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Matthew Lyon 3f96b88e73
mattly goes windows (#9677)
3 years ago
config.h mattly goes windows (#9677) 3 years ago
mattly.c mattly goes windows (#9677) 3 years ago
mattly.h mattly goes windows (#9677) 3 years ago mattly's userspace and iris (#6279) 4 years ago mattly goes windows (#9677) 3 years ago

mattly's layouts

My layouts are based around:

  • making the most from small layouts on keyboards like the iris or planck
  • moving held-modifiers from pinkies to thumbs or home row, giving many keys dual purposes via mod/layer taps
  • easy home-row navigation on a layer, using standard keys, available to all programs, not just a specially-configured editor
  • easy access to punctuation symbols used in the programming languages I work in

Here is an image with an outdated description of my keymap