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Tap Mods

Standard Keys

Keycode Tap Hold Description
HY_ESC Esc Hyper Esc on tap; hyper when held
HR_* A, O LGUI Home-row for Colemak mod-DH and right-handed numpad.
'' R, I, 6 LALT Home-row for Colemak mod-DH and right-handed numpad.
'' S, E, 5 LCTL Home-row for Colemak mod-DH and right-handed numpad.
'' T, N, 4 LSFT Home-row for Colemak mod-DH and right-handed numpad.


Keycode Tap Hold Description
LOWER -- Lower Temporarily activate layer.
RAISE -- Raise Temporarily activate layer.
NAV -- Nav Temporarily activate layer.
LOW_ENT Enter Lower
LOW_SPC Space Lower
NAV_SPC Space Nav
RAI_ENT Enter Raise
RAI_SPC Space Raise
RAI_TAB Tab Raise