- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # A few practical configuration substitutions.
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- substitutions:
- name: bedside-lamp
- friendly_name: Bedside Lamp
- transition_length: 500ms
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Use your own preferences for these components.
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The log level can be raised when needed for debugging the firmware. For
- # production, a low log level is recommended. Mainly because high volume log
- # output might interfere with the API/WiFi connection stability. So when
- # raising the log level, beware that you might see dropped connections from
- # Home Assistant and the network log viewer.
- logger:
- level: WARN
- wifi:
- ssid: "Your-SSID"
- password: "Your-WiFi-Network-Password"
- api:
- password: "Password-For-Linking-HomeAssistant-To-This-Device"
- # Disable the reboot timeout. By default, the lamp reboots after 15
- # minutes without any client connections (e.g. when home assistant is off
- # line, or when the WiFi is broken). Reboots are annoying though, because
- # the RGBWW LEDs will turn off during the reboot, causing the light to
- # flicker.
- reboot_timeout: 0s
- # If you want to control light presets (see below) from Home Assistant,
- # then you can expose the required functionality as a service here.
- # This is an example of how you could expose the activation of a preset.
- services:
- - service: activate_preset
- variables:
- my_group: string
- my_preset: string
- then:
- - preset.activate:
- group: !lambda 'return my_group;'
- preset: !lambda 'return my_preset;'
- ota:
- password: "Password-For-Flashing-This-Device-Over-The-Air"
- # These OTA triggers are used to provide some visual feedback during the OTA
- # flashing process. The light is turned blue when the upgrade starts, the
- # brightness indicator will represent the update progress (fills up from 0%
- # to 100%), the light will flash red when the upgrade fails or green when the
- # upgrade succeeds.
- # You can safely remove these if you don't want the visual feedback.
- on_begin:
- then:
- - light.disco_on:
- id: my_light
- red: 0%
- green: 0%
- blue: 100%
- brightness: 2%
- transition_length: 0s
- on_progress:
- then:
- - front_panel.set_level: !lambda return (x / 100.0f);
- - front_panel.update_leds:
- on_end:
- then:
- - light.disco_on:
- id: my_light
- red: 0%
- green: 100%
- blue: 0%
- brightness: 2%
- transition_length: 0s
- on_error:
- then:
- - light.disco_on:
- id: my_light
- red: 100%
- green: 0%
- blue: 0%
- brightness: 2%
- - delay: 1s
- - light.disco_off:
- id: my_light
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Configuration specific for the Xiaomi Mijia Bedside Lamp 2.
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- esphome:
- name: ${name}
- # Retrieve the code for the xiaomi_bslamp2 platform from GitHub.
- external_components:
- - source:
- type: git
- url: https://github.com/mmakaay/esphome-xiaomi_bslamp2
- ref: main
- refresh: 60s
- # A special platform package is used for enabling unicore and disabling the
- # efuse mac crc check. These two changes are required for the ESP32-WROOM-32D
- # chip that is used in the lamp.
- esp32:
- board: esp32doit-devkit-v1
- framework:
- type: arduino
- platform_version: 3.3.2
- version: https://github.com/mmakaay/arduino-esp32-unicore-no-mac-crc#v1.0.6
- version_hint: 1.0.6
- # The I2C bus that is used for communicating to the front panel.
- i2c:
- id: front_panel_i2c
- sda: GPIO21
- scl: GPIO19
- scan: true
- # Outputs for driving the LEDs of the lamp.
- output:
- - platform: ledc
- id: output_red
- pin: GPIO13
- frequency: 3000
- - platform: ledc
- id: output_green
- pin: GPIO14
- frequency: 3000
- - platform: ledc
- id: output_blue
- pin: GPIO5
- frequency: 3000
- - platform: ledc
- id: output_white
- pin: GPIO12
- frequency: 10000
- - platform: gpio
- id: output_master1
- pin: GPIO33
- - platform: gpio
- id: output_master2
- pin: GPIO4
- mode: OUTPUT
- # The main configuration for the lamp. This sets up the two hardware
- # abstraction layers for the light and the front panel. These are
- # used by the other components.
- xiaomi_bslamp2:
- light:
- red: output_red
- green: output_green
- blue: output_blue
- white: output_white
- master1: output_master1
- master2: output_master2
- front_panel:
- i2c: front_panel_i2c
- address: 0x2C
- trigger_pin: GPIO16
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Configuration of the behaviors for the lamp.
