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Drashna Jaelre 0bde920817
Convert Dip Switch callbacks to boolean functions (#13399)
2 years ago
config.h Remove `MIDI_ENABLE_STRICT` from user keymaps (#11750) 3 years ago
keymap.c Convert Dip Switch callbacks to boolean functions (#13399) 2 years ago [Keymap] Adding drasbeck keymaps for lily58pro and preonic (#10013) 3 years ago [Keymap] Adding drasbeck keymaps for lily58pro and preonic (#10013) 3 years ago

drasbeck's Preonic keymap

Danish layout with Danish characters on default layer.

|KC_GRV|  1   |  2   |  3   |  4   |  5   |  6   |  7   |  8   |  9   |  0   | BSPC |
| TAB  |  q   |  w   |  e   |  r   |  t   |  y   |  u   |  i   | o    |  p   |  å   |
| ESC  |  a   |  s   |  d   |  f   |  g   |  h   |  j   |  k   |  l   |  æ   |  ø   |
|L SHFT|  z   |  x   |  c   |  v   |  b   |  n   |  m   |  ,   |  .   |  -   |SFTENT|
|L CTRL|      | L ALT| L GUI| LOWER|    SPACE    | RAISE| NUBS | L CTL|      |      |