# `amperzand` the Language Outline So imagine a `.html` page. If the parse starts in the abstract syntax tree of `amperzand` and `<` opening a tag is treated as a statement until `` closes the statement back into the language syntax tree as a printed literal, it becomes an easy extension of a C style syntax with duck typing (but not coercion to stings as I hate that "feature"). * A - `&` - a literal of use. * B - `break;` * C - `continue;` * D - `do {} while();` * E - `export ` - a prefix which exports a name, perhaps even as assigned. * F - `for(;;) {}` * G - `gallowed ;` - a prefix which allows a hash loaded usage of a new included sub-file. * H - `hallowed ;` - a prefix which allows a file to be used by inclusion in a super file. * I - `if() {} else {}` * J - `true` * K - `false` * L - `<` - another useful literal. * M - `main() {}` - a numbered from zero parameter argument with anonymous inner class extension. * N - `new () {}` - instancing a new file as an object with anonymous outer class extension. * O - `obj()` - parses a new object from string. * P - `'` - occasionally useful. * Q - `"` - more useful. * R - `return ;` * S - `switch() { case : break; default: break; }` * T - `this` - object orientation. * U - `utf8()` - make an explicit string cast. * V - `void()` - a void object with a sub-object explanation monad. * W - `while() {}` * X - `xref()` - a string to variable reference lookup. Maybe used on the LHS of assignment. * Y - `yield ;` - a return variant for continuations. * Z - `` - a syntax end delimiter of the HTML statement. And that's about it. Default values from code would have to be entered through the DOM. I think it's technically sufficient.