You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1141 lines
37 KiB

This is an example of how to write a library that allows user to pass in an I2C port
Nathan Seidle
SparkFun Electronics
License: Public domain
#include "hud.h"
//Initialize the I2C port
bool begin(TwoWire & wirePort) {
_i2cPort = & wirePort; //Grab which port the user wants us to use
_i2cPort - > begin();
void AdjustIconLevel(uint16_t IconNo, uint16_t IconLevel) {
uint16_t Temp;
uint16_t Temp_I;
uint8_t StartBytePos;
uint8_t StartRGBPos;
uint8_t EndBytePos;
uint8_t EndRGBPos;
uint8_t BumpNoTemp;
uint8_t Counter;
// uint8_t Result;
if (IconLevel > 31) return; //If the IconLevel parameter is greater than 31, skip this function
BumpNoTemp = IconData[IconNo].BumpNo;
Temp = IconData[IconNo].StartBumpLocation; //Bump Location counts from 0
StartBytePos = Temp / 3;
StartRGBPos = Temp % 3; //A remainder of 0 means that the beginning Bump position is R, 1 means G, and 2 means B
// Processing the first data
// Maybe it's only this one, maybe there's more
switch (StartRGBPos) {
case 0: //Location in R
if (BumpNoTemp == 1) {
IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] = ChangeRedValue(IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos], IconLevel);
} else if (BumpNoTemp == 2) {
IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] = ChangeRG_Value(IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos], IconLevel);
} else if (BumpNoTemp >= 3) {
IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] = SetRGB_Value(IconLevel);
SendDataBuffer[0] = 0x0A;
SendDataBuffer[1] = StartBytePos >> 4; //X Start
SendDataBuffer[2] = StartBytePos & 0x0F;
SendDataBuffer[3] = 0x07; //X End
SendDataBuffer[4] = 0x0F;
SendDataBuffer[5] = 0; //Y Start
SendDataBuffer[6] = 0;
SendDataBuffer[7] = 0; //Y End
SendDataBuffer[8] = 0;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo], 9, SendDataBuffer);
SendDataBuffer[0] = (IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] & 0xFF00) >> 8;
SendDataBuffer[1] = IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] & 0xFF;
if (BumpNoTemp <= 3) {
IIC_Write_Data1(IIC_Addr[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo], 2, SendDataBuffer);
} else {
BumpNoTemp = BumpNoTemp - 3;
case 1: //Location in G
if (BumpNoTemp == 1) {
IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] = ChangeGreenValue(IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos], IconLevel);
} else if (BumpNoTemp >= 2) {
IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] = ChangeGB_Value(IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos], IconLevel);
//Set the position setting to write
SendDataBuffer[0] = 0x0A;
SendDataBuffer[1] = StartBytePos >> 4; //X Start
SendDataBuffer[2] = StartBytePos & 0x0F;
SendDataBuffer[3] = 0x07; //X End
SendDataBuffer[4] = 0x0F;
SendDataBuffer[5] = 0; //Y Start
SendDataBuffer[6] = 0;
SendDataBuffer[7] = 0; //Y End
SendDataBuffer[8] = 0;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo], 9, SendDataBuffer);
SendDataBuffer[0] = (IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] & 0xFF00) >> 8;
SendDataBuffer[1] = IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] & 0xFF;
IIC_Write_Data1(IIC_Addr[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo], 2, SendDataBuffer);
SendDataBuffer[0] = (IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] & 0xFF00) >> 8; //Store the first data in Buffer 0 & 1
SendDataBuffer[1] = IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] & 0xFF;
if (BumpNoTemp <= 2) {
IIC_Write_Data1(IIC_Addr[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo], 2, SendDataBuffer);
} else {
BumpNoTemp = BumpNoTemp - 2;
case 2: //Location in B
IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] = ChangeBlueValue(IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos], IconLevel);
//Set the position setting to write
SendDataBuffer[0] = 0x0A;
SendDataBuffer[1] = StartBytePos >> 4; //X Start
SendDataBuffer[2] = StartBytePos & 0x0F;
SendDataBuffer[3] = 0x07; //X End
SendDataBuffer[4] = 0x0F;
SendDataBuffer[5] = 0; //Y Start
SendDataBuffer[6] = 0;
SendDataBuffer[7] = 0; //Y End
SendDataBuffer[8] = 0;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo], 9, SendDataBuffer);
SendDataBuffer[0] = (IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] & 0xFF00) >> 8;
SendDataBuffer[1] = IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos] & 0xFF;
if (BumpNoTemp == 1) {
IIC_Write_Data1(IIC_Addr[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo], 2, SendDataBuffer);
} else {
BumpNoTemp = BumpNoTemp - 1;
//Processing later information
EndBytePos = BumpNoTemp / 3;
EndRGBPos = BumpNoTemp % 3;
Counter = 1; //Previous [0], [1] store the data of the first SEG
if (EndBytePos >= 1) { // Process complete
//So far there are several complete RGB (16bit) data
for (Temp_I = 1; Temp_I <= EndBytePos; Temp_I++) {
IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos + Temp_I] = SetRGB_Value(IconLevel);
Counter = Counter + 1;
SendDataBuffer[Counter] = (IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos + Temp_I] & 0xFF00) >> 8; //Save High byte data in the following Buffer
Counter = Counter + 1;
SendDataBuffer[Counter] = IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos + Temp_I] & 0xFF; //Save Low byte data in the following Buffer
if (EndRGBPos == 0) {
//If there is no remainder, there is no need to process the remaining R, G, B bits. After exiting the entire batch of data, exit.
