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121 lines
5.1 KiB

"keyboard_name": "AT101 BH PCB",
"keyboard_folder": "at101_bh",
"url": "",
"maintainer": "qmk, blindassassin111",
"width": 22.5,
"height": 6.5,
"layouts": {
"layout": [
{"label":"Esc", "x":0, "y":0},
{"label":"F1", "x":2, "y":0},
{"label":"F2", "x":3, "y":0},
{"label":"F3", "x":4, "y":0},
{"label":"F4", "x":5, "y":0},
{"label":"F5", "x":6.5, "y":0},
{"label":"F6", "x":7.5, "y":0},
{"label":"F7", "x":8.5, "y":0},
{"label":"F8", "x":9.5, "y":0},
{"label":"F9", "x":11, "y":0},
{"label":"F10", "x":12, "y":0},
{"label":"F11", "x":13, "y":0},
{"label":"F12", "x":14, "y":0},
{"label":"Print Screen", "x":15.25, "y":0},
{"label":"Scroll Lock", "x":16.25, "y":0},
{"label":"Pause", "x":17.25, "y":0},
{"label":"Grave", "x":0, "y":1.5},
{"label":"1", "x":1, "y":1.5},
{"label":"2", "x":2, "y":1.5},
{"label":"3", "x":3, "y":1.5},
{"label":"4", "x":4, "y":1.5},
{"label":"5", "x":5, "y":1.5},
{"label":"6", "x":6, "y":1.5},
{"label":"7", "x":7, "y":1.5},
{"label":"8", "x":8, "y":1.5},
{"label":"9", "x":9, "y":1.5},
{"label":"0", "x":10, "y":1.5},
{"label":"-", "x":11, "y":1.5},
{"label":"=", "x":12, "y":1.5},
{"label":"Backspace", "x":13, "y":1.5, "w":2},
{"label":"Insert", "x":15.25, "y":1.5},
{"label":"Home", "x":16.25, "y":1.5},
{"label":"Page Up", "x":17.25, "y":1.5},
{"label":"Num Lock", "x":18.5, "y":1.5},
{"label":"Keypad /", "x":19.5, "y":1.5},
{"label":"Keypad *", "x":20.5, "y":1.5},
{"label":"Keypad -", "x":21.5, "y":1.5},
{"label":"Tab", "x":0, "y":2.5, "w":1.5},
{"label":"Q", "x":1.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"W", "x":2.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"E", "x":3.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"R", "x":4.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"T", "x":5.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"Y", "x":6.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"U", "x":7.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"I", "x":8.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"O", "x":9.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"P", "x":10.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"LBracket", "x":11.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"RBracket]", "x":12.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"Backslash", "x":13.5, "y":2.5, "w":1.5},
{"label":"Delete", "x":15.25, "y":2.5},
{"label":"End", "x":16.25, "y":2.5},
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{"label":"Keypad 9", "x":20.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"Keypad +", "x":21.5, "y":2.5},
{"label":"Caps Lock", "x":0, "y":3.5, "w":1.75},
{"label":"A", "x":1.75, "y":3.5},
{"label":"S", "x":2.75, "y":3.5},
{"label":"D", "x":3.75, "y":3.5},
{"label":"F", "x":4.75, "y":3.5},
{"label":"G", "x":5.75, "y":3.5},
{"label":"H", "x":6.75, "y":3.5},
{"label":"J", "x":7.75, "y":3.5},
{"label":"K", "x":8.75, "y":3.5},
{"label":"L", "x":9.75, "y":3.5},
{"label":"Semicolon", "x":10.75, "y":3.5},
{"label":"Quote", "x":11.75, "y":3.5},
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{"label":"Keypad 5", "x":19.5, "y":3.5},
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{"label":"Keypad =", "x":21.5, "y":3.5},
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{"label":"V", "x":5.25, "y":4.5},
{"label":"B", "x":6.25, "y":4.5},
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{"label":"M", "x":8.25, "y":4.5},
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{"label":"Period", "x":10.25, "y":4.5},
{"label":"Slash", "x":11.25, "y":4.5},
{"label":"RShift", "x":12.25, "y":4.5, "w":1.75},
{"label":"Fn", "x":14, "y":4.5},
{"label":"Up", "x":16.25, "y":4.5},
{"label":"Keypad 1", "x":18.5, "y":4.5},
{"label":"Keypad 2", "x":19.5, "y":4.5},
{"label":"Keypad 3", "x":20.5, "y":4.5},
{"label":"Keypad Enter", "x":21.5, "y":4.5, "h":2},
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{"label":"LGUI", "x":1.25, "y":5.5, "w":1.25},
{"label":"LAlt", "x":2.5, "y":5.5, "w":1.25},
{"label":"Space", "x":3.75, "y":5.5, "w":6.25},
{"label":"RAlt", "x":10, "y":5.5, "w":1.25},
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{"label":"Menu", "x":12.5, "y":5.5, "w":1.25},
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{"label":"Right", "x":17.25, "y":5.5},
{"label":"Keypad 0", "x":18.5, "y":5.5, "w":2},
{"label":"Keypad .", "x":20.5, "y":5.5}