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"""Ensure text files have the proper line endings.
from itertools import islice
from subprocess import DEVNULL
from milc import cli
from qmk.path import normpath
def _get_chunks(it, size):
"""Break down a collection into smaller parts
it = iter(it)
return iter(lambda: tuple(islice(it, size)), ())
def dos2unix_run(files):
"""Spawn multiple dos2unix subprocess avoiding too long commands on formatting everything
for chunk in _get_chunks(files, 10):
dos2unix =['dos2unix', *chunk])
if dos2unix.returncode:
return False
@cli.argument('-b', '--base-branch', default='origin/master', help='Branch to compare to diffs to.')
@cli.argument('-a', '--all-files', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='Format all files.')
@cli.argument('files', nargs='*', arg_only=True, type=normpath, help='Filename(s) to format.')
@cli.subcommand("Ensure text files have the proper line endings.", hidden=True)
def format_text(cli):
"""Ensure text files have the proper line endings.
# Find the list of files to format
if cli.args.files:
files = list(cli.args.files)
if cli.args.all_files:
cli.log.warning('Filenames passed with -a, only formatting: %s', ','.join(map(str, files)))
elif cli.args.all_files:
git_ls_cmd = ['git', 'ls-files']
git_ls =, stdin=DEVNULL)
files = list(filter(None, git_ls.stdout.split('\n')))
git_diff_cmd = ['git', 'diff', '--name-only', cli.args.base_branch]
git_diff =, stdin=DEVNULL)
files = list(filter(None, git_diff.stdout.split('\n')))
# Sanity check
if not files:
cli.log.error('No changed files detected. Use "qmk format-text -a" to format all files')
return False
return dos2unix_run(files)