IIC_Write_Data1(IIC_Addr[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo], Counter + 1, SendDataBuffer);
//Check the remaining number of Bits
switch (EndRGBPos) {
case 1: //Location in R
IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos + EndBytePos + 1] = ChangeRedValue(IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos + EndBytePos + 1], IconLevel);
case 2: //Location in G
IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos + EndBytePos + 1] = ChangeRG_Value(IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos + EndBytePos + 1], IconLevel);
Counter = Counter + 1;
//With this last data send out
SendDataBuffer[Counter] = (IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos + EndBytePos + 1] & 0xFF00) >> 8;
Counter = Counter + 1;
SendDataBuffer[Counter] = IconRamMap[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo][StartBytePos + EndBytePos + 1] & 0xFF;
IIC_Write_Data1(IIC_Addr[IconData[IconNo].DriverNo], Counter + 1, SendDataBuffer);
uint16_t ChangeRedValue(uint16_t OriginalValue, uint16_t R_Value) {
uint16_t Temp;
if (R_Value > 31) return 0; //If R value is greater than 31, return 0
Temp = OriginalValue & 0x7FF; //Clear R (high 5 bits) to 0
Temp = Temp | (R_Value << 11); //Set R new value back
return Temp;
uint16_t ChangeGreenValue(uint16_t OriginalValue, uint16_t G_Value) {
uint16_t Temp;
if (G_Value > 31) return 0; //If the G value is greater than 31, return 0
Temp = OriginalValue & 0xF81F; //Clear the G value (6 bits) to 0
Temp = Temp | (G_Value << 6); //Set G high 5bit new value back
if (G_Value > 0x0f)
Temp = Temp | 0x20; //Set bit0 of G to 1
Temp = Temp & 0xFFDF; //Set bit0 of G to 0
return Temp;
uint16_t ChangeBlueValue(uint16_t OriginalValue, uint16_t B_Value) {
uint16_t Temp;
if (B_Value > 31) return 0; //If the B value is greater than 31, then return 0
Temp = OriginalValue & 0xFFE0; //Clear the B value (5 bits) to 0
Temp = Temp | B_Value; //Set the new value of B 5bit back
return Temp;
uint16_t ChangeRG_Value(uint16_t OriginalValue, uint16_t RG_Value) {
uint16_t Temp;
if (RG_Value > 31) return 0; //If the value is greater than 31, return 0
Temp = OriginalValue & 0x1F; //Clear the RG value (11 bits) to 0
Temp = Temp | (RG_Value << 11) | (RG_Value << 6); //Set R 5bit, G 6bit new value back
if (RG_Value > 0x0f)
Temp = Temp | 0x20; //Set bit0 of G to 1
Temp = Temp & 0xFFDF; //Set bit0 of G to 0
return Temp;
uint16_t ChangeGB_Value(uint16_t OriginalValue, uint16_t GB_Value) {
uint16_t Temp;
if (GB_Value > 31) return 0; //If the value is greater than 31, return 0
Temp = OriginalValue & 0xF800; //Clear the GB value (11 bits) to 0
Temp = Temp | (GB_Value << 6) | GB_Value; //Set G 6bit, B 5bit new value back
if (GB_Value > 0x0f)
Temp = Temp | 0x20; //Set bit0 of G to 1
Temp = Temp & 0xFFDF; //Set bit0 of G to 0
return Temp;
uint16_t SetRGB_Value(uint16_t RGB_Value) {
uint16_t Temp;
if (RGB_Value > 31) return 0; //If the value is greater than 31, return 0
Temp = (RGB_Value << 11) | (RGB_Value << 6) | RGB_Value;
if (RGB_Value > 0x0f)
Temp = Temp | 0x20; //Set bit0 of G to 1
Temp = Temp & 0xFFDF; //Set bit0 of G to 0
return Temp;
void NumericalTo4BCD(uint16_t S_Number, uint8_t * BCD_Ptr) {
uint8_t i;
uint16_t Quotient;
uint16_t QuotienNav;
Quotient = S_Number;
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
QuotienNav = Quotient / 10;
BCD_Ptr[i] = Quotient % 10;
Quotient = QuotienNav;
//The following for HUD231 standard products
#define GET_MACRO(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8,_9,_A,_B,NAME,...) NAME
#define AdjustIconsOn(...) GET_MACRO(__VA_ARGS__,AIOnB,AIOnA,AIOn9,AIOn8,AIOn7,AIOn6,AIOn5,AIOn4,AIOn3,AIOn2)(__VA_ARGS__)
#define AdjustIconsOfff(...) GET_MACRO(__VA_ARGS__,AIOffB,AIOffA,AIOff9,AIOff8,AIOff7,AIOff6,AIOff5,AIOff4,AIOff3,AIOff2)(__VA_ARGS__)
#define AIOn2(a, b) AIOn(a); AIOn(b)
#define AIOn3(a, b, c) AIOn(a); AIOn(b); AIOn(c)
#define AIOn4(a, b, c, d) AIOn(a); AIOn(b); AIOn(c); AIOn(d)
#define AIOn5(a, b, c, d, e) AIOn(a); AIOn(b); AIOn(c); AIOn(d); AIOn(e)
#define AIOn6(a, b, c, d, e, f) AIOn(a); AIOn(b); AIOn(c); AIOn(d); AIOn(e); AIOn(f)
#define AIOn7(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) AIOn(a); AIOn(b); AIOn(c); AIOn(d); AIOn(e); AIOn(f); AIOn(g)
#define AIOn8(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) AIOn(a); AIOn(b); AIOn(c); AIOn(d); AIOn(e); AIOn(f); AIOn(g); AIOn(h)
#define AIOn9(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) AIOn(a); AIOn(b); AIOn(c); AIOn(d); AIOn(e); AIOn(f); AIOn(g); AIOn(h); AIOn(i)
#define AIOnA(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) AIOn(a); AIOn(b); AIOn(c); AIOn(d); AIOn(e); AIOn(f); AIOn(g); AIOn(h); AIOn(i); AIOn(j)
#define AIOnB(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) AIOn(a); AIOn(b); AIOn(c); AIOn(d); AIOn(e); AIOn(f); AIOn(g); AIOn(h); AIOn(i); AIOn(j); AIOn(k)
#define AIOff2(a, b) AIoff(a); AIoff(b)
#define AIOff3(a, b, c) AIoff(a); AIoff(b); AIoff(c)
#define AIOff4(a, b, c, d) AIoff(a); AIoff(b); AIoff(c); AIoff(d)
#define AIOff5(a, b, c, d, e) AIoff(a); AIoff(b); AIoff(c); AIoff(d); AIoff(e)
#define AIOff6(a, b, c, d, e, f) AIoff(a); AIoff(b); AIoff(c); AIoff(d); AIoff(e); AIoff(f)
