""" Functions for working with Makefiles """ import os import glob import re import qmk.path from qmk.errors import NoSuchKeyboardError def parse_rules_mk(file_path): """ Parse a rules.mk file Args: file_path: path to the rules.mk file Returns: a dictionary with the file's content """ # regex to match lines uncommented lines and get the data # group(1) = option's name # group(2) = operator (eg.: '=', '+=') # group(3) = value(s) rules_mk_regex = re.compile(r"^\s*(\w+)\s*([\?\:\+\-]?=)\s*(\S.*?)(?=\s*(\#|$))") mk_content = qmk.path.unicode_lines(file_path) parsed_file = dict() for line in mk_content: found = rules_mk_regex.search(line) if found: parsed_file[found.group(1)] = dict(operator = found.group(2), value = found.group(3)) return parsed_file def merge_rules_mk_files(base, revision): """ Merge a keyboard revision's rules.mk file with the 'base' rules.mk file Args: base: the base rules.mk file's content as dictionary revision: the revision's rules.mk file's content as dictionary Returns: a dictionary with the merged content """ return {**base, **revision} def get_rules_mk(keyboard, revision = ""): """ Get a rules.mk for a keyboard Args: keyboard: name of the keyboard revision: revision of the keyboard Returns: a dictionary with the content of the rules.mk file """ base_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "keyboards", keyboard) + os.path.sep rules_mk = dict() if os.path.exists(base_path + os.path.sep + revision): rules_mk_path_wildcard = os.path.join(base_path, "**", "rules.mk") rules_mk_regex = re.compile(r"^" + base_path + "(?:" + revision + os.path.sep + ")?rules.mk") paths = [path for path in glob.iglob(rules_mk_path_wildcard, recursive = True) if rules_mk_regex.search(path)] for file_path in paths: rules_mk[revision if revision in file_path else "base"] = parse_rules_mk(file_path) else: raise NoSuchKeyboardError("The requested keyboard and/or revision does not exist.") # if the base or the revision directory does not contain a rules.mk if len(rules_mk) == 1: rules_mk = rules_mk[revision] # if both directories contain rules.mk files elif len(rules_mk) == 2: rules_mk = merge_rules_mk_files(rules_mk["base"], rules_mk[revision]) return rules_mk