- ---
- title: "git.fosscommunity.in Server Update"
- date: 2021-12-10T20:01:24+05:30
- weight: 10
- description: "Updating git.fosscommunity.in"
- tags: ["git.fosscommunity.in", "debian", "fsci"]
- type: post
- ---
- Ahh, my first blog post. Good Beginnings (:
- Excited!!
- This blog post is dedicated to sharing my experience with updating the FSCI’s GitLab instance [git.fosscommunity.in](https://git.fosscommunity.in/) update.<br>
- [FSCI](https://fsci.in/) runs a free instance of GitLab Community Edition at [git.fosscommunity.in](https://git.fosscommunity.in) for collaborative software development.<br>
- FSCI also hosts and maintains a lot of services for the community, you can check out the services [here](https://fsci.in/#poddery), these services are managed by volunteers.
- After joining [**Software Freedom Camp 2021 Diversity Edition**](https://camp.fsci.in)( Online mentorship programme organized by Free Software Community of India(FSCI) ) as a learner and I met a bunch of people who discuss about [Free/Libre/Open Source Software](https://ravidwivedi.in/posts/free-software-explained-simply/) and educate people about why it is important to use free software in our life maintaining freedom and privacy in this era of technology.
- <br>
- Along with [Ravish](https://ravish0007.github.io) and [Sahilister](https://blog.sahilister.in) we all updated it from GitLab v14.4.2 to Gitlab v14.4.4 it was a Security update, it took a lot of my time to update and upgrade the instance.
- All thanks to [Ravish](https://ravish0007.github.io) and [Sahilister](https://blog.sahilister.in) for helping and teaching me.