#define AIOff7(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) AIoff(a); AIoff(b); AIoff(c); AIoff(d); AIoff(e); AIoff(f); AIoff(g)
#define AIOff8(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) AIoff(a); AIoff(b); AIoff(c); AIoff(d); AIoff(e); AIoff(f); AIoff(g); AIoff(h)
#define AIOff9(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) AIoff(a); AIoff(b); AIoff(c); AIoff(d); AIoff(e); AIoff(f); AIoff(g); \AIoff(h); AIoff(i)
#define AIOffA(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) AIoff(a); AIoff(b); AIoff(c); AIoff(d); AIoff(e); AIoff(f); AIoff(g); AIoff(h); AIoff(i); AIoff(j)
#define AIOffB(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) AIoff(a); AIoff(b); AIoff(c); AIoff(d); AIoff(e); AIoff(f); AIoff(g); AIoff(h); AIoff(i); AIoff(j); AIoff(k)
void AIOn(uint16_t IconNo) {
AdjustIconLevel(IconNo, IconData[IconNo].Level);
void AIoff(uint16_t IconNo) {
AdjustIconLevel(IconNo, 0x00);
void AdjustIconAction(uint16_t IconNo, bool Action) {
if (Action) {
} else {
#define D01(Action) AdjustIconAction(0, Action)
#define D02(Action) AdjustIconAction(2, Action)
#define D03(Action) AdjustIconAction(4, Action)
#define D04(Action) AdjustIconAction(9, Action)
#define D05(Action) AdjustIconAction(18, Action)
#define D06(Action) AdjustIconAction(26, Action)
#define D07(Action) AdjustIconAction(29, Action)
#define D08(Action) AdjustIconAction(31, Action)
#define D0A(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) D01(a); D02(b); D03(c); D04(d); D05(e); D06(f); D07(g); D08(h)
#define CC1(Action) AdjustIconAction(1, Action)
#define CC2(Action) AdjustIconAction(3, Action)
#define CC3(Action) AdjustIconAction(5, Action)
#define CC4(Action) AdjustIconAction(8, Action)
#define CC5(Action) AdjustIconAction(17, Action)
#define CC6(Action) AdjustIconAction(27, Action)
#define CC7(Action) AdjustIconAction(28, Action)
#define CC8(Action) AdjustIconAction(30, Action)
#define CCA(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) CC1(a); CC2(b); CC3(c); CC4(d); CC5(e); CC6(f); CC7(g); CC8(h)
//0-9 00-full off 1-8 => specify which CCx goes off 9-all bright 10-17=> specifies which CCx is on (inverse with 1-8)
void compassCircle(uint8_t Select) {
switch (Select) {
case 0: CCA(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 1: CCA(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 2: CCA(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 3: CCA(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 4: CCA(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 5: CCA(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 6: CCA(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); break;
case 7: CCA(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); break;
case 8: CCA(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); break;
case 9: CCA(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 10: CCA(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 11: CCA(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 12: CCA(1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 13: CCA(1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 14: CCA(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 15: CCA(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1); break;
case 16: CCA(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); break;
case 17: CCA(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); break;
void D0x(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
D01(1); D02(1); D03(1); D04(1); D05(1); D06(1); D07(1); D08(1);
} else {
D01(0); D02(0); D03(0); D04(0); D05(0); D06(0); D07(0); D08(0);
//0-9 00-full off 1-8 => specify which one is off D0x 9-all bright 10-17=> specify which one D0x is on (inverse with 1-8)
void compassArrows(uint8_t Select) {
switch (Select) {
case 0: D0A(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 1: D0A(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 2: D0A(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 3: D0A(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 4: D0A(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 5: D0A(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 6: D0A(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); break;
case 7: D0A(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); break;
case 8: D0A(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); break;
case 9: D0A(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 10: D0A(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 11: D0A(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 12: D0A(1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 13: D0A(1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 14: D0A(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1); break;
case 15: D0A(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1); break;
case 16: D0A(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); break;
case 17: D0A(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); break;
#define radarDistanceUnits(Action) AdjustIconAction(80, Action)
