#!/bin/bash -v echo 2>&1 usb=$1 if [ $UID -gt 0 ] then echo "Please run as root." echo "Usage: sudo ./flash-haiku.sh " exit 1 fi if [ -z $usb ] then echo "Usage: sudo ./flash-haiku.sh " exit 1 fi ## Paritition disk ### Show existing partition table gdisk -l /dev/$usb ### Create the new parition for haiku main echo " n 3 +1000M w Y " | gdisk /dev/$usb #### Run partprobe to refresh partition list partprobe /dev/$usb gdisk -l /dev/$usb sleep 2 #### Create parition for haiku efi echo " n w Y " | gdisk /dev/$usb sleep 2 #### Refresh and print partitions partprobe /dev/$usb gdisk -l /dev/$usb echo; echo; ## Copy Haiku Main to the 3rd partition dd if=MH-USB/haiku-main.img of=/dev/"$usb"3 status=progress bs=1M ## Copy Haiku EFI to the 4th partition dd if=MH-USB/haiku-boot.img of=/dev/"$usb"4 status=progress bs=1M echo "Haiku Installed to $usb"