", "value_type": "bool"},
  30. "RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_SNAKE": {"info_key": "rgblight.animations.snake", "value_type": "bool"},
  31. "RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_STATIC_GRADIENT": {"info_key": "rgblight.animations.static_gradient", "value_type": "bool"},
  32. "RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_TWINKLE": {"info_key": "rgblight.animations.twinkle"},
  33. "RGBLIGHT_LIMIT_VAL": {"info_key": "rgblight.max_brightness", "value_type": "int"},
  34. "RGBLIGHT_HUE_STEP": {"info_key": "rgblight.hue_steps", "value_type": "int"},
  35. "RGBLIGHT_SAT_STEP": {"info_key": "rgblight.saturation_steps", "value_type": "int"},
  36. "RGBLIGHT_VAL_STEP": {"info_key": "rgblight.brightness_steps", "value_type": "int"},
  37. "RGBLIGHT_SLEEP": {"info_key": "rgblight.sleep", "value_type": "bool"},
  38. "RGBLIGHT_SPLIT": {"info_key": "rgblight.split", "value_type": "bool"},
  39. "PRODUCT": {"info_key": "keyboard_folder", "to_json": false},
  40. "PRODUCT_ID": {"info_key": "", "value_type": "hex"},
  41. "VENDOR_ID": {"info_key": "usb.vid", "value_type": "hex"}
  42. }