#define flag(Action) AdjustIconAction(32, Action)
#define C01(Action) AdjustIconAction(40, Action)
#define C02(Action) AdjustIconAction(48, Action)
#define H01(Action) AdjustIconAction(58, Action)
#define K01(Action) AdjustIconAction(56, Action)
#define M01(Action) AdjustIconAction(57, Action)
#define C03(Action) AdjustIconAction(145, Action)
#define K02(Action) AdjustIconAction(153, Action)
#define M03(Action) AdjustIconAction(154, Action)
#define P01(Action) AdjustIconAction(211, Action)
#define P02(Action) AdjustIconAction(212, Action)
#define P03(Action) AdjustIconAction(213, Action)
#define T01(Action) AdjustIconAction(189, Action)
#define T02(Action) AdjustIconAction(197, Action)
void tirePressureAlert(uint8_t Action) {
switch (Action) {
case 0: // Blank
T01(0); // "tire"
T02(0); // "TPMS"
case 1: // TPMS
T01(0); // "tire"
T02(1); // "TPMS"
case 2: // Tire
T01(1); // "tire"
T02(0); // "TPMS"
case 3: // Both
T01(1); // "tire"
T02(1); // "TPMS"
#define speedometerUnits(Action) AdjustIconAction(230, Action)
void destinationDistanceUnits(uint8_t iconUnits) {
switch (iconUnits) {
case 0: // Blank
H01(0); // hours
K01(0); // kilo
M01(0); // meters
case 1: // hours
H01(1); // hours
K01(0); // kilo
M01(0); // meters
case 2: // meters
H01(0); // hours
K01(0); // kilo
M01(1); // meters
case 3: // kilometers
H01(0); // hours
K01(1); // kilo
M01(1); // meters
void turnDistanceUnits(uint8_t iconUnits) {
switch (iconUnits) {
case 0: // Blank
K02(0); // kilo
M03(0); // meters
case 1: // meters
K02(0); // kilo
M03(1); // meters
case 2: // kilometers
K02(1); // kilo
M03(1); // meters
void leftTunnel(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconsOn(91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99);
} else {
AdjustIconsOff(91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99);
void middleTunnel(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconsOn(89, 90, 100, 101, 102, 198, 199, 209, 210);
} else {
AdjustIconsOff(89, 90, 100, 101, 102, 198, 199, 209, 210);
void rightTunnel(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconsOn(200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208);
} else {
AdjustIconsOff(200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208);
void leftRoad(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconsOn(91, 94, 95, 99);
} else {
AdjustIconsOff(91, 94, 95, 99);
void middleRoad(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconsOn(90, 100, 199, 209);
} else {
AdjustIconsOff(90, 100, 199, 209);
void rightRoad(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconsOn(200, 204, 205, 208);
} else {
AdjustIconsOff(200, 204, 205, 208);
void nav_Group(uint8_t Action) {
uint8_t i;
if (Action) {
for (i = 103; i <= 130; i++) {
AdjustIconLevel(i, IconData[i].Level);
for (i = 155; i <= 181; i++) {
AdjustIconLevel(i, IconData[i].Level);
} else {
for (i = 103; i <= 130; i++) {
AdjustIconLevel(i, 0x00);
for (i = 155; i <= 181; i++) {
AdjustIconLevel(i, 0x00);
void nav_KeepLeft(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconsOn(107, 108, 109, 106, 111, 112, 105, 128, 129, 155, 130);
} else {
AdjustIconsOff(107, 108, 109, 106, 111, 112, 105, 128, 129, 155, 130);
void nav_TurnLeft(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconsOn(113, 114, 121, 111, 112, 115, 128, 129, 155, 130);
} else {
AdjustIconsOff(113, 114, 121, 111, 112, 115, 128, 129, 155, 130);
void nav_TurnRight(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconsOn(171, 170, 163, 173, 172, 169, 156, 129, 155, 130);
} else {
AdjustIconsOff(171, 170, 163, 173, 172, 169, 156, 129, 155, 130);
void nav_HardRight(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconsOn(165, 159, 163, 160, 158, 166, 156, 129, 155, 130);
} else {
AdjustIconsOff(165, 159, 163, 160, 158, 166, 156, 129, 155, 130);
void nav_HardLeft(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconsOn(119, 125, 121, 124, 126, 118, 128, 129, 155, 130);
} else {
AdjustIconsOff(119, 125, 121, 124, 126, 118, 128, 129, 155, 130);
void nav_UTurnLeft(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconLevel(162, IconData[162].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(166, IconData[166].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(167, IconData[167].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(168, IconData[168].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(170, IconData[170].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(174, IconData[174].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(176, IconData[176].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(179, IconData[179].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(180, IconData[180].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(104, IconData[104].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(108, IconData[108].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(110, IconData[110].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(114, IconData[114].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(116, IconData[116].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(117, IconData[117].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(118, IconData[118].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(122, IconData[122].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(123, IconData[123].Level);
