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92 lines
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. ################################
  3. # Configuration
  4. # The ChibiOS branches to mirror
  5. chibios_branches="trunk stable_20.3.x stable_21.11.x"
  6. # The ChibiOS tags to mirror
  7. chibios_tags="ver20.3.1 ver20.3.2 ver20.3.3 ver20.3.4 ver21.11.1 ver21.11.2 ver21.11.3"
  8. # The ChibiOS-Contrib branches to mirror
  9. contrib_branches="chibios-20.3.x chibios-21.11.x"
  10. ################################
  11. # Actions
  12. set -eEuo pipefail
  13. umask 022
  14. this_script="$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
  15. script_dir="$(realpath "$(dirname "$this_script")")"
  16. qmk_firmware_dir="$(realpath "$script_dir/../")"
  17. chibios_dir="$qmk_firmware_dir/lib/chibios"
  18. contrib_dir="$qmk_firmware_dir/lib/chibios-contrib"
  19. chibios_git_location=$(realpath "$chibios_dir/$(cat "$chibios_dir/.git" | awk '/gitdir:/ {print $2}')")
  20. chibios_git_config=$(realpath "$chibios_git_location/config")
  21. contrib_git_location=$(realpath "$contrib_dir/$(cat "$contrib_dir/.git" | awk '/gitdir:/ {print $2}')")
  22. contrib_git_config=$(realpath "$contrib_git_location/config")
  23. cd "$chibios_dir"
  24. if [[ -z "$(cat "$chibios_git_config" | grep '\[svn-remote "svn"\]')" ]] ; then
  25. git svn init --stdlayout --prefix='svn/'
  26. fi
  27. if [[ -z "$(cat "$chibios_git_config" | grep '\[remote "qmk"\]')" ]] ; then
  28. git remote add qmk
  29. git remote set-url qmk --push
  30. else
  31. git remote set-url qmk
  32. git remote set-url qmk --push
  33. fi
  34. echo "Updating remotes..."
  35. git fetch --all --tags --prune
  36. echo "Fetching latest from subversion..."
  37. git svn fetch
  38. echo "Updating ChibiOS branches..."
  39. for branch in $chibios_branches ; do
  40. echo "Creating branch 'svn-mirror/$branch' from 'svn/$branch'..."
  41. git branch -f svn-mirror/$branch svn/$branch \
  42. && git push qmk svn-mirror/$branch
  43. done
  44. echo "Updating ChibiOS tags..."
  45. for tagname in $chibios_tags ; do
  46. echo "Creating tag 'svn-mirror/$tagname' from 'svn/tags/$tagname'..."
  47. GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git log -n1 --pretty=format:'%ad' svn/tags/$tagname)" git tag -f -a -m "Tagging $tagname" svn-mirror/$tagname svn/tags/$tagname
  48. git push qmk svn-mirror/$tagname
  49. done
  50. cd "$contrib_dir"
  51. if [[ -z "$(cat "$contrib_git_config" | grep '\[remote "qmk"\]')" ]] ; then
  52. git remote add qmk
  53. git remote set-url qmk --push
  54. else
  55. git remote set-url qmk
  56. git remote set-url qmk --push
  57. fi
  58. if [[ -z "$(cat "$contrib_git_config" | grep '\[remote "upstream"\]')" ]] ; then
  59. git remote add upstream
  60. git remote set-url upstream --push
  61. else
  62. git remote set-url upstream
  63. git remote set-url upstream --push
  64. fi
  65. echo "Updating remotes..."
  66. git fetch --all --tags --prune
  67. echo "Updating ChibiOS-Contrib branches..."
  68. for branch in $contrib_branches ; do
  69. echo "Creating branch 'mirror/$branch' from 'upstream/$branch'..."
  70. git branch -f mirror/$branch upstream/$branch \
  71. && git push qmk mirror/$branch || true # Allow for nonexistent ChibiOS-Contrib branches -- they'll turn up eventually.
  72. done