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"""This script tests QGF functionality.
import re
import datetime
from io import BytesIO
from qmk.path import normpath
from qmk.painter import render_header, render_source, render_license, render_bytes, valid_formats
from milc import cli
from PIL import Image
@cli.argument('-v', '--verbose', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='Turns on verbose output.')
@cli.argument('-i', '--input', required=True, help='Specify input graphic file.')
@cli.argument('-o', '--output', default='', help='Specify output directory. Defaults to same directory as input.')
@cli.argument('-f', '--format', required=True, help='Output format, valid types: %s' % (', '.join(valid_formats.keys())))
@cli.argument('-r', '--no-rle', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='Disables the use of RLE when encoding images.')
@cli.argument('-d', '--no-deltas', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='Disables the use of delta frames when encoding animations.')
@cli.argument('-w', '--raw', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='Writes out the QGF file as raw data instead of c/h combo.')
@cli.subcommand('Converts an input image to something QMK understands')
def painter_convert_graphics(cli):
"""Converts an image file to a format that Quantum Painter understands.
This command uses the `qmk.painter` module to generate a Quantum Painter image defintion from an image. The generated definitions are written to a files next to the input -- `INPUT.c` and `INPUT.h`.
# Work out the input file
if cli.args.input != '-':
cli.args.input = normpath(cli.args.input)
# Error checking
if not cli.args.input.exists():
cli.log.error('Input image file does not exist!')
return False
# Work out the output directory
if len(cli.args.output) == 0:
cli.args.output = cli.args.input.parent
cli.args.output = normpath(cli.args.output)
# Ensure we have a valid format
if cli.args.format not in valid_formats.keys():
cli.log.error('Output format %s is invalid. Allowed values: %s' % (cli.args.format, ', '.join(valid_formats.keys())))
return False
# Work out the encoding parameters
format = valid_formats[cli.args.format]
# Load the input image
input_img =
# Convert the image to QGF using PIL
out_data = BytesIO(), "QGF", use_deltas=(not cli.args.no_deltas), use_rle=(not cli.args.no_rle), qmk_format=format, verbose=cli.args.verbose)
out_bytes = out_data.getvalue()
if cli.args.raw:
raw_file = cli.args.output / (cli.args.input.stem + ".qgf")
with open(raw_file, 'wb') as raw:
# Work out the text substitutions for rendering the output data
subs = {
'generated_type': 'image',
'var_prefix': 'gfx',
'generator_command': f'qmk painter-convert-graphics -i {} -f {cli.args.format}',
'sane_name': re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_", cli.args.input.stem),
'byte_count': len(out_bytes),
'bytes_lines': render_bytes(out_bytes),
'format': cli.args.format,
# Render the license
subs.update({'license': render_license(subs)})
# Render and write the header file
header_text = render_header(subs)
header_file = cli.args.output / (cli.args.input.stem + ".qgf.h")
with open(header_file, 'w') as header:
print(f"Writing {header_file}...")
# Render and write the source file
source_text = render_source(subs)
source_file = cli.args.output / (cli.args.input.stem + ".qgf.c")
with open(source_file, 'w') as source:
print(f"Writing {source_file}...")