} else {
AdjustIconLevel(162, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(166, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(167, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(168, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(170, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(174, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(176, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(179, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(180, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(104, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(108, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(110, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(114, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(116, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(117, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(118, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(122, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(123, 0x00);
void nav_UTurnRight(uint8_t Action) {
if (Action) {
AdjustIconLevel(162, IconData[162].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(166, IconData[166].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(167, IconData[167].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(168, IconData[168].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(170, IconData[170].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(174, IconData[174].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(176, IconData[176].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(179, IconData[179].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(180, IconData[180].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(104, IconData[104].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(108, IconData[108].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(110, IconData[110].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(114, IconData[114].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(116, IconData[116].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(117, IconData[117].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(118, IconData[118].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(122, IconData[122].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(161, IconData[161].Level);
} else {
AdjustIconLevel(162, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(166, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(167, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(168, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(170, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(174, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(176, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(179, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(180, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(104, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(108, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(110, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(114, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(116, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(117, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(118, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(122, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(161, 0x00);
void nav_ContinueStraight(uint8_t Action) {
// uint8_t i;
if (Action) {
AdjustIconLevel(181, IconData[181].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(180, IconData[180].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(103, IconData[103].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(178, IconData[178].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(105, IconData[105].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(106, IconData[106].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(173, IconData[173].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(111, IconData[111].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(129, IconData[129].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(155, IconData[155].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(130, IconData[130].Level);
} else {
AdjustIconLevel(181, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(180, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(103, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(178, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(105, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(106, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(173, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(111, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(129, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(155, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(130, 0x00);
void nav_KeepRight(uint8_t Action) {
// uint8_t i;
if (Action) {
