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"""This script automates the copying of the default keymap into your own keymap.
import os
import shutil
from milc import cli
@cli.argument('-kb', '--keyboard', help='Specify keyboard name. Example: 1upkeyboards/1up60hse')
@cli.argument('-km', '--keymap', help='Specify the name for the new keymap directory')
@cli.subcommand('Creates a new keymap for the keyboard of your choosing')
def new_keymap(cli):
"""Creates a new keymap for the keyboard of your choosing.
# ask for user input if keyboard or username was not provided in the command line
keyboard = cli.config.new_keymap.keyboard if cli.config.new_keymap.keyboard else input("Keyboard Name: ")
keymap = cli.config.new_keymap.keymap if cli.config.new_keymap.keymap else input("Keymap Name: ")
# generate keymap paths
kb_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "keyboards", keyboard)
keymap_path_default = os.path.join(kb_path, "keymaps/default")
keymap_path = os.path.join(kb_path, "keymaps/%s" % username)
# check directories
if not os.path.exists(kb_path):
cli.log.error('Keyboard %s does not exist!', kb_path)
if not os.path.exists(keymap_path_default):
cli.log.error('Keyboard default %s does not exist!', keymap_path_default)
if os.path.exists(keymap_path):
cli.log.error('Keymap %s already exists!', keymap_path)
# create user directory with default keymap files
shutil.copytree(keymap_path_default, keymap_path, symlinks=True)
# end message to user"%s keymap directory created in: %s", username, keymap_path)"Compile a firmware with your new keymap by typing: \n" + "qmk compile -kb %s -km %s", keyboard, username)