/* Copyright 2019 ENDO Katsuhiro * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #define NUM_ROWS 4 #define NUM_COLS 6 #define NUM_LEDS 2 #define LED_GREEN 0 #define LED_YELLOW 1 typedef struct board_info_t board_info_t; typedef struct board_interface_t board_interface_t; struct board_info_t { bool master; bool initialized; uint8_t i2c_address; pin_t row_pins[NUM_ROWS]; pin_t col_pins[NUM_COLS]; pin_t led_pins[NUM_LEDS]; bool led_status[NUM_LEDS]; board_interface_t* interface; }; struct board_interface_t { void (*select_row)(board_info_t* board, uint8_t row); void (*unselect_row)(board_info_t* board, uint8_t row); void (*unselect_rows)(board_info_t* board); bool (*read_cols_on_row)(board_info_t* board, matrix_row_t current_matrix[], uint8_t row); void (*set_led)(board_info_t* board, uint8_t led_index, bool status); }; #define BOARD_I2C_TIMEOUT 20 #define GPA0 0x00 #define GPA1 0x01 #define GPA2 0x02 #define GPA3 0x03 #define GPA4 0x04 #define GPA5 0x05 #define GPA6 0x06 #define GPA7 0x07 #define GPB0 0x08 #define GPB1 0x09 #define GPB2 0x0A #define GPB3 0x0B #define GPB4 0x0C #define GPB5 0x0D #define GPB6 0x0E #define GPB7 0x0F //#define PORTA 0x00 //#define PORTB 0x01 #define PORT_MASK 0x08 #define PIN_MASK 0x07 #define PIN2REGISTER(reg, pin) (reg & ((pin & PORT_MASK) >> 3)) #define PIN2PORT(pin) ((pin & PORT_MASK) >> 3) #define PIN2MASK(pin) (~(1 << PIN2INDEX(pin))) #define PIN2INDEX(pin) (pin & ~PORT_MASK) #define PIN2BIT(pin) (1 << PIN2INDEX(pin)) #define EXPANDER_ADDR(addr) (addr << 1) #define EXPANDER_IODIR(pin) (0x00 | PIN2PORT(pin)) #define EXPANDER_IPOL(pin) (0x02 | PIN2PORT(pin)) #define EXPANDER_GPINTEN(pin) (0x04 | PIN2PORT(pin)) #define EXPANDER_DEFVAL(pin) (0x06 | PIN2PORT(pin)) #define EXPANDER_INTCON(pin) (0x08 | PIN2PORT(pin)) #define EXPANDER_IOCON(pin) (0x0A | PIN2PORT(pin)) #define EXPANDER_GPPU(pin) (0x0C | PIN2PORT(pin)) #define EXPANDER_INTF(pin) (0x0E | PIN2PORT(pin)) #define EXPANDER_INTCAP(pin) (0x10 | PIN2PORT(pin)) #define EXPANDER_GPIO(pin) (0x12 | PIN2PORT(pin)) #define EXPANDER_OLAT(pin) (0x14 | PIN2PORT(pin)) #define EXPANDER_IODIRA 0x00 #define EXPANDER_IODIRB 0x01 #define EXPANDER_IPOLA 0x02 #define EXPANDER_IPOLB 0x03 #define EXPANDER_GPINTENA 0x04 #define EXPANDER_GPINTENB 0x05 #define EXPANDER_DEFVALA 0x06 #define EXPANDER_DEFVALB 0x07 #define EXPANDER_INTCONA 0x08 #define EXPANDER_INTCONB 0x09 #define EXPANDER_IOCONA 0x0A #define EXPANDER_IOCONB 0x0B #define EXPANDER_GPPUA 0x0C #define EXPANDER_GPPUB 0x0D #define EXPANDER_INTFA 0x0E #define EXPANDER_INTFB 0x0F #define EXPANDER_INTCAPA 0x10 #define EXPANDER_INTCAPB 0x11 #define EXPANDER_GPIOA 0x12 #define EXPANDER_GPIOB 0x13 #define EXPANDER_OLATA 0x14 #define EXPANDER_OLATB 0x15 // // Default board config // #ifndef NUM_BOARDS # define NUM_BOARDS 2 #endif // clang-format off #ifndef BOARD_INFOS #if NUM_BOARDS == 2 #define BOARD_INFOS \ { \ { \ true, \ false, \ 0x00, \ { D4, D5, D6, D7 }, \ { D1, D0, C3, C2, C1, C0 }, \ { B1, B2 }, \ { false, false }, \ NULL \ }, \ { \ false, \ false, \ 0x20, \ { GPB4, GPB5, GPB6, GPB7 }, \ { GPA7, GPA6, GPA5, GPA4, GPA3, GPA2 }, \ { GPB0, GPB1 }, \ { false, false }, \ NULL \ }, \ } #elif NUM_BOARDS == 3 #define BOARD_INFOS \ { \ { \ true, \ false, \ 0x00, \ { D4, D5, D6, D7 }, \ { D1, D0, C3, C2, C1, C0 }, \ { B1, B2 }, \ { false, false }, \ NULL \ }, \ { \ false, \ false, \ 0x20, \ { GPB4, GPB5, GPB6, GPB7 }, \ { GPA7, GPA6, GPA5, GPA4, GPA3, GPA2 }, \ { GPB0, GPB1 }, \ { false, false }, \ NULL \ }, \ { \ false, \ false, \ 0x21, \ { GPB4, GPB5, GPB6, GPB7 }, \ { GPA7, GPA6, GPA5, GPA4, GPA3, GPA2 }, \ { GPB0, GPB1 }, \ { false, false }, \ NULL \ }, \ } #endif #endif // clang-format on void board_set_led_by_index(uint8_t board_index, uint8_t led_index, bool status); bool board_read_cols_on_row(matrix_row_t current_matrix[], uint8_t row); void board_select_row(uint8_t row); void board_unselect_row(uint8_t row); void board_unselect_rows(void); void board_init(void);