name: Bug report description: Create a report to help us improve QMK Firmware. title: "[Bug] " labels: ["bug", "help wanted"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | Provide a general summary of the bug in the title above. - type: textarea attributes: label: Describe the Bug description: A clear and concise description of what the bug is. - type: input attributes: label: Keyboard Used description: The name of the keyboard from the `make` or `qmk compile`/`qmk flash` commands, eg. `planck/rev6`. - type: input attributes: label: Link to product page (if applicable) - type: input attributes: label: Operating System - type: textarea attributes: label: qmk doctor Output description: Output from running the `qmk doctor` command. render: text - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Is AutoHotKey / Karabiner installed options: - label: AutoHotKey (Windows) - label: Karabiner (macOS) - type: input attributes: label: Other keyboard-related software installed - type: textarea attributes: label: Additional Context description: Add any other relevant information about the problem here.