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51 lines
1.1 KiB

set -o errexit -o nounset
usage () {
printf "\
usage: ./users/bcat/ [-c] [-j N]
Compiles all keyboards for which bcat maintains keymaps.
optional arguments:
-c performs a clean build
-j N runs N make tasks in parallel
-v shows verbose output
compile () {
local keyboard=$1 layout=${2:-}
FORCE_LAYOUT="$layout" SILENT="$opt_silent" make -j "$opt_parallel" "$keyboard":bcat
while getopts :chj:v opt; do
case $opt in
c) opt_clean=1 ;;
j) opt_parallel=$OPTARG ;;
v) opt_silent=false ;;
h) usage; exit 0 ;;
\?) usage >&2; exit 2 ;;
if [[ -n ${opt_clean:-} ]]; then
SILENT="$opt_silent" make clean
compile 9key
compile ai03/polaris 60_tsangan_hhkb
compile cannonkeys/an_c 60_tsangan_hhkb
compile cannonkeys/instant60 60_tsangan_hhkb
compile crkbd/rev1 split_3x6_3
compile dz60 60_ansi_split_bs_rshift
compile dz60 60_tsangan_hhkb
compile eco/rev2
compile kbdfans/kbd67/hotswap 65_ansi_blocker_split_bs
compile keebio/bdn9/rev1
compile keebio/quefrency/rev1
compile lily58/rev1