- # This is just an example. You can of course modify it for your own needs.
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This component controls the LED lights of the lamp.
- light:
- - platform: xiaomi_bslamp2
- id: my_light
- name: ${friendly_name} RGBWW Light
- default_transition_length: ${transition_length}
- # When the brightness is changed, then update the level indicator
- # on the front panel accordingly. In night light mode, turn off
- # the front panel illumination.
- on_brightness:
- - if:
- condition:
- text_sensor.state:
- id: my_light_mode
- state: night
- then:
- - output.set_level:
- id: my_front_panel_illumination
- level: 0
- else:
- - output.set_level:
- id: my_front_panel_illumination
- level: !lambda return x;
- # You can use any effects that you like. These are just examples.
- effects:
- - random:
- name: "Slow Random"
- transition_length: 30s
- update_interval: 30s
- - random:
- name: "Fast Random"
- transition_length: 3s
- update_interval: 3s
- # You can define one or more groups of presets. These presets can
- # be activated using various "preset.activate" action options.
- # The presets can for example be used to mimic the behavior of the
- # original firmware (tapping the color button = go to next preset,
- # holding the color button = switch between RGB and white light mode).
- # These bindings have been setup below, using the binary_sensor for
- # the color button.
- presets:
- rgb:
- red: { red: 100%, green: 0%, blue: 0% }
- green: { red: 0%, green: 100%, blue: 0% }
- blue: { red: 0%, green: 0%, blue: 100% }
- yellow: { red: 100%, green: 100%, blue: 0% }
- purple: { red: 100%, green: 0%, blue: 100% }
- randomize: { effect: Fast Random }
- white:
- cold: { color_temperature: 153 mireds }
- chilly: { color_temperature: 275 mireds }
- luke: { color_temperature: 400 mireds }
- warm: { color_temperature: 588 mireds }
- # This text sensor propagates the currently active light mode.
- # The possible light modes are: "off", "rgb", "white" and "night".
- # By setting the name, the text_sensor will show up as an entity
- # for the lamp in Home Assistant.
- text_sensor:
- - platform: xiaomi_bslamp2
- name: ${friendly_name} Light Mode
- id: my_light_mode
- # This float output controls the front panel illumination + level indicator.
- # Value 0.0 turns off the illumination. Other values (up to 1.0) turn on
- # the illumination and set the level indicator to the requested level.
- output:
- - platform: xiaomi_bslamp2
- id: my_front_panel_illumination
- # Binary sensors can be created for handling front panel touch / release
- # events. To specify what part of the front panel to look at, the "for"
- # parameter can be set to: "POWER_BUTTON", "COLOR_BUTTON" or "SLIDER".
- binary_sensor:
- # When tapping the power button, toggle the light.
- # When holding the power button, turn on night light mode.
- - platform: xiaomi_bslamp2
- id: my_power_button
- on_multi_click:
- - timing:
- - ON for at most 0.8s
- then:
- - light.toggle: my_light
- - timing:
- - ON for at least 0.8s
- then:
- - light.turn_on:
- id: my_light
- brightness: 1%
- # When tapping the color button, acivate the next preset.
- # When holding the color button, activate the next preset group.
- - platform: xiaomi_bslamp2
- id: my_color_button
- on_multi_click:
- - timing:
- - ON for at most 0.6s
- then:
- - preset.activate:
- next: preset
- - timing:
- - ON for at least 0.6s
- then:
- - preset.activate:
- next: group
- # This sensor component publishes touch events for the front panel slider.
- # The published value represents the level at which the slider was touched.
- # By default, values range from 0.01 to 1.00 (in 20 steps). This range can
- # be modified using the "range_from" and "range_to" parameters.
- sensor:
- # When the slider is touched, update the brightness.
- # Brightness 0.01 initiates the light night mode, which has already
- # been handled above (by holding the power button). Therefore, brightness
- # starts from 0.02 here, to not trigger night mode using the slider.
- - platform: xiaomi_bslamp2
- id: my_slider_level
- range_from: 0.02
- on_value:
- then:
- - light.turn_on:
- id: my_light
- brightness: !lambda return x;