AdjustIconLevel(105, IconData[105].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(177, IconData[177].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(176, IconData[176].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(175, IconData[175].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(172, IconData[172].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(173, IconData[173].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(178, IconData[178].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(156, IconData[156].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(129, IconData[129].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(155, IconData[155].Level);
AdjustIconLevel(130, IconData[130].Level);
} else {
AdjustIconLevel(105, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(177, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(176, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(175, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(172, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(173, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(178, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(156, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(129, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(155, 0x00);
AdjustIconLevel(130, 0x00);
void radarDetector(uint8_t Level) //00-08 00-全滅 01-主體 02-08 =>Level
switch (Level) {
case 0:
AdjustIconLevel(81, 0x00); //R01
AdjustIconLevel(82, 0x00); //R02
AdjustIconLevel(83, 0x00); //R03
AdjustIconLevel(84, 0x00); //R04
AdjustIconLevel(85, 0x00); //R05
AdjustIconLevel(86, 0x00); //R06
AdjustIconLevel(87, 0x00); //R07
AdjustIconLevel(88, 0x00); //R08
case 1:
AdjustIconLevel(81, IconData[81].Level); //R01
AdjustIconLevel(82, 0x00); //R02
AdjustIconLevel(83, 0x00); //R03
AdjustIconLevel(84, 0x00); //R04
AdjustIconLevel(85, 0x00); //R05
AdjustIconLevel(86, 0x00); //R06
AdjustIconLevel(87, 0x00); //R07
AdjustIconLevel(88, 0x00); //R08
case 2:
AdjustIconLevel(81, IconData[81].Level); //R01
AdjustIconLevel(82, IconData[82].Level); //R02
AdjustIconLevel(83, 0x00); //R03
AdjustIconLevel(84, 0x00); //R04
AdjustIconLevel(85, 0x00); //R05
AdjustIconLevel(86, 0x00); //R06
AdjustIconLevel(87, 0x00); //R07
AdjustIconLevel(88, 0x00); //R08
case 3:
AdjustIconLevel(81, IconData[81].Level); //R01
AdjustIconLevel(82, IconData[82].Level); //R02
AdjustIconLevel(83, IconData[83].Level); //R03
AdjustIconLevel(84, 0x00); //R04
AdjustIconLevel(85, 0x00); //R05
AdjustIconLevel(86, 0x00); //R06
AdjustIconLevel(87, 0x00); //R07
AdjustIconLevel(88, 0x00); //R08
case 4:
AdjustIconLevel(81, IconData[81].Level); //R01
AdjustIconLevel(82, IconData[82].Level); //R02
AdjustIconLevel(83, IconData[83].Level); //R03
AdjustIconLevel(84, IconData[84].Level); //R04
AdjustIconLevel(85, 0x00); //R05
AdjustIconLevel(86, 0x00); //R06
AdjustIconLevel(87, 0x00); //R07
AdjustIconLevel(88, 0x00); //R08
case 5:
AdjustIconLevel(81, IconData[81].Level); //R01
AdjustIconLevel(82, IconData[82].Level); //R02
AdjustIconLevel(83, IconData[83].Level); //R03
AdjustIconLevel(84, IconData[84].Level); //R04
AdjustIconLevel(85, IconData[85].Level); //R05
AdjustIconLevel(86, 0x00); //R06
AdjustIconLevel(87, 0x00); //R07
AdjustIconLevel(88, 0x00); //R08
case 6:
AdjustIconLevel(81, IconData[81].Level); //R01
AdjustIconLevel(82, IconData[82].Level); //R02
AdjustIconLevel(83, IconData[83].Level); //R03
AdjustIconLevel(84, IconData[84].Level); //R04
AdjustIconLevel(85, IconData[85].Level); //R05
AdjustIconLevel(86, IconData[86].Level); //R06
AdjustIconLevel(87, 0x00); //R07
AdjustIconLevel(88, 0x00); //R08
case 7:
AdjustIconLevel(81, IconData[81].Level); //R01
AdjustIconLevel(82, IconData[82].Level); //R02
AdjustIconLevel(83, IconData[83].Level); //R03
AdjustIconLevel(84, IconData[84].Level); //R04
AdjustIconLevel(85, IconData[85].Level); //R05
AdjustIconLevel(86, IconData[86].Level); //R06
AdjustIconLevel(87, IconData[87].Level); //R07
AdjustIconLevel(88, 0x00); //R08
case 8:
AdjustIconLevel(81, IconData[81].Level); //R01
AdjustIconLevel(82, IconData[82].Level); //R02
AdjustIconLevel(83, IconData[83].Level); //R03
AdjustIconLevel(84, IconData[84].Level); //R04
AdjustIconLevel(85, IconData[85].Level); //R05
AdjustIconLevel(86, IconData[86].Level); //R06
AdjustIconLevel(87, IconData[87].Level); //R07
AdjustIconLevel(88, IconData[88].Level); //R08
void DispNumber(const uint16_t * SegIconPtr, uint8_t DispNo) {
uint8_t Cnt;
uint16_t tmp;
uint32_t DispData;
DispData = NumberSegTable[DispNo];
Cnt = 0;
do {
tmp = SegIconPtr[Cnt];
if ((tmp != 0) && ((DispData & 1) == 1)) {
AdjustIconLevel(tmp, IconData[tmp].Level);
} else {
AdjustIconLevel(tmp, 0x00);
DispData >>= 1;
} while (Cnt <= 6);
void setSegmentedDisplay(uint8_t Display, uint8_t SpeedNo, bool Mode) {
uint8_t BCDcode[4];
if (SpeedNo > DisplayLimit[Display])
SpeedNo = DisplayLimit[Display];
NumericalTo4BCD(SpeedNo, BCDcode);
if (BCDcode[2] == 0 && BCDcode[1] == 0 && Mode) {
DispNumber(SegIconTable[Display][0], 10);
} else {
DispNumber(SegIconTable[Display][0], BCDcode[2]);
if (BCDcode[2] == 0 && Mode) {
DispNumber(SegIconTable[Display][1], 10);
} else {
