- #!/bin/sh
- #Get EETI Debug information script. Version 1.0 (20201007)
- INFO_PATH="./eeti/info.html"
- DMESG_PATH="./eeti/dmesg"
- INFO_FOLDER="./eeti/"
- CheckPermission() {
- echo -n "(I) Check user permission:"
- account=`whoami`
- if [ ${account} = "root" ]; then
- echo " ${account}, you are the supervisor."
- else
- echo " ${account}, you are NOT the supervisor."
- echo "(E) The root permission is required to run this installer."
- echo ""
- exit 1
- fi
- }
- CheckPermission
- echo "Start to collect log..."
- #Modify DebugBits
- CONFIG_FILE="/etc/eGTouchL.ini"
- sed -i '2d' $CONFIG_FILE
- sed -i '1a DebugEnableBits\t\t\t'`echo $DEBUG_BITS` $CONFIG_FILE
- #Restart driver
- eGTouchD -f
- sleep 5
- #Create folder to put information
- mkdir $INFO_FOLDER
- touch $INFO_PATH
- chmod 666 $INFO_PATH
- #Print Information to file
- {
- echo "<html>"
- echo "<body>"
- echo "<tr>"
- echo "<h1><strong><th>EETI Debug Log</th></strong></h1>"
- echo "</tr>"
- echo "<tr>"
- date
- echo "<p><strong><th>=====CPU Arch.=====</th></strong></p>"
- lscpu | grep Architecture
- echo "</tr>"
- echo "<tr>"
- echo "<p><strong><th>=====Kernel version.=====</th></strong></p>"
- uname -r
- echo "</tr>"
- echo "<tr>"
- echo "<p><strong><th>=====Distribution Info.=====</th></strong></p>"
- cat /etc/*release
- echo "</tr>"
- echo "<tr>"
- echo "<p><strong><th>=====Display server=====</th></strong></p>"
- ps -e | grep tty
- echo "</tr>"
- echo "<tr>"
- echo "<p><strong><th>=====Xinput Info.=====</th></strong></p>"
- xinput list
- echo "</tr>"
- echo "<tr>"
- echo "<p><strong><th>=====Input Devices=====</th></strong></p>"
- cat /proc/bus/input/devices
- echo "</tr>"
- echo "</body>"
- echo "</html>"
- #Copy dmesg
- dmesg >> "$DMESG_PATH"
- #Copy driver log
- cp /tmp/eGTouch* $INFO_FOLDER
- #Recover DebugBits
- sed -i '2d' $CONFIG_FILE
- sed -i '1a DebugEnableBits\t\t\t'`echo $DEBUG_BITS` $CONFIG_FILE
- #Copy config file
- #Restart driver
- eGTouchD -f
- tar --remove-files -zcvf ./eeti.tar.gz $INFO_FOLDER > /dev/null
- echo "Finish."