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* config.h
#pragma once
/* USB Device descriptor parameter */
#define VENDOR_ID 0x4D58 // MX
#define PRODUCT_ID 0x20AD // 8XV2.0 Additional
#define DEVICE_VER 0x0001
#define PRODUCT 8XV2.0 Additional
/* key matrix size */
#define MATRIX_ROWS 6
#define MATRIX_COLS 16
#define DEF_PIN(port, pin) (((port) << 8) | pin)
#define GET_PORT(pp) (((pp) >> 8) & 0xFF)
#define GET_PIN(pp) ((pp) & 0xFF)
#define ROW1_MASK 0x80
#define ROW2_MASK 0x40
#define ROW3_MASK 0x01
#define ROW4_MASK 0x04
#define ROW5_MASK 0x10
#define ROW6_MASK 0x20
#define ROW_PORT TCA6424_PORT2
#define COL1_MASK 0x02
#define COL2_MASK 0x80
#define COL3_MASK 0x40
#define COL4_MASK 0x20
#define COL5_MASK 0x10
#define COL6_MASK 0x08
#define COL7_MASK 0x04
#define COL8_MASK 0x02
#define COL9_MASK 0x01
#define COL10_MASK 0x80
#define COL11_MASK 0x40
#define COL12_MASK 0x20
#define COL13_MASK 0x10
#define COL14_MASK 0x08
#define COL15_MASK 0x04
#define COL16_MASK 0x02
// Note: MATRIX_ROW_PINS only works with standard pin names.
#define MATRIX_M20_ROW_PINS { \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT2, 7), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT2, 6), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT2, 0), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT2, 2), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT2, 4), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT2, 5) }
// Note: MATRIX_COL_PINS only works with standard pin names.
#define MATRIX_M20_COL_PINS { \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT2, 1), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT1, 7), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT1, 6), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT1, 5), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT1, 4), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT1, 3), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT1, 2), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT1, 1), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT1, 0), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT0, 7), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT0, 6), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT0, 5), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT0, 4), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT0, 3), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT0, 2), \
DEF_PIN(TCA6424_PORT0, 1) }
#define DEBOUNCE 5
// i2c setting
#define USE_I2CV1
#define I2C1_SCL 8
#define I2C1_SDA 9
#define I2C1_CLOCK_SPEED 400000
// rgb light setting
#define RGB_DI_PIN B4 // reserved pin for future usage
#define RGBLED_NUM 20
#define DRIVER_ADDR_1 0b1110100
#define DRIVER_COUNT 1
#define EARLY_INIT_PERFORM_BOOTLOADER_JUMP FALSE // disable jump to system bootloader