DispNumber(SegIconTable[Display][1], BCDcode[1]);
DispNumber(SegIconTable[Display][2], BCDcode[0]);
void setCallIcon(uint8_t iconStatus) {
switch (iconStatus) {
case 0: // Blank
P01(0); // Call Outline
P02(0); // Call Phone Icon
P03(0); // Call Text
case 1: // Outline Only
P01(1); // Call Outline
P02(0); // Call Phone Icon
P03(0); // Call Text
case 2: // Outline w/ Phone
P01(1); // Call Outline
P02(1); // Call Phone Icon
P03(0); // Call Text
case 3: // All
P01(1); // Call Outline
P02(1); // Call Phone Icon
P03(1); // Call Text
void SoftReset(unsigned char DriverNo) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x01; //SoftReset Command No.
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 1, ReceiveData);
void SetOscControl(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char mode) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x04; //Set Osc Control Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = mode;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 2, ReceiveData);
void SetGraphicsRAMWritingDirection(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char mode) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x05; //Set Graphics RAM Writing Direction Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = mode;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 2, ReceiveData);
void SetInterface(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char mode) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x08; //Set Interface Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = mode;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 2, ReceiveData);
void DisplayOnOff(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char Val) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x02; //DisplayOnOff Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = Val;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 2, ReceiveData);
void DisplayStandbyOnOff(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char Val) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x03; //DisplayStandbyOnOff Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = Val;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 2, ReceiveData);
void SetDisplaySize(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char Xstart, unsigned char Xend, unsigned char Ystart, unsigned char Yend) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x07; //SetDisplaySize Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = Xstart >> 4;
ReceiveData[2] = Xstart & 0x0f;
ReceiveData[3] = Xend >> 4;
ReceiveData[4] = Xend & 0x0f;
ReceiveData[5] = Ystart >> 4;
ReceiveData[6] = Ystart & 0x0f;
ReceiveData[7] = Yend >> 4;
ReceiveData[8] = Yend & 0x0f;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 9, ReceiveData);
void SetDotCurrent(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char Rlevel, unsigned char Glevel, unsigned char Blevel) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x0e; //SetDotCurrent Level Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = Rlevel >> 4;
ReceiveData[2] = Rlevel & 0x0f;
ReceiveData[3] = Glevel >> 4;
ReceiveData[4] = Glevel & 0x0f;
ReceiveData[5] = Blevel >> 4;
ReceiveData[6] = Blevel & 0x0f;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 7, ReceiveData);
void SetSystemClockDivisionRatio(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char mode) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x10; //Set System Clock Division Ratio Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = mode;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 2, ReceiveData);
void SetPreChargeWidth(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char Val) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x1C; //SetPreChargeWidth Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = Val;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 2, ReceiveData);
void SetPeakPulseWidth(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char Rlevel, unsigned char Glevel, unsigned char Blevel) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x1d; //SetPeakPulseWidthl Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = Rlevel >> 4;
ReceiveData[2] = Rlevel & 0x0f;
ReceiveData[3] = Glevel >> 4;
ReceiveData[4] = Glevel & 0x0f;
ReceiveData[5] = Blevel >> 4;
ReceiveData[6] = Blevel & 0x0f;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 7, ReceiveData);
void SetPeakPulseDelay(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char Val) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x1e; //SetPeakPulseDelay Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = Val;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 2, ReceiveData);
void SetRowScanOperation(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char mode) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x1f; //SetRowScanOperation Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = mode;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 2, ReceiveData);
void SetInternalRegulatorforRowScan(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned char mode) {
ReceiveData[0] = 0x30; //SetInternalRegulatorforRowScan Command No.
ReceiveData[1] = mode;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 2, ReceiveData);
void DumpDataToDriver(unsigned char DriverNo, unsigned int SData) {
unsigned int Cnt, CnNav;
unsigned char Nav, t2;
// unsigned char tmp;
//Set the position setting to write Row-0
ReceiveData[0] = 0x0a;
ReceiveData[1] = 0x00; //X Start
ReceiveData[2] = 0x00;
ReceiveData[3] = 0x07; //X End
ReceiveData[4] = 0x0f;
ReceiveData[5] = 0x00; //Y Start
ReceiveData[6] = 0x00;
ReceiveData[7] = 0x00; //Y End
ReceiveData[8] = 0x00;
IIC_Write_Command1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], 9, ReceiveData);
Nav = SData >> 8;
t2 = SData & 0xff;
CnNav = 0;
for (Cnt = 0; Cnt <= 127; Cnt++) {
ReceiveData[CnNav] = Nav;
ReceiveData[CnNav] = t2;
IIC_Write_Data1(IIC_Addr[DriverNo], CnNav, ReceiveData);
//---------------------------------INITIALIZE (HUDBEGIN)-----------------------------------//
void initializeHUD231(void) {
uint8_t i, j;
SetOscControl(0, 3); // Internal OSC. 105hz
SetOscControl(1, 3);
SetGraphicsRAMWritingDirection(0, 2); //RGB, Left->Right, Bottom->Top
SetGraphicsRAMWritingDirection(1, 2);
SetSystemClockDivisionRatio(0, 0x0B); // 1/128
SetSystemClockDivisionRatio(1, 0x0B);
SetInterface(0, 1);
SetInterface(1, 1);
DisplayOnOff(0, 0);
DisplayOnOff(1, 0);
SetDisplaySize(0, 0, 127, 0, 0);
SetDisplaySize(1, 0, 127, 0, 0);
SetDotCurrent(0, 220, 230, 230);
SetDotCurrent(1, 230, 230, 230);
SetPreChargeWidth(0, 1); //1
SetPreChargeWidth(1, 1);
SetPeakPulseWidth(0, 0, 0, 0); //0,0,0
SetPeakPulseWidth(1, 0, 0, 0);
SetPeakPulseDelay(0, 1); //1
SetPeakPulseDelay(1, 1);
SetRowScanOperation(0, 0x2a); //Pre-Charge + Peak Delay Timing,All Row are in GND, Mode3
SetRowScanOperation(1, 0x2a);
SetInternalRegulatorforRowScan(0, 0x10); //Internal scan requlator Enable, VCC_Cx0.85
SetInternalRegulatorforRowScan(1, 0x10);
DisplayStandbyOnOff(0, 1);
DisplayStandbyOnOff(0, 0);
DisplayStandbyOnOff(1, 1);
DisplayStandbyOnOff(1, 0);
DumpDataToDriver(0, 0x0000);
DumpDataToDriver(1, 0x0000);
DisplayOnOff(0, 1);
DisplayOnOff(1, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 128; j++) {
IconRamMap[i][j] = 0;
//---------------------------------I2C FUNCTIONS-----------------------------------//
void IIC_Write_Command1(uint8_t IIC_Addr, uint16_t DataLen, uint8_t * DataPtr) {
uint16_t Cnt;
_i2cPort - > beginTransmission(IIC_Addr);
for (Cnt = 0; Cnt < DataLen; Cnt++) {
_i2cPort - > write(DataPtr[Cnt]);
_i2cPort - > endTransmission();
void IIC_Write_Data1(uint8_t IIC_Addr, uint16_t DataLen, uint8_t * DataPtr) {
uint16_t Cnt;
_i2cPort - > beginTransmission(IIC_Addr);
_i2cPort - > write(0x0C);
for (Cnt = 0; Cnt < DataLen; Cnt++) {
_i2cPort - > write(DataPtr[Cnt]);
_i2cPort - > endTransmission();
void IIC_Write_Data2(uint8_t IIC_Addr, uint16_t DataLen,
const uint8_t * DataPtr) {
uint16_t Cnt;
uint8_t tmp;
_i2cPort - > beginTransmission(IIC_Addr);
_i2cPort - > write(0x0C);
for (Cnt = 0; Cnt < DataLen; Cnt++) {
tmp = DataPtr[Cnt];
_i2cPort - > write(tmp);
_i2cPort - > endTransmission();
//---------------------------------CLEAR DISPLAY-----------------------------------//
void clearAll(void) {
for (uint16_t i; i < 230; i++) {
AdjustIconLevel(i, 0x00);